4 research outputs found

    Design Concept for a Failover Mechanism in Distributed SDN Controllers

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    Software defined networking allows the separation of the control plane and data plane in networking. It provides scalability, programmability, and centralized control. It will use these traits to reach ubiquitous connectivity. Like all concepts software defined networking does not offer these advantages without a cost. By utilizing a centralized controller, a single point of failure is created. To address this issue, this paper proposes a distributed controller failover. This failover will provide a mechanism for recovery when controllers are not located in the same location. This failover mechanism is based on number of hops from orphan nodes to the controller in addition to the link connection. This mechanism was simulated in Long Term Evolution telecommunications architecture

    Multi-Path Alpha-Fair Resource Allocation at Scale in Distributed Software Defined Networks

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    The performance of computer networks relies on how bandwidth is shared among different flows. Fair resource allocation is a challenging problem particularly when the flows evolve over time. To address this issue, bandwidth sharing techniques that quickly react to the traffic fluctuations are of interest, especially in large scale settings with hundreds of nodes and thousands of flows. In this context, we propose a distributed algorithm based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) that tackles the multi-path fair resource allocation problem in a distributed SDN control architecture. Our ADMM-based algorithm continuously generates a sequence of resource allocation solutions converging to the fair allocation while always remaining feasible, a property that standard primal-dual decomposition methods often lack. Thanks to the distribution of all computer intensive operations, we demonstrate that we can handle large instances at scale

    Software Defined Networking (SDN): Etat de L'art

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    International audienceInternet a connu un énorme succès, Il est devenu un outil universel indispensable pour les entreprises et la plupart d’individus. Cependant, malgré leur adoption, les réseaux classiques sont complexes et difficiles à gérer. Une des raisons de cette difficulté réside dans l’architecture des réseaux actuels où le plan de contrôle et le plan de données sont intégrés verticalement dans chaque équipement réseau. SDN est un nouveau paradigme réseau, qui permet de simplifier la gestion et l’innovation dans le réseau, en séparant la logique de contrôle du réseau des équipements d’interconnexions ,en promouvant la centralisation du contrôle et la capacité de programmer le réseau. Dans cet article, nous présentons une vue générale sur SDN. Nous commençons par présenter SDN, son architecture, et ses interfaces de communications. Nous décrivons par la suite le protocole Openflow, son fonctionnement, et les principaux contrôleurs SDN. Nous examinons également les problèmes confrontées par SDN, en nous concentrant sur les principaux défis de plan de contrôle tels que la performance, la scalabilité, la sécurité, et la fiabilité, nous discutons ainsi, les solutions existantes afin de surmonter ces défis

    A Divide and Conquer with Semi-Global Failover for Software Defined Networks

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    Nowadays, many service providers need to provide many other functions than just a network connectivity. They also need to provide network functions such as network address translation, firewall, encryption, Domain Name Service (DNS), caching, routing and many other services. Usually these functions come with the hardware at the user or customer’s premises. This can increase the revenue of the revenue, but also can cost a lot and also be extremely difficult to maintain. Moreover, it is important to be able to configure the network and later modify the configuration to create fault tolerance and to prepare the system for future updates. In traditional network architecture, it is very difficult to do this since both the data plane and control plane are bound together inside every node in the network. To address this issue, SDN exists which decouples the data plane and the control plane. SDNs also create fault tolerance, but within SDN there are also different types of failure. In this thesis, a divide and conquer approach in the high-level architecture of SDN-based networks with a semi-global controller will be discussed in order to show a new layer of fault tolerance and a possible solution to controller and link failures in SDNs. The research will begin comparing the traditional networking with Software Defined Networking. Then looks at different fault domains in SDN. Next the solution playing on the high-level architecture of SDNs with a semi global controller will be defined. Also, some metrics and results against the prepared prototype will be analyzed and compared with other existing fault tolerance solutions