3,476 research outputs found

    3D Face Reconstruction by Learning from Synthetic Data

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    Fast and robust three-dimensional reconstruction of facial geometric structure from a single image is a challenging task with numerous applications. Here, we introduce a learning-based approach for reconstructing a three-dimensional face from a single image. Recent face recovery methods rely on accurate localization of key characteristic points. In contrast, the proposed approach is based on a Convolutional-Neural-Network (CNN) which extracts the face geometry directly from its image. Although such deep architectures outperform other models in complex computer vision problems, training them properly requires a large dataset of annotated examples. In the case of three-dimensional faces, currently, there are no large volume data sets, while acquiring such big-data is a tedious task. As an alternative, we propose to generate random, yet nearly photo-realistic, facial images for which the geometric form is known. The suggested model successfully recovers facial shapes from real images, even for faces with extreme expressions and under various lighting conditions.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this wor

    3D Face Reconstruction from Light Field Images: A Model-free Approach

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    Reconstructing 3D facial geometry from a single RGB image has recently instigated wide research interest. However, it is still an ill-posed problem and most methods rely on prior models hence undermining the accuracy of the recovered 3D faces. In this paper, we exploit the Epipolar Plane Images (EPI) obtained from light field cameras and learn CNN models that recover horizontal and vertical 3D facial curves from the respective horizontal and vertical EPIs. Our 3D face reconstruction network (FaceLFnet) comprises a densely connected architecture to learn accurate 3D facial curves from low resolution EPIs. To train the proposed FaceLFnets from scratch, we synthesize photo-realistic light field images from 3D facial scans. The curve by curve 3D face estimation approach allows the networks to learn from only 14K images of 80 identities, which still comprises over 11 Million EPIs/curves. The estimated facial curves are merged into a single pointcloud to which a surface is fitted to get the final 3D face. Our method is model-free, requires only a few training samples to learn FaceLFnet and can reconstruct 3D faces with high accuracy from single light field images under varying poses, expressions and lighting conditions. Comparison on the BU-3DFE and BU-4DFE datasets show that our method reduces reconstruction errors by over 20% compared to recent state of the art

    Self-supervised Multi-level Face Model Learning for Monocular Reconstruction at over 250 Hz

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    The reconstruction of dense 3D models of face geometry and appearance from a single image is highly challenging and ill-posed. To constrain the problem, many approaches rely on strong priors, such as parametric face models learned from limited 3D scan data. However, prior models restrict generalization of the true diversity in facial geometry, skin reflectance and illumination. To alleviate this problem, we present the first approach that jointly learns 1) a regressor for face shape, expression, reflectance and illumination on the basis of 2) a concurrently learned parametric face model. Our multi-level face model combines the advantage of 3D Morphable Models for regularization with the out-of-space generalization of a learned corrective space. We train end-to-end on in-the-wild images without dense annotations by fusing a convolutional encoder with a differentiable expert-designed renderer and a self-supervised training loss, both defined at multiple detail levels. Our approach compares favorably to the state-of-the-art in terms of reconstruction quality, better generalizes to real world faces, and runs at over 250 Hz.Comment: CVPR 2018 (Oral). Project webpage: https://gvv.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/FML

    Unfamiliar facial identity registration and recognition performance enhancement

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    The work in this thesis aims at studying the problems related to the robustness of a face recognition system where specific attention is given to the issues of handling the image variation complexity and inherent limited Unique Characteristic Information (UCI) within the scope of unfamiliar identity recognition environment. These issues will be the main themes in developing a mutual understanding of extraction and classification tasking strategies and are carried out as a two interdependent but related blocks of research work. Naturally, the complexity of the image variation problem is built up from factors including the viewing geometry, illumination, occlusion and other kind of intrinsic and extrinsic image variation. Ideally, the recognition performance will be increased whenever the variation is reduced and/or the UCI is increased. However, the variation reduction on 2D facial images may result in loss of important clues or UCI data for a particular face alternatively increasing the UCI may also increase the image variation. To reduce the lost of information, while reducing or compensating the variation complexity, a hybrid technique is proposed in this thesis. The technique is derived from three conventional approaches for the variation compensation and feature extraction tasks. In this first research block, transformation, modelling and compensation approaches are combined to deal with the variation complexity. The ultimate aim of this combination is to represent (transformation) the UCI without losing the important features by modelling and discard (compensation) and reduce the level of the variation complexity of a given face image. Experimental results have shown that discarding a certain obvious variation will enhance the desired information rather than sceptical in losing the interested UCI. The modelling and compensation stages will benefit both variation reduction and UCI enhancement. Colour, gray level and edge image information are used to manipulate the UCI which involve the analysis on the skin colour, facial texture and features measurement respectively. The Derivative Linear Binary transformation (DLBT) technique is proposed for the features measurement consistency. Prior knowledge of input image with symmetrical properties, the informative region and consistency of some features will be fully utilized in preserving the UCI feature information. As a result, the similarity and dissimilarity representation for identity parameters or classes are obtained from the selected UCI representation which involves the derivative features size and distance measurement, facial texture and skin colour. These are mainly used to accommodate the strategy of unfamiliar identity classification in the second block of the research work. Since all faces share similar structure, classification technique should be able to increase the similarities within the class while increase the dissimilarity between the classes. Furthermore, a smaller class will result on less burden on the identification or recognition processes. The proposed method or collateral classification strategy of identity representation introduced in this thesis is by manipulating the availability of the collateral UCI for classifying the identity parameters of regional appearance, gender and age classes. In this regard, the registration of collateral UCI s have been made in such a way to collect more identity information. As a result, the performance of unfamiliar identity recognition positively is upgraded with respect to the special UCI for the class recognition and possibly with the small size of the class. The experiment was done using data from our developed database and open database comprising three different regional appearances, two different age groups and two different genders and is incorporated with pose and illumination image variations

    Aspects of Facial Contrast Decrease with Age and Are Cues for Age Perception

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    Age is a primary social dimension. We behave differently toward people as a function of how old we perceive them to be. Age perception relies on cues that are correlated with age, such as wrinkles. Here we report that aspects of facial contrast–the contrast between facial features and the surrounding skin–decreased with age in a large sample of adult Caucasian females. These same aspects of facial contrast were also significantly correlated with the perceived age of the faces. Individual faces were perceived as younger when these aspects of facial contrast were artificially increased, but older when these aspects of facial contrast were artificially decreased. These findings show that facial contrast plays a role in age perception, and that faces with greater facial contrast look younger. Because facial contrast is increased by typical cosmetics use, we infer that cosmetics function in part by making the face appear younger

    Age invariant face recognition system using automated voronoi diagram segmentation

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    One of the challenges in automatic face recognition is to achieve sequential face invariant. This is a challenging task because the human face undergoes many changes as a person grows older. In this study we will be focusing on age invariant features of a human face. The goal of this study is to investigate the face age invariant features that can be used for face matching, secondly is to come out with a prototype of matching scheme that is robust to the changes of facial aging and finally to evaluate the proposed prototype with the other similar prototype. The proposed approach is based on automated image segmentation using Voronoi Diagram (VD) and Delaunay Triangulations (DT). Later from the detected face region, the eyes will be detected using template matching together with DT. The outcomes, which are list of five coordinates, will be used to calculate interest distance in human faces. Later ratios between those distances are formulated. Difference vector will be use in the proposed method in order to perform face recognition steps. Datasets used for this research is selected images from FG-NET Aging Database and BioID Face Database, which is widely being used for image based face aging analysis; consist of 15 sample images taken from 5 different person. The selection is based on the project scopes and difference ages. The result shows that 11 images are successfully recognized. It shows an increase to 73.34% compared to other recent methods
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