767 research outputs found

    Fault detection analysis of building energy consumption using Data Mining techniques

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    This study describes three different data mining techniques for detecting abnormal lighting energy consumption using hourly recorded energy consumption and peak demand (maximum power) data. Two outliers' detection methods are applied to each class and cluster for detecting abnormal consumption in the same data set. In each class and cluster with anomalous consumption the amount of variation from normal is determined using modified standard scores. The study will be helpful for building energy management systems to reduce operating cost and time by not having to detect faults manually or diagnose false warnings. In addition, it will be useful for developing fault detection and diagnosis model for the whole building energy consumption

    Forecasting Recessions Under the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Law

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    The targeted deficit reductions of the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings (GRH) law are to be temporarily suspended in case of an official determination that real economic growth either (a) has been less than one percent in the two most recent reported quarters, or (b) is projected to be less than zero in any two consecutive quarters out the next six. This amounts to a particular definition of recession. But business cycles are best identified by the consensus of movements in the principal economic aggregates. Not all recessions are associated with real GNP declining or growing less than 1% for two successive quarters. Also, GNP estimates are subject to long sequences of revisions that are often large. We show that, for these reasons, conditioning a suspension of deficit cuts upon specific changes in preliminary data for real GNP involves very long lags in recognizing recessions. The recessions would be largely over before they were identified. We also show that forecasts of real GNP, based on the consensus among groups of professional forecasters, can reduce these lags considerably. This is so despite the fact that early and accurate predictions of business cycle peaks are rare, and false warnings occur.

    Supporting Attention Allocation in Multitask Environments : Effects of Likelihood Alarm Systems on Trust, Behavior, and Performance

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Objective: The aim of the current study was to investigate potential benefits of likelihood alarm systems (LASs) over binary alarm systems (BASs) in a multitask environment. Background: Several problems are associated with the use of BASs, because most of them generate high numbers of false alarms. Operators lose trust in the systems and ignore alarms or cross-check all of them when other information is available. The first behavior harms safety, whereas the latter one reduces productivity. LASs represent an alternative, which is supposed to improve operators’ attention allocation. Method: We investigated LASs and BASs in a dual-task paradigm with and without the possibility to cross-check alerts with raw data information. Participants’ trust in the system, their behavior, and their performance in the alert and the concurrent task were assessed. Results: Reported trust, compliance with alarms, and performance in the alert and the concurrent task were higher for the LAS than for the BAS. The cross-check option led to an increase in alert task performance for both systems and a decrease in concurrent task performance for the BAS, which did not occur in the LAS condition. Conclusion: LASs improve participants’ attention allocation between two different tasks and therefore lead to an increase in alert task and concurrent task performance. The performance maximum is achieved when LAS is combined with a cross-check option for validating alerts with additional information. Application: The use of LASs instead of BASs in safety-related multitask environments has the potential to increase safety and productivity likewise

    Scaling Bounded Model Checking By Transforming Programs With Arrays

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    Bounded Model Checking is one the most successful techniques for finding bugs in program. However, model checkers are resource hungry and are often unable to verify programs with loops iterating over large arrays.We present a transformation that enables bounded model checkers to verify a certain class of array properties. Our technique transforms an array-manipulating (ANSI-C) program to an array-free and loop-free (ANSI-C) program thereby reducing the resource requirements of a model checker significantly. Model checking of the transformed program using an off-the-shelf bounded model checker simulates the loop iterations efficiently. Thus, our transformed program is a sound abstraction of the original program and is also precise in a large number of cases - we formally characterize the class of programs for which it is guaranteed to be precise. We demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of our technique on both industry code as well as academic benchmarks

    Study of Different Aspects of Software Testing and Problem Analysis in Security Issues in Project Development

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    Software is a term, which referred information or program which is used by a computer. There is a rapidly growth in the software field so the software testing is becoming an important part in the field of software industry. Software testing is an important part in the software field, which is an ancient term used in this field. Software testing is used in the software field for determining the quality of the software. Automatic methods are used for ensuring the software correctness range from static techniques to dynamic technique. In static technique model checking or static analysis is used for checking the software. In these technique there has some strengths & some weaknesses like, model checking is automatic & exhaustive but has scalability issues. Static technique scales to very large program but gives to many false warnings

    False Warnings of Vehicles as a Modern Problem of Physical Therapy

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    Стаття містить відомості щодо особливостей вогнепальних поранень, клінічних проявів та патогенезу бойових поранень військовослужбовців, особливості локалізації поранення, їх вплив на боєздатність військових. Розкрито можливості фізичної терапії для військовослужбовців після вогнепальних поранень з метою збереження та відновлення фізичного стану та повернення зазначеного контингенту до професійної діяльності.The article contains information on the characteristics of gunshot wounds, clinical manifestations and pathogenesis of military wounds of servicemen, features of localization of the wound, their influence on the combat capability of the military. The possibilities of physical therapy for servicemen after gunshot wounds are disclosed in order to preserve and restore the physical condition and return the said contingent to professional activity