5,134 research outputs found

    Facial Asymmetry Analysis Based on 3-D Dynamic Scans

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    Facial dysfunction is a fundamental symptom which often relates to many neurological illnesses, such as stroke, Bell’s palsy, Parkinson’s disease, etc. The current methods for detecting and assessing facial dysfunctions mainly rely on the trained practitioners which have significant limitations as they are often subjective. This paper presents a computer-based methodology of facial asymmetry analysis which aims for automatically detecting facial dysfunctions. The method is based on dynamic 3-D scans of human faces. The preliminary evaluation results testing on facial sequences from Hi4D-ADSIP database suggest that the proposed method is able to assist in the quantification and diagnosis of facial dysfunctions for neurological patients

    The analysis of facial beauty: an emerging area of research in pattern analysis

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    Much research presented recently supports the idea that the human perception of attractiveness is data-driven and largely irrespective of the perceiver. This suggests using pattern analysis techniques for beauty analysis. Several scientific papers on this subject are appearing in image processing, computer vision and pattern analysis contexts, or use techniques of these areas. In this paper, we will survey the recent studies on automatic analysis of facial beauty, and discuss research lines and practical application

    Multilinear Wavelets: A Statistical Shape Space for Human Faces

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    We present a statistical model for 33D human faces in varying expression, which decomposes the surface of the face using a wavelet transform, and learns many localized, decorrelated multilinear models on the resulting coefficients. Using this model we are able to reconstruct faces from noisy and occluded 33D face scans, and facial motion sequences. Accurate reconstruction of face shape is important for applications such as tele-presence and gaming. The localized and multi-scale nature of our model allows for recovery of fine-scale detail while retaining robustness to severe noise and occlusion, and is computationally efficient and scalable. We validate these properties experimentally on challenging data in the form of static scans and motion sequences. We show that in comparison to a global multilinear model, our model better preserves fine detail and is computationally faster, while in comparison to a localized PCA model, our model better handles variation in expression, is faster, and allows us to fix identity parameters for a given subject.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures; accepted to ECCV 201

    3-D Face Analysis and Identification Based on Statistical Shape Modelling

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    This paper presents an effective method of statistical shape representation for automatic face analysis and identification in 3-D. The method combines statistical shape modelling techniques and the non-rigid deformation matching scheme. This work is distinguished by three key contributions. The first is the introduction of a new 3-D shape registration method using hierarchical landmark detection and multilevel B-spline warping technique, which allows accurate dense correspondence search for statistical model construction. The second is the shape representation approach, based on Laplacian Eigenmap, which provides a nonlinear submanifold that links underlying structure of facial data. The third contribution is a hybrid method for matching the statistical model and test dataset which controls the levels of the model’s deformation at different matching stages and so increases chance of the successful matching. The proposed method is tested on the public database, BU-3DFE. Results indicate that it can achieve extremely high verification rates in a series of tests, thus providing real-world practicality

    3D Face Reconstruction from Light Field Images: A Model-free Approach

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    Reconstructing 3D facial geometry from a single RGB image has recently instigated wide research interest. However, it is still an ill-posed problem and most methods rely on prior models hence undermining the accuracy of the recovered 3D faces. In this paper, we exploit the Epipolar Plane Images (EPI) obtained from light field cameras and learn CNN models that recover horizontal and vertical 3D facial curves from the respective horizontal and vertical EPIs. Our 3D face reconstruction network (FaceLFnet) comprises a densely connected architecture to learn accurate 3D facial curves from low resolution EPIs. To train the proposed FaceLFnets from scratch, we synthesize photo-realistic light field images from 3D facial scans. The curve by curve 3D face estimation approach allows the networks to learn from only 14K images of 80 identities, which still comprises over 11 Million EPIs/curves. The estimated facial curves are merged into a single pointcloud to which a surface is fitted to get the final 3D face. Our method is model-free, requires only a few training samples to learn FaceLFnet and can reconstruct 3D faces with high accuracy from single light field images under varying poses, expressions and lighting conditions. Comparison on the BU-3DFE and BU-4DFE datasets show that our method reduces reconstruction errors by over 20% compared to recent state of the art

    Combined soft and skeletal tissue modelling of normal and dysmorphic midface postnatal development

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    BACKGROUND: Midface hypoplasia as exemplified by Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS) can impair appearance and function. Reconstruction involves multiple invasive surgeries with variable long-term outcomes. This study aims to describe normal and dysmorphic midface postnatal development through combined modelling of skeletal and soft tissues and to develop a surgical evaluation tool. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Midface skeletal and soft tissue surfaces were extracted from computed tomography scans of 52 control and 14 TCS children, then analysed using dense surface modelling. The model was used to describe midface growth, morphology, and asymmetry, then evaluate postoperative outcomes. RESULTS: Parameters responsible for the greatest variation in midface size and shape showed differences between TCS and controls with close alignment between skeletal and soft tissue models. TCS children exhibited midface dysmorphology and hypoplasia when compared with controls. Asymmetry was also significantly higher in TCS midfaces. Combined modelling was used to evaluate the impact of surgery in one TCS individual who showed normalisation immediately after surgery but reversion towards TCS dysmorphology after 1 year. CONCLUSION: This is the first quantitative analysis of postnatal midface development using combined modelling of skeletal and soft tissues. We also provide an approach for evaluation of surgical outcomes, laying the foundations for future development of a preoperative planning tool

    The Validation of an Innovative Method for 3D Capture and Analysis of the Nasolabial Region in Cleft Cases

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    Objective: To validate a newly developed method for capturing three-dimensional (3D) images of the nasolabial region for assessing upper lip scarring and asymmetry in surgically managed unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) cases. Design: Validation study, single cohort. Materials and Methods: Eighteen surgically managed UCLP cases were recruited, the nasolabial region of each face was scanned using an intraoral scanner (IOS) to produce 3D images. The images were manually segmented to allow the calculation of surface area of the scar and upper lip asymmetry. Five professionals and five lay assessors subjectively evaluated the same images and graded the upper lip scarring and asymmetry at two separate occasions. The relationship between the subjective and objective assessments was evaluated. Results: Moderate correlation was found between subjective and objective evaluations of the upper lip scarring and total asymmetry. The captured 3D images were of good quality for the objective measurements of lip asymmetry and residual scarring. Moderate to strong correlations were detected between the two panels (T ranging between 0.5 and 0.9) with no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the mean score of the subjectively evaluated parameters. Conclusion: The IOS is a useful tool for the capture of the nasolabial morphology. The captured 3D images are a reliable source for measuring lip asymmetry and scar surface area. The method has sufficient validity for routine clinical use and for objective outcome measures of the surgical repair of cleft lip

    Computer analysis of face beauty: a survey

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    The human face conveys to other human beings, and potentially to computer systems, information such as identity, intentions, emotional and health states, attractiveness, age, gender and ethnicity. In most cases analyzing this information involves the computer science as well as the human and medical sciences. The most studied multidisciplinary problems are analyzing emotions, estimating age and modeling aging effects. An emerging area is the analysis of human attractiveness. The purpose of this paper is to survey recent research on the computer analysis of human beauty. First we present results in human sciences and medicine pointing to a largely shared and data-driven perception of attractiveness, which is a rationale of computer beauty analysis. After discussing practical application areas, we survey current studies on the automatic analysis of facial attractiveness aimed at: i) relating attractiveness to particular facial features; ii) assessing attractiveness automatically; iii) improving the attractiveness of 2D or 3D face images. Finally we discuss open problems and possible lines of research

    Increased facial asymmetry in focal epilepsies associated with unilateral lesions

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    The epilepsies are now conceptualized as network disruptions: focal epilepsies are considered to have network alterations in the hemisphere of seizure onset, whilst generalized epilepsies are considered to have bi-hemispheric network changes. Increasingly, many epilepsies are also considered to be neurodevelopmental disorders, with early changes in the brain underpinning seizure biology. The development of the structure of the face is influenced by complex molecular interactions between surface ectoderm and underlying developing forebrain and neural crest cells. This influence is likely to continue postnatally, given the evidence of facial growth changes over time in humans until at least 18 years of age. In this case–control study, we hypothesized that people with lateralized focal epilepsies (i.e. unilateral network changes) have an increased degree of facial asymmetry, compared with people with generalized epilepsies or controls without epilepsy. We applied three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry and dense surface models to evaluate facial asymmetry in people with epilepsy, aiming to generate new tools to explore pathophysiological mechanisms in epilepsy. We analysed neuroimaging data to explore the correlation between face and brain asymmetry. We consecutively recruited 859 people with epilepsy attending the epilepsy clinics at a tertiary referral centre. We used dense surface modelling of the full face and signature analyses of three-dimensional facial photographs to analyse facial differences between 378 cases and 205 healthy controls. Neuroimaging around the time of the facial photograph was available for 234 cases. We computed the brain asymmetry index between contralateral regions. Cases with focal symptomatic epilepsy associated with unilateral lesions showed greater facial asymmetry compared to controls (P = 0.0001, two-sample t-test). This finding was confirmed by linear regression analysis after controlling for age and gender. We also found a significant correlation between duration of illness and the brain asymmetry index of total average cortical thickness (r = −0.19, P = 0.0075) but not for total average surface area (r = 0.06, P = 0.3968). There was no significant correlation between facial asymmetry and asymmetry of regional cortical thickness or surface area. We propose that the greater facial asymmetry in cases with focal epilepsy caused by unilateral abnormality might be explained by early unilateral network disruption, and that this is independent of underlying brain asymmetry. Three-dimensional stereophotogrammetry and dense surface modelling are a novel powerful phenotyping tool in epilepsy that may permit greater understanding of pathophysiology in epilepsy, and generate further insights into the development of cerebral networks underlying epilepsy, and the genetics of facial and neural development

    3D mandibular superimposition: Comparison of regions of reference for voxel-based registration

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    The aim was to evaluate three regions of reference (Björk, Modified Björk and mandibular Body) for mandibular registration testing them in a patients' CBCT sample.Mandibular 3D volumetric label maps were built from CBCTs taken before (T1) and after treatment (T2) in a sample of 16 growing subjects and labeled with eight landmarks. Registrations of T1 and T2 images relative to the different regions of reference were performed, and 3D surface models were generated. Seven mandibular dimensions were measured separately for each time-point (T1 and T2) in relation to a stable reference structure (lingual cortical of symphysis), and the T2-T1 differences were calculated. These differences were compared to differences measured between the superimposed T2 (generated from different regions of reference: Björk, Modified Björk and Mandibular Body) over T1 surface models. ICC and the Bland-Altman method tested the agreement of the changes obtained by nonsuperimposition measurements from the patients' sample, and changes between the overlapped surfaces after registration using the different regions of reference.The Björk region of reference (or mask) did work properly only in 2 of 16 patients. Evaluating the two other masks (Modified Björk and Mandibular body) on patients' scans registration, the concordance and agreement of the changes obtained from superimpositions (registered T2 over T1) compared to results obtained from non superimposed T1 and T2 separately, indicated that Mandibular Body mask displayed more consistent results.The mandibular body mask (mandible without teeth, alveolar bone, rami and condyles) is a reliable reference for 3D regional registration