6 research outputs found

    Alignment Framework in Enterprise Architecture Development

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    The challenge of business-IT alignment, the increasing complexity of organizations’ operations and supporting organization transformation are the main drivers for organizations to adopt Enterprise Architecture (EA) concept. Despite the rapid interest in the EA, organizations are facing challenge to realize organizational value out of it. This challenge can be rooted to the lack of the stakeholders needs and concerns consideration in the final developed architecture which result in low utilization or no acceptance of EA. The enterprise architects and the stakeholders are the main players in the development phase of EA. Literature highlighted the need of alignment framework that can support the enterprise architects to align the development of EA with the stakeholders’ expectations. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of academic studies that shed the light on the alignment between the enterprise architects and the stakeholders during the development of EA. Hence, the purpose of this study is to develop a framework that supports the alignment between the enterprise architects and the stakeholders in EA development to ensure a mutual understanding and agreement. The study is guided by the interpretive paradigm to address the research gap through the utilization of a qualitative methodology. The research is using the case study approach to build in-depth understanding of the relationship between the enterprise architects and stakeholders in EA development. The understanding from Multiple Perspectives Theory is used to develop the initial research model to provide initial guidance in data collection and analysis. Currently, the research is at the analysis stage of case study data. The developed framework is expected to support the practitioners in the EA development by uncovering the factors influencing the alignment between the enterprise architects and the stakeholders during the development process. Additionally, the study is building a comprehensive understanding on how the enterprise architects consider the stakeholders needs and concerns in the development of EA

    Research Perspective in Enterprise Architecture

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    The challenges of aligning IT with business triggered the attention towards Enterprise Architecture (EA). Despite the increase interest of academic scholars in EA, there is scarcity of studies that provide an up to date comprehensive research perspective view. The purpose of this study is to examine the research methodologies and theories utilized in EA studies from 2010 to 2016. The study employed Systematic Literature Review (SLR) as method to explore and analyze the literature of EA. The study revealed the research approaches and data collection methods utilized in EA. It shows that case study approach and interviews are the highly used compared to other research approaches and data collection instruments. Furthermore, it pointed out the low employment of theories in EA studies. The study is contributing to the body of knowledge by providing a foundation for novice researchers in the area of EA through detailed discussions of research methodologies and theories which are expected to support them in designing future studies

    Readiness assessment model in supporting enterprise architecture establishment for Malaysian public sector

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a strategic approach designed to align business strategy with ICT initiatives which has become part of the digital government transformation programme in most countries. The Malaysian Public Sector (MPS) has embraced EA as one of the pillars in their digital transformation initiative. However, findings from Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) in 2016 revealed that EA establishment in MPS is still at its infancy level due to the lack of EA readiness. Similarly, public sectors in other countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam and Oman are also struggling to resolve this issue. Until June 2020, only six (6) agencies in MPS have established EA compared to 25 agencies targeted by MAMPU. Thus, to address this issue, this research proposes an EA Readiness Assessment Model (EARAM) with the aim to assess readiness of MPS, support decision-making process, and plan strategies for EA establishment. This research has four (4) objectives. The first objective is the identification of EA readiness factors followed by the second objective which is the development of EARAM. The third objective is to validate the developed EARAM, while the fourth objective involved evaluation of EARAM. A sequential exploratory mixed method research design was employed to achieve these four (4) objectives. To achieve the first and second objectives, this research used a systematic review (SR) and interview with five (5) EA experts; while the third objective involved three rounds of modified Delphi technique with 13 EA experts. Finally, for the fourth objective, the researcher adopted a multiple case study method whereby three (3) agencies in MPS that are in the EA establishment stage were selected. The EARAM was formulated based on several inputs from SR, interview findings, as well as Information Technology and Information System (IT/IS) Readiness Maturity model. The overall results of three (3) cycles of Delphi technique yielded the conclusion that 45 statements of elements, factors and items in the questionnaires received high consensus of importance in which their Inter Quartile Range (IQR) is between zero (0), and one (1) and median is more than four (4). Results from the Delphi analysis validated four (4) major elements of EARAM, namely 1) Catalyst Enabler, 2) People, 3) Process and 4) Technology along with 14 factors and 45 items. The EA Readiness Assessment Tool (EARAT) is developed by incorporating EARAM validated elements and factors to provide practitioners with an automated tool to assess the EA readiness level of their organisation. The results of EARAT’s evaluation from three (3) agencies in MPS indicated a high level of agreement (with a median score of more than 4.00) that EARAT provides useful and quality information, supports decision making, as well as provides ease of use and user satisfaction to support EA establishment in MPS. In conclusion, this research contributed to the development of EARAM to assess readiness in MPS, supports decision-making process, and plan strategies for EA establishment. This research is also in line with EA Body of Knowledge (EABOK) related to the areas of Organisational Scope and Structure of EA, specifically focusing on the sub-areas of Organisational Need and Drivers


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    The development of Enterprise Architecture (EA) is facing several challenges. The highly referenced challenges in literature are related to enterprise architects and stakeholders. The enterprise architects and the stakeholders are the main actors in EA development. However, there are limited studies that cover the relationship of the enterprise architects and the stakeholders. The purpose of this paper is to identify the factors characterizing the engagement of enterprise architects and the stakeholders in EA development. The study used a systematic literature review (SLR) as a method to identify the factors and proposing an initial engagement model. The SLR revealed 12 factors that influence the engagement between the enterprise architect and the stakeholders. These factors are organized using the multiple perspective theory under three perspectives namely; technical, organizational and personal that comprise the initial engagement model. The study is contributing by shedding the light on the key aspects of engagement factors between the enterprise architects and the stakeholders in the development of EA. Furthermore, it is an initial step towards developing the engagement framework by comprehending these key aspects

    Gevinster og utfordringer ved virksomhetsarkitektur: en kvalitativ case-studie i NAV

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    Masteroppgave informasjonssystemer IS501 - Universitetet i Agder 2017Studien er utfĂžrt i en av Norges stĂžrste offentlige etater – NAV. Organisasjonen, med sitt ansvar for arbeids- og velferdsforvaltningen i Norge, har som et resultat av en ekstern utredning besluttet Ă„ satse pĂ„ virksomhetsarkitektur. FormĂ„let med satsingen er Ă„ kartlegge sammenhenger og avhengigheter mellom medarbeidernes kompetanse, arbeidsprosesser, tilgjengelig informasjon, IKT-systemer, ledelse og styring (Nav, 2016b), i hĂ„p om Ă„ skape bedre brukeropplevelser og levere bedre tjenester til sine brukere. I denne masterutredningen er det undersĂžkt hvilke potensielle gevinster en organisasjon kan oppnĂ„ ved en satsing pĂ„ virksomhetsarkitektur. For Ă„ undersĂžke dette, har vi utledet forskningsspĂžrsmĂ„let: «Hvilke potensielle gevinster kan oppnĂ„s ved en satsing pĂ„ virksomhetsarkitektur?». I denne sammenheng er det ogsĂ„ interessant Ă„ belyse hvilke utfordringer som kan oppstĂ„, og som stĂ„r i veien for at gevinstene kan oppnĂ„s. Av denne grunn utformet vi fĂžlgende underspĂžrsmĂ„l: «Hvilke utfordringer kan oppstĂ„ ved en satsing pĂ„ virksomhetsarkitektur?». For Ă„ besvare disse spĂžrsmĂ„lene har vi utfĂžrt en kvalitativ case-studie, basert pĂ„ 16 semi-strukturerte intervjuer med respondenter i den studerte organisasjonen. Respondentene har arbeidet pĂ„ fire forskjellige nivĂ„er i NAV, henholdsvis som direktĂžrer, seksjonsledere, prosjektleder og arkitekter. Med dette utvalget har vi fĂ„tt innspill pĂ„ gevinster og utfordringer, sett fra ulike perspektiver i organisasjonen. I tillegg har vi utfĂžrt en analyse av dokumentet «Virksomhetsarkitektur i NAV», som danner et fundament for virksomhetsarkitekturen i organisasjonen. Som et verktĂžy for Ă„ tolke studiens resultater er ny-institusjonell teori benyttet. Teorien tar utgangspunkt i hvordan en organisasjon reagerer og responderer pĂ„ regulative, normative og kognitive pĂ„virkninger i omgivelsene, som organisasjonen mĂ„ tilpasse seg for Ă„ anses som legitim (Jacobsen & Thorsvik, 2007). I denne sammenheng er det ogsĂ„ blitt sett pĂ„ hvordan en ny satsing pĂ„ virksomhetsarkitektur kan institusjonaliseres i organisasjonen. Vi har totalt funnet 12 gevinster og 16 utfordringer av satsingen pĂ„ virksomhets-arkitektur i den studerte organisasjonen. Flere av gevinstene har vist tegn til sterke sammenhenger, noe som ogsĂ„ er gjeldende for utfordringene. Av denne grunn er det trukket frem fem potensielle gevinster vi anser som mest sentrale av satsingen pĂ„ virksomhetsarkitektur. Videre har vi trukket frem fire hovedutfordringer som satsingen pĂ„ virksomhetsarkitektur stĂ„r overfor. Fra vĂ„re funn ser vi at hverken omfang eller gevinster av virksomhetsarkitektur er definert av organisasjonen. Oppgaven konkluderer med at den studerte organisasjonen mĂ„ fĂ„ bukt med utfordringene de stĂ„r overfor i denne sammenheng for Ă„ oppnĂ„ de potensielle gevinstene av satsingen. Samtidig bĂžr omfang og gevinster defineres for Ă„ Ăžke Gevinster â–Ș Felles forstĂ„else av organisasjonen â–Ș MĂ„lbilde â–Ș Redusert kompleksitet â–Ș Bedre beslutningstaking â–Ș Operasjonalisering av strategi Utfordringer â–Ș Interessekonflikter â–Ș Kommunikasjon â–Ș Manglende forankring og eierskap â–Ș Organisasjonsstruktur og profesjonalisering IV eierskapet til initiativet i organisasjonen, og dermed bidra til en instusjonalisering av virksomhetsarkitektur som satsing. Som et bidrag til praksis, viser studien hvilke organisatoriske gevinster og utfordringer virksomhetsarkitektur kan fĂžre til, spesielt i offentlig sektor. Videre kan den brukes som et grunnlag for Ă„ definere hvilke organisatoriske gevinster en organisasjon Ăžnsker Ă„ oppnĂ„ ved deres satsing pĂ„ virksomhetsarkitektur. Samtidig illustrerer studien ogsĂ„ viktigheten av institusjonalisering av virksomhetsarkitekturstyring i en organisasjon, som en kritisk faktor for god forankring og gevinstoppnĂ„else. I en teoretisk sammenheng kan studien bidra som en illustrativ case, i tillegg til Ă„ komplettere akademias forstĂ„else av virksomhetsarkitektur i offentlig sektor