6,143 research outputs found

    Review of Face Detection Systems Based Artificial Neural Networks Algorithms

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    Face detection is one of the most relevant applications of image processing and biometric systems. Artificial neural networks (ANN) have been used in the field of image processing and pattern recognition. There is lack of literature surveys which give overview about the studies and researches related to the using of ANN in face detection. Therefore, this research includes a general review of face detection studies and systems which based on different ANN approaches and algorithms. The strengths and limitations of these literature studies and systems were included also.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, IJMA Journa

    Multimodal person recognition for human-vehicle interaction

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    Next-generation vehicles will undoubtedly feature biometric person recognition as part of an effort to improve the driving experience. Today's technology prevents such systems from operating satisfactorily under adverse conditions. A proposed framework for achieving person recognition successfully combines different biometric modalities, borne out in two case studies

    Fitting 3D Morphable Models using Local Features

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    In this paper, we propose a novel fitting method that uses local image features to fit a 3D Morphable Model to 2D images. To overcome the obstacle of optimising a cost function that contains a non-differentiable feature extraction operator, we use a learning-based cascaded regression method that learns the gradient direction from data. The method allows to simultaneously solve for shape and pose parameters. Our method is thoroughly evaluated on Morphable Model generated data and first results on real data are presented. Compared to traditional fitting methods, which use simple raw features like pixel colour or edge maps, local features have been shown to be much more robust against variations in imaging conditions. Our approach is unique in that we are the first to use local features to fit a Morphable Model. Because of the speed of our method, it is applicable for realtime applications. Our cascaded regression framework is available as an open source library (https://github.com/patrikhuber).Comment: Submitted to ICIP 2015; 4 pages, 4 figure

    A Deep Pyramid Deformable Part Model for Face Detection

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    We present a face detection algorithm based on Deformable Part Models and deep pyramidal features. The proposed method called DP2MFD is able to detect faces of various sizes and poses in unconstrained conditions. It reduces the gap in training and testing of DPM on deep features by adding a normalization layer to the deep convolutional neural network (CNN). Extensive experiments on four publicly available unconstrained face detection datasets show that our method is able to capture the meaningful structure of faces and performs significantly better than many competitive face detection algorithms

    Novel methods for real-time 3D facial recognition

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    In this paper we discuss our approach to real-time 3D face recognition. We argue the need for real time operation in a realistic scenario and highlight the required pre- and post-processing operations for effective 3D facial recognition. We focus attention to some operations including face and eye detection, and fast post-processing operations such as hole filling, mesh smoothing and noise removal. We consider strategies for hole filling such as bilinear and polynomial interpolation and Laplace and conclude that bilinear interpolation is preferred. Gaussian and moving average smoothing strategies are compared and it is shown that moving average can have the edge over Gaussian smoothing. The regions around the eyes normally carry a considerable amount of noise and strategies for replacing the eyeball with a spherical surface and the use of an elliptical mask in conjunction with hole filling are compared. Results show that the elliptical mask with hole filling works well on face models and it is simpler to implement. Finally performance issues are considered and the system has demonstrated to be able to perform real-time 3D face recognition in just over 1s 200ms per face model for a small database

    Group-level Emotion Recognition using Transfer Learning from Face Identification

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    In this paper, we describe our algorithmic approach, which was used for submissions in the fifth Emotion Recognition in the Wild (EmotiW 2017) group-level emotion recognition sub-challenge. We extracted feature vectors of detected faces using the Convolutional Neural Network trained for face identification task, rather than traditional pre-training on emotion recognition problems. In the final pipeline an ensemble of Random Forest classifiers was learned to predict emotion score using available training set. In case when the faces have not been detected, one member of our ensemble extracts features from the whole image. During our experimental study, the proposed approach showed the lowest error rate when compared to other explored techniques. In particular, we achieved 75.4% accuracy on the validation data, which is 20% higher than the handcrafted feature-based baseline. The source code using Keras framework is publicly available.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication at ICMI17 (EmotiW Grand Challenge

    Time-Efficient Hybrid Approach for Facial Expression Recognition

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    Facial expression recognition is an emerging research area for improving human and computer interaction. This research plays a significant role in the field of social communication, commercial enterprise, law enforcement, and other computer interactions. In this paper, we propose a time-efficient hybrid design for facial expression recognition, combining image pre-processing steps and different Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) structures providing better accuracy and greatly improved training time. We are predicting seven basic emotions of human faces: sadness, happiness, disgust, anger, fear, surprise and neutral. The model performs well regarding challenging facial expression recognition where the emotion expressed could be one of several due to their quite similar facial characteristics such as anger, disgust, and sadness. The experiment to test the model was conducted across multiple databases and different facial orientations, and to the best of our knowledge, the model provided an accuracy of about 89.58% for KDEF dataset, 100% accuracy for JAFFE dataset and 71.975% accuracy for combined (KDEF + JAFFE + SFEW) dataset across these different scenarios. Performance evaluation was done by cross-validation techniques to avoid bias towards a specific set of images from a database