88,830 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Graph Reasoning for Fact Checking over Texts and Tables

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    Fact checking aims to predict claim veracity by reasoning over multiple evidence pieces. It usually involves evidence retrieval and veracity reasoning. In this paper, we focus on the latter, reasoning over unstructured text and structured table information. Previous works have primarily relied on fine-tuning pretrained language models or training homogeneous-graph-based models. Despite their effectiveness, we argue that they fail to explore the rich semantic information underlying the evidence with different structures. To address this, we propose a novel word-level Heterogeneous-graph-based model for Fact Checking over unstructured and structured information, namely HeterFC. Our approach leverages a heterogeneous evidence graph, with words as nodes and thoughtfully designed edges representing different evidence properties. We perform information propagation via a relational graph neural network, facilitating interactions between claims and evidence. An attention-based method is utilized to integrate information, combined with a language model for generating predictions. We introduce a multitask loss function to account for potential inaccuracies in evidence retrieval. Comprehensive experiments on the large fact checking dataset FEVEROUS demonstrate the effectiveness of HeterFC. Code will be released at: https://github.com/Deno-V/HeterFC.Comment: Accepted by 38th Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, AAA

    FactLLaMA: Optimizing Instruction-Following Language Models with External Knowledge for Automated Fact-Checking

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    Automatic fact-checking plays a crucial role in combating the spread of misinformation. Large Language Models (LLMs) and Instruction-Following variants, such as InstructGPT and Alpaca, have shown remarkable performance in various natural language processing tasks. However, their knowledge may not always be up-to-date or sufficient, potentially leading to inaccuracies in fact-checking. To address this limitation, we propose combining the power of instruction-following language models with external evidence retrieval to enhance fact-checking performance. Our approach involves leveraging search engines to retrieve relevant evidence for a given input claim. This external evidence serves as valuable supplementary information to augment the knowledge of the pretrained language model. Then, we instruct-tune an open-sourced language model, called LLaMA, using this evidence, enabling it to predict the veracity of the input claim more accurately. To evaluate our method, we conducted experiments on two widely used fact-checking datasets: RAWFC and LIAR. The results demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in fact-checking tasks. By integrating external evidence, we bridge the gap between the model's knowledge and the most up-to-date and sufficient context available, leading to improved fact-checking outcomes. Our findings have implications for combating misinformation and promoting the dissemination of accurate information on online platforms. Our released materials are accessible at: https://thcheung.github.io/factllama.Comment: Accepted in APSIPA ASC 202

    RETA-LLM: A Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Model Toolkit

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    Although Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated extraordinary capabilities in many domains, they still have a tendency to hallucinate and generate fictitious responses to user requests. This problem can be alleviated by augmenting LLMs with information retrieval (IR) systems (also known as retrieval-augmented LLMs). Applying this strategy, LLMs can generate more factual texts in response to user input according to the relevant content retrieved by IR systems from external corpora as references. In addition, by incorporating external knowledge, retrieval-augmented LLMs can answer in-domain questions that cannot be answered by solely relying on the world knowledge stored in parameters. To support research in this area and facilitate the development of retrieval-augmented LLM systems, we develop RETA-LLM, a {RET}reival-{A}ugmented LLM toolkit. In RETA-LLM, we create a complete pipeline to help researchers and users build their customized in-domain LLM-based systems. Compared with previous retrieval-augmented LLM systems, RETA-LLM provides more plug-and-play modules to support better interaction between IR systems and LLMs, including {request rewriting, document retrieval, passage extraction, answer generation, and fact checking} modules. Our toolkit is publicly available at https://github.com/RUC-GSAI/YuLan-IR/tree/main/RETA-LLM.Comment: Technical Report for RETA-LL

    Comparing Knowledge Sources for Open-Domain Scientific Claim Verification

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    The increasing rate at which scientific knowledge is discovered and health claims shared online has highlighted the importance of developing efficient fact-checking systems for scientific claims. The usual setting for this task in the literature assumes that the documents containing the evidence for claims are already provided and annotated or contained in a limited corpus. This renders the systems unrealistic for real-world settings where knowledge sources with potentially millions of documents need to be queried to find relevant evidence. In this paper, we perform an array of experiments to test the performance of open-domain claim verification systems. We test the final verdict prediction of systems on four datasets of biomedical and health claims in different settings. While keeping the pipeline's evidence selection and verdict prediction parts constant, document retrieval is performed over three common knowledge sources (PubMed, Wikipedia, Google) and using two different information retrieval techniques. We show that PubMed works better with specialized biomedical claims, while Wikipedia is more suited for everyday health concerns. Likewise, BM25 excels in retrieval precision, while semantic search in recall of relevant evidence. We discuss the results, outline frequent retrieval patterns and challenges, and provide promising future directions.Comment: Accepted to EACL 202

    Automated Fact Checking in the News Room

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    Fact checking is an essential task in journalism; its importance has been highlighted due to recently increased concerns and efforts in combating misinformation. In this paper, we present an automated fact-checking platform which given a claim, it retrieves relevant textual evidence from a document collection, predicts whether each piece of evidence supports or refutes the claim, and returns a final verdict. We describe the architecture of the system and the user interface, focusing on the choices made to improve its user-friendliness and transparency. We conduct a user study of the fact-checking platform in a journalistic setting: we integrated it with a collection of news articles and provide an evaluation of the platform using feedback from journalists in their workflow. We found that the predictions of our platform were correct 58\% of the time, and 59\% of the returned evidence was relevant

    Large Language Models Help Humans Verify Truthfulness -- Except When They Are Convincingly Wrong

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly used for accessing information on the web. Their truthfulness and factuality are thus of great interest. To help users make the right decisions about the information they're getting, LLMs should not only provide but also help users fact-check information. In this paper, we conduct experiments with 80 crowdworkers in total to compare language models with search engines (information retrieval systems) at facilitating fact-checking by human users. We prompt LLMs to validate a given claim and provide corresponding explanations. Users reading LLM explanations are significantly more efficient than using search engines with similar accuracy. However, they tend to over-rely the LLMs when the explanation is wrong. To reduce over-reliance on LLMs, we ask LLMs to provide contrastive information - explain both why the claim is true and false, and then we present both sides of the explanation to users. This contrastive explanation mitigates users' over-reliance on LLMs, but cannot significantly outperform search engines. However, showing both search engine results and LLM explanations offers no complementary benefits as compared to search engines alone. Taken together, natural language explanations by LLMs may not be a reliable replacement for reading the retrieved passages yet, especially in high-stakes settings where over-relying on wrong AI explanations could lead to critical consequences.Comment: preprin

    Converting Instance Checking to Subsumption: A Rethink for Object Queries over Practical Ontologies

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    Efficiently querying Description Logic (DL) ontologies is becoming a vital task in various data-intensive DL applications. Considered as a basic service for answering object queries over DL ontologies, instance checking can be realized by using the most specific concept (MSC) method, which converts instance checking into subsumption problems. This method, however, loses its simplicity and efficiency when applied to large and complex ontologies, as it tends to generate very large MSC's that could lead to intractable reasoning. In this paper, we propose a revision to this MSC method for DL SHI, allowing it to generate much simpler and smaller concepts that are specific-enough to answer a given query. With independence between computed MSC's, scalability for query answering can also be achieved by distributing and parallelizing the computations. An empirical evaluation shows the efficacy of our revised MSC method and the significant efficiency achieved when using it for answering object queries