3 research outputs found

    Alat Uji Data Tahan Mekanik dan Elektrik Untuk "Mobiya" Menggunakan PLC

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    Portable lights are electronic devices that can be used practically anywhere. They are manufactured to be sold to countries where access to electricity is difficult, such as countries in the African continent. One of these products is called "Mobiya", a rechargeable battery-powered portable lamp. The recharging process uses a DC power source with a Universal Serial Bus (USB) type power inlet. This article discusses the creation of a test tool to control the quality of Mobiya portable lamp production. The creation of this tool includes the process of designing, manufacturing, and testing. In addition, Preventive Maintenance is also presented in the form of statistical data processing to obtain the status and condition of the test equipment as a basis for maintenance. This study succeeded in creating a test tool capable of testing Mobiya portable lamps in accordance with production standards.Lampu portabel merupakan perangkat elektronik yang praktis digunakan di mana saja. Lampu ini diproduksi untuk dijual ke negara-negara yang sukar mendapatkan akses listrik, seperti negara-negara di kawasan benua Afrika. Salah satu produk ini diberi nama “Mobiya”, yaitu lampu portabel bertenaga baterai yang dapat diisi ulang. Proses pengisian ulang menggunakan sumber daya listrik DC dengan power inlet bertipe Universal Serial Bus (USB). Artikel ini membahas penciptaan alat uji untuk mengendalikan kualitas hasil produksi lampu portabel Mobiya. Penciptaan alat ini meliputi proses perancangan, pembuatan, dan pengujian. Selain itu, dipaparkan juga Preventive Maintenance berupa pengolahan data statistik guna mendapatkan status dan kondisi alat uji sebagai dasar melakukan perawatan. Studi ini berhasil menciptakan alat uji yang mampu melakukan pengujian terhadap lampu portabel Mobiya yang sesuai dengan standar produksi

    A preventive replacement policy for a system subject to bivariate generalized Polya failure process

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    Numerous studies on preventive maintenance of minimally repaired systems with statistically independent components have been reported in reliability literature. However, in practice, the repair can be worse-than-minimal and the components of a system can be statistically dependent. The existing literature does not cover this important in-practice setting. Therefore, our paper is the first to deal with these issues by modeling dependence in the bivariate set up when a system consists of two dependent parts. We employ the bivariate generalized Polya process to model the corresponding failure and repair process. Relevant stochastic properties of this process have been obtained in order to propose and further discuss the new optimal bivariate preventive maintenance policy with two decision parameters: age and operational history. Moreover, introducing these two parameters in the considered context is also a new feature of the study. Under the proposed policy, the long-run average cost rate is derived and the optimal replacement policies are investigated. Detailed numerical examples illustrate our findings and show the potential efficiency of the obtained results in practice

    Aplikasi Model Optimization Of Maintenance Cost On Reliability Centered Maintanance Using Pso Algorithm In Boiler Feedwater System Unit 3 Pt Pjb Up Gresik

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    PJB Gresik is the backbone of electricity in Java and Bali. It is important to keep the plant running. one of the important system is feedwater boiler systems. So it is important to analyze the reliability of the system to improve performance. Reliability analysis is one of the most widely used methods. In addition, reliability optimization is also one of the recommended options in improving reliability. The first step is study literature. The second is to identify the system and collect the data. Then analyze the quantitative and qualitative followed by the calculation of maintenance cost. Finally is doing the optimization by using PSO algorithm. After calculation, the result is at T= 2 sequence Rtotal in feedwater boiler system 0,569784 and the optimization result shows that PSO algorithm has saved the maintenance cost of 683.545,41inthecalculationof5yearsmaintenancecost.=============================================================================PJBGresikisthebackboneofelectricityinJavaandBali.Itisimportanttokeeptheplantrunning.oneoftheimportantsystemisfeedwaterboilersystems.Soitisimportanttoanalyzethereliabilityofthesystemtoimproveperformance.Reliabilityanalysisisoneofthemostwidelyusedmethods.Inaddition,reliabilityoptimizationisalsooneoftherecommendedoptionsinimprovingreliability.Thefirststepisstudyliterature.Thesecondistoidentifythesystemandcollectthedata.Thenanalyzethequantitativeandqualitativefollowedbythecalculationofmaintenancecost.FinallyisdoingtheoptimizationbyusingPSOalgorithm.Aftercalculation,theresultisatT=2sequenceRtotalinfeedwaterboilersystem0,569784andtheoptimizationresultshowsthatPSOalgorithmhassavedthemaintenancecostof683.545,41 in the calculation of 5 years maintenance cost. ============================================================================= PJB Gresik is the backbone of electricity in Java and Bali. It is important to keep the plant running. one of the important system is feedwater boiler systems. So it is important to analyze the reliability of the system to improve performance. Reliability analysis is one of the most widely used methods. In addition, reliability optimization is also one of the recommended options in improving reliability. The first step is study literature. The second is to identify the system and collect the data. Then analyze the quantitative and qualitative followed by the calculation of maintenance cost. Finally is doing the optimization by using PSO algorithm. After calculation, the result is at T= 2 sequence Rtotal in feedwater boiler system 0,569784 and the optimization result shows that PSO algorithm has saved the maintenance cost of 683.545,41 in the calculation of 5 years maintenance cost