5 research outputs found

    Analysis of Censored Sample Population with GA-SVM

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    This paper is intended to propose a class of shrunken estimators for kth power of scale parameter in censored samples from one-parameter exponential population when some apriori or guessed value of the parameter is available besides the sample information and analyses their properties. The proposed class of Shrunken estimator is compared with usual unbiased estimator and minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator. Eventually, empirical study is carried out to exhibit the performance of some Shrunken estimators of the proposed class over the MSME estimator. It is found that certain of these estimators substantially improve the classical estimators even for the guessed values of the kth power of scale parameter much away from the true value, specially for censored samples with small sizes

    A New Texture Based Segmentation Method to Extract Object from Background

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    Extraction of object regions from complex background is a hard task and it is an essential part of image segmentation and recognition. Image segmentation denotes a process of dividing an image into different regions. Several segmentation approaches for images have been developed. Image segmentation plays a vital role in image analysis. According to several authors, segmentation terminates when the observer2019;s goal is satisfied. The very first problem of segmentation is that a unique general method still does not exist: depending on the application, algorithm performances vary. This paper studies the insect segmentation in complex background. The segmentation methodology on insect images consists of five steps. Firstly, the original image of RGB space is converted into Lab color space. In the second step 2018;a2019; component of Lab color space is extracted. Then segmentation by two-dimension OTSU of automatic threshold in 2018;a-channel2019; is performed. Based on the color segmentation result, and the texture differences between the background image and the required object, the object is extracted by the gray level co-occurrence matrix for texture segmentation. The algorithm was tested on dreamstime image database and the results prove to be satisfactory

    Result Oriented Based Face Recognition using Neural Network with Erosion and Dilation Technique

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    It has been observed that many face recognition algorithms fail to recognize faces after plastic surgery and wearing the spec/glasses which are the new challenge to automatic face recognition. Face detection is one of the challenging problems in the image processing. This seminar, introduce a face detection and recognition system to detect (finds) faces from database of known people. To detect the face before trying to recognize it saves a lot of work, as only a restricted region of the image is analyzed, opposite to many algorithms which work considering the whole image. In This , we gives study on Face Recognition After Plastic Surgery (FRAPS )and after wearing the spec/glasses with careful analysis of the effects on face appearance and its challenges to face recognition. To address FRAPS and wearing the spec/glasses problem, an ensemble of An Optimize Wait Selection By Genetic Algorithm For Training Artificial Neural Network Based On Image Erosion and Dilution Technology. Furthermore, with our impressive results, we suggest that face detection should be paid more attend to. To address this problem, we also used Edge detection method to detect i/p image properly or effectively. With this Edge Detection also used genetic algorithm to optimize weight using artificial neural network (ANN)and save that ANN file to database .And use that ANN file to compare face recognition in future DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16041

    A Face Detection and Recognition System for Color Images using Neural Networks with Boosting and Deep Learning

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    A face detection and recognition system is a biometric identification mechanism which compared to other methods such as finger print identification, speech, signature, hand written and iris recognition, is shown to be more important both theoretically and practically. In principle, the biometric identification methods use a wide range of techniques such as machine learning, computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition and neural networks. The methods have various applications such as in photo and film processing, control access networks, etc. In recent years, the automatic recognition of a human face has become an important problem in pattern recognition. The main reasons are structural similarity of human faces and great impact of illumination conditions, facial expression and face orientation. Face recognition is considered one of the most challenging problems in pattern recognition. A face recognition system consists of two main components, face detection and recognition. In this dissertation a face detection and recognition system using color images with multiple faces is designed, implemented, and evaluated. In color images, the information of skin color is used in order to distinguish between the skin pixels and non-skin pixels, dividing the image into several components. Neural networks and deep learning methods has been used in order to detect skin pixels in the image. A skin database has been built that contains skin pixels from different human skin colors. Information from different color spaces has been used and applied to neural networks. In order to improve system performance, bootstrapping and parallel neural networks with voting have been used. Deep learning has been used as another method for skin detection and compared to other methods. Experiments have shown that in the case of skin detection, deep learning and neural networks methods produce better results in terms of precision and recall compared to the other methods in this field. The step after skin detection is to decide which of these components belong to human face. A template based method has been modified in order to detect the faces. The template is rotated and rescaled to match the component and then the correlation between the template and component is calculated, to determine if the component belongs to a human face. The designed algorithm also succeeds if there are more than one face in the component. A rule based method has been designed in order to detect the eyes and lips in the detected components. After detecting the location of eyes and lips in the component, the face can be detected. After face detection, the faces which were detected in the previous step are to be recognized. Appearance based methods used in this work are one of the most important methods in face recognition due to the robustness of the algorithms to head rotation in the images, noise, low quality images, and other challenges. Different appearance based methods have been designed, implemented and tested. Canonical correlation analysis has been used in order to increase the recognition rate