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    Semakin berkembangnya teknologi membuat masyarakat dapat mengakses berita dimanapun dan kapanpun melalui internet maupun media sosial. Namun, berita yang tersebar di internet seringkali mengandung fakta yang direkayasa untuk menyesatkan pembacanya yang disebut sebagai berita palsu (hoaks). Berita palsu dapat menyebar dengan cepat dikarenakan ketidaktahuan masyarakat dalam menyaring informasi yang didapat dan tidak sadar menyebarkan berita palsu kepada orang lain. Oleh karena itu, perlu dibuat sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu masyarakat untuk membedakan antara berita palsu dan berita fakta. Pendeteksi berita palsu telah banyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan berbagai metode deep learning murni tanpa bantuan model word embedding. Namun, penelitian ini membuat sistem pendeteksi berita palsu dengan menggunakan algoritma Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) serta menerapkan model Indobert sebagai model word embedding untuk data input yang digunakan. Dalam penerapannya, penelitian ini menggunakan dataset yang berisi 3309 data teks narasi berita hoaks dan non-hoaks berbahasa Indonesia yang dikumpulkan dari situs turnbackhoax.id dan beberapa portal berita terpercaya serta website kementerian Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga membuat antarmuka sederhana yang dapat diakses oleh masyarakat untuk melakukan klasifikasi berita. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan, model ini dapat memprediksi berita palsu dengan tingkat akurasi 94.2%, precision 0.943, recall 0.940, dan f-1 score 0.941 yang lebih baik daripada metode pembanding. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dikembangkan lagi untuk mendeteksi berita palsu pada berbagai platform media sosial. The technology development allows people to access news anywhere and anytime through the internet and social media. However, news spread on the internet often contains facts that are engineered to mislead readers, which is called fake news (hoax). Fake news can spread quickly due to people's ignorance in filtering the information obtained and unconsciously spreading fake news to others. Therefore, it is necessary to create a system that can help people to distinguish between fake news and factual news. Fake news detection has been done using various pure deep learning methods without the help of word embedding models. However, this research makes a fake news detection system using the Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) algorithm and applies the Indobert model as a word embedding model for the input data used. In its application, this research uses a dataset containing 3309 hoax and non-hoax news narrative text data in Indonesian language collected from the turnbackhoax.id website and several trusted news portals and Indonesian ministry websites. This research also creates a simple interface that can be accessed by the public to classify news. From the test results, this model can predict fake news with an accuracy rate of 94.2%, precision 0.943, recall 0.940, and f-1 score 0.941 which is better than the comparison method. The results of this study can be further developed to detect fake news on various social media platforms

    Fake News Identification and Classification Using DSSM and Improved Recurrent Neural Network Classifier

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    The widespread use of social media has enormous consequences for the society, culture and business with potentially positive and negative effects. As online social networks are increasingly used for dissemination of information, at the same they are also becoming a medium for the spread of fake news for various commercial and political purposes. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools offer great promise for researchers to build systems, which could automatically detect fake news. However, detecting fake news is a challenging task to accomplish as it requires models to summarize the news and compare it to the actual news in order to classify it as fake. This project proposes a framework that detects and classifies fake news messages using improved Recurrent Neural Networks and Deep Structured Semantic Model. The proposed approach intuitively identifies important features associated with fake news without previous domain knowledge while achieving accuracy 99%. The performance analysis method used for the proposed system is based on accuracy, specificity and sensitivity