9 research outputs found

    Fair Evaluation of Global Network Aligners

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    Biological network alignment identifies topologically and functionally conserved regions between networks of different species. It encompasses two algorithmic steps: node cost function (NCF), which measures similarities between nodes in different networks, and alignment strategy (AS), which uses these similarities to rapidly identify high-scoring alignments. Different methods use both different NCFs and different ASs. Thus, it is unclear whether the superiority of a method comes from its NCF, its AS, or both. We already showed on MI-GRAAL and IsoRankN that combining NCF of one method and AS of another method can lead to a new superior method. Here, we evaluate MI-GRAAL against newer GHOST to potentially further improve alignment quality. Also, we approach several important questions that have not been asked systematically thus far. First, we ask how much of the node similarity information in NCF should come from sequence data compared to topology data. Existing methods determine this more-less arbitrarily, which could affect the resulting alignment(s). Second, when topology is used in NCF, we ask how large the size of the neighborhoods of the compared nodes should be. Existing methods assume that larger neighborhood sizes are better. We find that MI-GRAAL's NCF is superior to GHOST's NCF, while the performance of the methods' ASs is data-dependent. Thus, the combination of MI-GRAAL's NCF and GHOST's AS could be a new superior method for certain data. Also, which amount of sequence information is used within NCF does not affect alignment quality, while the inclusion of topological information is crucial. Finally, larger neighborhood sizes are preferred, but often, it is the second largest size that is superior, and using this size would decrease computational complexity. Together, our results give several general recommendations for a fair evaluation of network alignment methods.Comment: 19 pages. 10 figures. Presented at the 2014 ISMB Conference, July 13-15, Boston, M

    Data-driven network alignment

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    Biological network alignment (NA) aims to find a node mapping between species' molecular networks that uncovers similar network regions, thus allowing for transfer of functional knowledge between the aligned nodes. However, current NA methods do not end up aligning functionally related nodes. A likely reason is that they assume it is topologically similar nodes that are functionally related. However, we show that this assumption does not hold well. So, a paradigm shift is needed with how the NA problem is approached. We redefine NA as a data-driven framework, TARA (daTA-dRiven network Alignment), which attempts to learn the relationship between topological relatedness and functional relatedness without assuming that topological relatedness corresponds to topological similarity, like traditional NA methods do. TARA trains a classifier to predict whether two nodes from different networks are functionally related based on their network topological patterns. We find that TARA is able to make accurate predictions. TARA then takes each pair of nodes that are predicted as related to be part of an alignment. Like traditional NA methods, TARA uses this alignment for the across-species transfer of functional knowledge. Clearly, TARA as currently implemented uses topological but not protein sequence information for this task. We find that TARA outperforms existing state-of-the-art NA methods that also use topological information, WAVE and SANA, and even outperforms or complements a state-of-the-art NA method that uses both topological and sequence information, PrimAlign. Hence, adding sequence information to TARA, which is our future work, is likely to further improve its performance

    Simultaneous Optimization of Both Node and Edge Conservation in Network Alignment via WAVE

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    Network alignment can be used to transfer functional knowledge between conserved regions of different networks. Typically, existing methods use a node cost function (NCF) to compute similarity between nodes in different networks and an alignment strategy (AS) to find high-scoring alignments with respect to the total NCF over all aligned nodes (or node conservation). But, they then evaluate quality of their alignments via some other measure that is different than the node conservation measure used to guide the alignment construction process. Typically, one measures the amount of conserved edges, but only after alignments are produced. Hence, a recent attempt aimed to directly maximize the amount of conserved edges while constructing alignments, which improved alignment accuracy. Here, we aim to directly maximize both node and edge conservation during alignment construction to further improve alignment accuracy. For this, we design a novel measure of edge conservation that (unlike existing measures that treat each conserved edge the same) weighs each conserved edge so that edges with highly NCF-similar end nodes are favored. As a result, we introduce a novel AS, Weighted Alignment VotEr (WAVE), which can optimize any measures of node and edge conservation, and which can be used with any NCF or combination of multiple NCFs. Using WAVE on top of established state-of-the-art NCFs leads to superior alignments compared to the existing methods that optimize only node conservation or only edge conservation or that treat each conserved edge the same. And while we evaluate WAVE in the computational biology domain, it is easily applicable in any domain.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure