2,576 research outputs found

    Face tracking using a hyperbolic catadioptric omnidirectional system

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    In the first part of this paper, we present a brief review on catadioptric omnidirectional systems. The special case of the hyperbolic omnidirectional system is analysed in depth. The literature shows that a hyperboloidal mirror has two clear advantages over alternative geometries. Firstly, a hyperboloidal mirror has a single projection centre [1]. Secondly, the image resolution is uniformly distributed along the mirror’s radius [2]. In the second part of this paper we show empirical results for the detection and tracking of faces from the omnidirectional images using Viola-Jones method. Both panoramic and perspective projections, extracted from the omnidirectional image, were used for that purpose. The omnidirectional image size was 480x480 pixels, in greyscale. The tracking method used regions of interest (ROIs) set as the result of the detections of faces from a panoramic projection of the image. In order to avoid losing or duplicating detections, the panoramic projection was extended horizontally. Duplications were eliminated based on the ROIs established by previous detections. After a confirmed detection, faces were tracked from perspective projections (which are called virtual cameras), each one associated with a particular face. The zoom, pan and tilt of each virtual camera was determined by the ROIs previously computed on the panoramic image. The results show that, when using a careful combination of the two projections, good frame rates can be achieved in the task of tracking faces reliably

    Long Range Automated Persistent Surveillance

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    This dissertation addresses long range automated persistent surveillance with focus on three topics: sensor planning, size preserving tracking, and high magnification imaging. field of view should be reserved so that camera handoff can be executed successfully before the object of interest becomes unidentifiable or untraceable. We design a sensor planning algorithm that not only maximizes coverage but also ensures uniform and sufficient overlapped camera’s field of view for an optimal handoff success rate. This algorithm works for environments with multiple dynamic targets using different types of cameras. Significantly improved handoff success rates are illustrated via experiments using floor plans of various scales. Size preserving tracking automatically adjusts the camera’s zoom for a consistent view of the object of interest. Target scale estimation is carried out based on the paraperspective projection model which compensates for the center offset and considers system latency and tracking errors. A computationally efficient foreground segmentation strategy, 3D affine shapes, is proposed. The 3D affine shapes feature direct and real-time implementation and improved flexibility in accommodating the target’s 3D motion, including off-plane rotations. The effectiveness of the scale estimation and foreground segmentation algorithms is validated via both offline and real-time tracking of pedestrians at various resolution levels. Face image quality assessment and enhancement compensate for the performance degradations in face recognition rates caused by high system magnifications and long observation distances. A class of adaptive sharpness measures is proposed to evaluate and predict this degradation. A wavelet based enhancement algorithm with automated frame selection is developed and proves efficient by a considerably elevated face recognition rate for severely blurred long range face images

    Converting a DJI Tello Quadcopter into a Face-follower Machine Using the Haar Cascade with PID Controller

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    Drones have been frequently used for photography in recent years at significantly cheaper rates. However, the most modern drones are exceedingly error-prone and require precise manual control to take high-quality photos or films. We suggest using the AI method of Haar cascades with a PID controller to give drones vision, enabling them to do autonomous tracking and detection. This project aims to improve photography fields. The proposed system tries to detect the face and track the person's movements. This system will help photographers and journalists upgrade their work, even if it is used in surveillance and the military. The algorithm's results show that the DJI Tello tiny drone's camera is capable of detecting and tracking faces. The micro drone was picked since it is lightweight and compact, making its use safe and enabling testing to take place inside. Additionally, the DJI Tello may be easily programmed using Python. The position of the drone is contrasted with the set point in the center of the image to identify errors, allowing control signals for calculating forward/backwards, right/left, and yaw movements. The proposed system results show that the drone can detect and track the face very well, and the PID values are stable

    Face Detection & Recognition based on Fusion of Omnidirectional & PTZ Vision Sensors and Heteregenous Database

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    International audienceLarge field of view with high resolution has always been sought-after for Mobile Robotic Authentication. So the Vision System proposed here is composed of a catadioptric sensor for full range monitoring and a Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) camera together forming an innovative sensor, able to detect and track any moving objects at a higher zoom level. In our application, the catadioptric sensor is calibrated and used to detect and track Regions Of Iinterest (ROIs) within its 360 degree Field Of View (FOV), especially face regions. Using a joint calibration strategy, the PTZ camera parameters are automatically adjusted by the system in order to detect and track the face ROI within a higher resolution and project the same in faces-pace for recognition via Eigenface algorithm. Face recognition is one important task in Nomad Biometric Authentication (NOBA 1) project. However, as many other face databases, it will easily produce the Small Sample Size (SSS) problem in some applications with NOBA data. Thus this journal uses the compressed sensing (CS) algorithm to solve the SSS problem in NOBA face database. Some experiments can prove the feasibility and validity of this solution. The whole development has been partially validated by application to the Face recognition using our own database NOBA
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