711 research outputs found

    Dealing with Interference in Distributed Large-scale MIMO Systems: A Statistical Approach

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    This paper considers the problem of interference control through the use of second-order statistics in massive MIMO multi-cell networks. We consider both the cases of co-located massive arrays and large-scale distributed antenna settings. We are interested in characterizing the low-rankness of users' channel covariance matrices, as such a property can be exploited towards improved channel estimation (so-called pilot decontamination) as well as interference rejection via spatial filtering. In previous work, it was shown that massive MIMO channel covariance matrices exhibit a useful finite rank property that can be modeled via the angular spread of multipath at a MIMO uniform linear array. This paper extends this result to more general settings including certain non-uniform arrays, and more surprisingly, to two dimensional distributed large scale arrays. In particular our model exhibits the dependence of the signal subspace's richness on the scattering radius around the user terminal, through a closed form expression. The applications of the low-rankness covariance property to channel estimation's denoising and low-complexity interference filtering are highlighted.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, to appear in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processin

    How to Differentiate between Near Field and Far Field: Revisiting the Rayleigh Distance

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    Future wireless communication systems are likely to adopt extremely large aperture arrays and millimeter-wave/sub-THz frequency bands to achieve higher throughput, lower latency, and higher energy efficiency. Conventional wireless systems predominantly operate in the far field (FF) of the radiation source of signals. As the array size increases and the carrier wavelength shrinks, however, the near field (NF) becomes non-negligible. Since the NF and FF differ in many aspects, it is essential to distinguish their corresponding regions. In this article, we first provide a comprehensive overview of the existing NF-FF boundaries, then introduce a novel NF-FF demarcation method based on effective degrees of freedom (EDoF) of the channel. Since EDoF is intimately related to spectral efficiency, the EDoF-based border is able to characterize key channel performance more accurately, as compared with the classic Rayleigh distance. Furthermore, we analyze the main features of the EDoF-based NF-FF boundary and provide insights into wireless system design

    Holographic Communication using Intelligent Surfaces

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    Holographic communication is intended as an holistic way to manipulate with unprecedented flexibility the electromagnetic field generated or sensed by an antenna. This is of particular interest when using large antennas at high frequency (e.g., the millimeter wave or terahertz), whose operating condition may easily fall in the Fresnel propagation region (radiating near-field), where the classical plane wave propagation assumption is no longer valid. This paper analyzes the optimal communication involving large intelligent surfaces, realized for example with metamaterials as possible enabling technology for holographic communication. It is shown that traditional propagation models must be revised and that, when exploiting spherical wave propagation in the Fresnel region with large surfaces, new opportunities are opened, for example, in terms of the number of orthogonal communication channels.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Comm. Magazin

    A Tutorial on Extremely Large-Scale MIMO for 6G: Fundamentals, Signal Processing, and Applications

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    Extremely large-scale multiple-input-multiple-output (XL-MIMO), which offers vast spatial degrees of freedom, has emerged as a potentially pivotal enabling technology for the sixth generation (6G) of wireless mobile networks. With its growing significance, both opportunities and challenges are concurrently manifesting. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of research on XL-MIMO wireless systems. In particular, we introduce four XL-MIMO hardware architectures: uniform linear array (ULA)-based XL-MIMO, uniform planar array (UPA)-based XL-MIMO utilizing either patch antennas or point antennas, and continuous aperture (CAP)-based XL-MIMO. We comprehensively analyze and discuss their characteristics and interrelationships. Following this, we examine exact and approximate near-field channel models for XL-MIMO. Given the distinct electromagnetic properties of near-field communications, we present a range of channel models to demonstrate the benefits of XL-MIMO. We further motivate and discuss low-complexity signal processing schemes to promote the practical implementation of XL-MIMO. Furthermore, we explore the interplay between XL-MIMO and other emergent 6G technologies. Finally, we outline several compelling research directions for future XL-MIMO wireless communication systems.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure

    Near-Field Communications: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Multiple-antenna technologies are evolving towards large-scale aperture sizes, extremely high frequencies, and innovative antenna types. This evolution is giving rise to the emergence of near-field communications (NFC) in future wireless systems. Considerable attention has been directed towards this cutting-edge technology due to its potential to enhance the capacity of wireless networks by introducing increased spatial degrees of freedom (DoFs) in the range domain. Within this context, a comprehensive review of the state of the art on NFC is presented, with a specific focus on its 1) fundamental operating principles, 2) channel modeling, 3) performance analysis, 4) signal processing, and 5) integration with other emerging technologies. Specifically, 1) the basic principles of NFC are characterized from both physics and communications perspectives, unveiling its unique properties in contrast to far-field communications. 2) Based on these principles, deterministic and stochastic near-field channel models are investigated for spatially-discrete (SPD) and continuous-aperture (CAP) antenna arrays. 3) Rooted in these models, existing contributions on near-field performance analysis are reviewed in terms of DoFs/effective DoFs (EDoFs), power scaling law, and transmission rate. 4) Existing signal processing techniques for NFC are systematically surveyed, encompassing channel estimation, beamforming design, and low-complexity beam training. 5) Major issues and research opportunities associated with the integration of NFC and other emerging technologies are identified to facilitate NFC applications in next-generation networks. Promising directions are highlighted throughout the paper to inspire future research endeavors in the realm of NFC.Comment: 56 pages, 23figures; submit for possible journa

    Achieving Large Multiplexing Gain in Distributed Antenna Systems via Cooperation with pCell Technology

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    In this paper we present pCellTM technology, the first commercial-grade wireless system that employs cooperation between distributed transceiver stations to create concurrent data links to multiple users in the same spectrum. First we analyze the per-user signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) employing a geometrical spatial channel model to define volumes in space of coherent signal around user antennas (or personal cells, i.e., pCells). Then we describe the system architecture consisting of a general-purpose-processor (GPP) based software-defined radio (SDR) wireless platform implementing a real-time LTE protocol stack to communicate with off-the-shelf LTE devices. Finally we present experimental results demonstrating up to 16 concurrent spatial channels for an aggregate average spectral efficiency of 59.3 bps/Hz in the downlink and 27.5 bps/Hz in the uplink, providing data rates of 200 Mbps downlink and 25 Mbps uplink in 5 MHz of TDD spectrum.Comment: IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Nov. 8-11th 2015, Pacific Grove, CA, US