4 research outputs found

    Toward a Maturity Model for DSS Development Processes

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    Despite recent progress with Decision support systems (DSS) development methodologies, a gap still exist in terms of theability to assess the maturity of an organization with respect to its DSS development process. A need exist to be able todescribe DSS development processes at a meta-level. Equally important is the ability to provide organization withprescriptions to increase the maturity of their DSS development processes.In this paper, we propose a Decision Support System Maturity Model (DSS-MM). The model draws on extant literaturerelated to DSS development methodologies, practices and processes to identify pertinent DSS development practices anddefine maturity models for these practices. From a theoretical perspective, this research presents the first maturity modelspecifically targeting DSS development. From a practical perspective, the model provides a framework for organizations toassess their DSS development maturity level and devise process improvement initiatives to address any limitations withexisting practices

    Model based Design of Robust Framework Implementation for Process Improvement in IT Companies

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    This has been always a problem faced by Software Manufacturers to deliver an application before time with satisfactory quality, high performance and productivity. Due to this problem, the time for development gets shortened and organizations focus more on quality of the product, resulting in more pressure on the development team. Organizations focus on rapid productivity rather than focusing on standard productivity. These problems lead many projects on referent point. In Pakistan, 85% IT companies face many difficulties and challenges to improve their processes due to numerous reasons. The purpose of this research is to identity these problems and difficulties so that these challenges may be addressed. This research is the survey based analysis of Process Improvement Challenges, which are faced by small and “medium size IT companies in Pakistan”

    Mejora de procesos de software

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    La Ingenierí­a de Software tiene muchos temarios que abarcar, tales como requerimientos, modelamiento de datos, desarrollo de software, pruebas de software, calidad de software, etc. A través de estos procesos o temarios podemos mejorar  a los distintos procesos manuales que se presentan en las distintas empresas públicas y privadas en el Ecuador y el mundo entero. Además la tecnologí­a de desarrollo de software avanza a pasos agigantados pero nosotros como desarrolladores debemos ir acoplando las distintas herramientas que hay en el mercado, código abierto que es de mucha ayuda para cada uno de nosotros los Ingenieros en Software, existen distintos sitios web, libros, artí­culos los mismos que nos permitirán guiarnos y agrandar a las aplicaciones que se encuentran en producción, en otras palabras dar mantenimiento a los sistemas, agregar más requerimientos al sistema de acuerdo a las necesidades del cliente. Recordarles que en las áreas de las Tecnologí­as de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) de las instituciones hay tres ambientes: ambiente de desarrollo, ambiente de pruebas y ambiente de producción. Finalmente se detalla una explicación de cada uno de los ambientes. En el ambiente   de desarrollo cada uno de los programadores plasmamos los requisitos capturados, en este proceso todos los stakeholders dejamos claro lo que en realidad el sistema de debe hacer, en el ambiente de pruebas verificamos todas los posibles errores, procesos que no están funcionando correctamente, ahí­ vemos todos los errores que rebota el sistema, en el ambiente de producción el sistema se encuentra funcionando correctamente todos los procesos, el mismo que a medida que se va utilizando el sistema pueden aparecer nuevos requerimientos, ajustes, validaciones, etc. Se debe recordar que no hay un sistema cien por ciento terminado, siempre van a aparecer nuevos requerimientos

    Strategic Road-Mapping for Small-to-Medium Nonprofit Organizations

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    Long-term strategic planning is not typical among small-to-medium nonprofit organizations (SMNOs), since the focus is on tactical mission priorities and urgencies. This prioritization is due to limited resources and capabilities, although a strategic plan is still considered critical for the social nonprofit enterprise’s sustained viability. Road-mapping provides an operationalizable strategic planning methodology for nonprofits, especially SMNOs. This research develops a strategic roadmap (SRM) model based on a long-term strategy for such nonprofits. The roadmap includes swim-lanes representing multiple stakeholder perspectives and is used to identify the policies and procedures required to achieve the long-term vision. The perspectives covered are social, technical, economic, environmental, and political (STEEP). The strategic roadmap model is validated using expert judgments and by the case study of a children’s mental health nonprofit organization agency located in Southeastern Connecticut, USA. It is shown to be effective for the case study because it is a visual model and could be operationalized with tasks for the practitioners