77 research outputs found

    Face liveness detection by exploring multiple scenic clues

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    Abstract—Liveness detection is an indispensable guarantee for reliable face recognition, which has recently received enormous attention. In this paper we propose three scenic clues, which are non-rigid motion, face-background consistency and imaging banding effect, to conduct accurate and efficient face liveness detection. Non-rigid motion clue indicates the facial motions that a genuine face can exhibit such as blink, and a low rank matrix decomposition based image alignment approach is designed to extract this non-rigid motion. Face-background consistency clue believes that the motion of face and background has high consistency for fake facial photos while low consistency for genuine faces, and this consistency can serve as an efficient liveness clue which is explored by GMM based motion detec-tion method. Image banding effect reflects the imaging quality defects introduced in the fake face reproduction, which can be detected by wavelet decomposition. By fusing these three clues, we thoroughly explore sufficient clues for liveness detection. The proposed face liveness detection method achieves 100 % accuracy on Idiap print-attack database and the best performance on self collected face antispoofing database. I

    Fusion of Multiple Biometric For Photo-Attack Detection in Face Recognition Systems

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    A spoofing attack is a situation in which one person successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data and gaining illegitimate access. Spoofing attacks are of several types such as photograph, video or mask. Biometrics are playing the role of a password which cannot be replaced if stolen, so there is the necessity of counter-measures to biometric spoofing attacks. Face biometric systems are vulnerable to spoofing attack. Regardless of the biometric mode, the typical approach of anti-spoofing systems is to classify the biometric evidence which are based on features discriminating between real accesses and spoofing attacks. A number of biometric characteristics are in use in various applications. This system will be based on face recognition and lip movement recognition systems. This system will make use of client-specific information to build client-specific anti-spoofing solution, depending on a generative model. In this system, we will implement the client identity to detect spoofing attack. With this, it increases efficiency of authentication. The image will be captured and registered with its client identity. When user has to be authenticated, the image will be captured with his identity manually entered. Now system will check the image with respect to client identity only. Lip movement recognition will be done at time of authentication to identify whether client is spoof or not. If client is authenticated, then it will check for captured image dimension using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). This system also encrypts and decrypts a file by extracting parameter values of a registered face

    Face Liveness Detection for Biometric Antispoofing Applications using Color Texture and Distortion Analysis Features

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    Face recognition is a widely used biometric approach. Face recognition technology has developed rapidly in recent years and it is more direct, user friendly and convenient compared to other methods. But face recognition systems are vulnerable to spoof attacks made by non-real faces. It is an easy way to spoof face recognition systems by facial pictures such as portrait photographs. A secure system needs Liveness detection in order to guard against such spoofing. In this work, face liveness detection approaches are categorized based on the various types techniques used for liveness detection. This categorization helps understanding different spoof attacks scenarios and their relation to the developed solutions. A review of the latest works regarding face liveness detection works is presented. The main aim is to provide a simple path for the future development of novel and more secured face liveness detection approach

    Complementary Countermeasures for Detecting Scenic Face Spoofing Attacks

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    The face recognition community has finally started paying more attention to the long-neglected problem of spoofing attacks. The number of countermeasures is gradually increasing and fairly good results have been reported on the publicly available databases. There exists no superior anti-spoofing technique due to the varying nature of attack scenarios and acquisition conditions. Therefore, it is important to find out complementary countermeasures and study how they should be combined in order to construct an easily extensible anti-spoofing framework. In this paper, we address this issue by studying fusion of motion and texture based countermeasures under several types of scenic face attacks. We provide an intuitive way to explore the fusion potential of different visual cues and show that the performance of the individual methods can be vastly improved by performing fusion at score level. The Half-Total Error Rate (HTER) of the best individual countermeasure was decreased from 11.2% to 5.1% on the Replay Attack Database. More importantly, we question the idea of using complex classification schemes in individual countermeasures, since nearly same fusion performance is obtained by replacing them with a simple linear one. In this manner, the computational efficiency and also probably the generalization ability of the resulting anti-spoofing framework are increased

    Face liveness detection using dynamic texture

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    User authentication is an important step to protect information, and in this context, face biometrics is potentially advantageous. Face biometrics is natural, intuitive, easy to use, and less human-invasive. Unfortunately, recent work has revealed that face biometrics is vulnerable to spoofing attacks using cheap low-tech equipment. This paper introduces a novel and appealing approach to detect face spoofing using the spatiotemporal (dynamic texture) extensions of the highly popular local binary pattern operator. The key idea of the approach is to learn and detect the structure and the dynamics of the facial micro-textures that characterise real faces but not fake ones. We evaluated the approach with two publicly available databases (Replay-Attack Database and CASIA Face Anti-Spoofing Database). The results show that our approach performs better than state-of-the-art techniques following the provided evaluation protocols of each database2014This work has been performed within the context of the TABULA RASA project, part of the 7th Framework Research Programme of the European Union (EU), under the grant agreement number 257289. The financial support of FUNTTEL (Brazilian Telecommunication Technological Development Fund), Academy of Finland and Infotech Oulu Doctoral Program is also gratefully acknowledg

    Anti-spoofing using challenge-response user interaction

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    2D facial identification has attracted a great amount of attention over the past years, due to its several advantages including practicality and simple requirements. However, without its capability to recognize a real user from an impersonator, face identification system becomes ineffective and vulnerable to spoof attacks. With the great evolution of smart portable devices, more advanced sorts of attacks have been developed, especially the replayed videos spoofing attempts that are becoming more difficult to recognize. Consequently, several studies have investigated the types of vulnerabilities a face biometric system might encounter and proposed various successful anti-spoofing algorithms. Unlike spoofing detection for passive or motionless authentication methods that were profoundly studied, anti-spoofing systems applied on interactive user verification methods were broadly examined as a potential robust spoofing prevention approach. This study aims first at comparing the performance of the existing spoofing detection techniques on passive and interactive authentication methods using a more balanced collected dataset and second proposes a fusion scheme that combines both texture analysis with interaction in order to enhance the accuracy of spoofing detection