2 research outputs found

    Real-Time Face Recognition System Using KPCA, LBP and Support Vector Machine

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    With increasing security threats, Biometric systems have importance in different fields. This appears clearly exactly after the rapid development that happened in power of computing. In this paper, the Design and implementation of a real-time face recognition system are presented. In such a system, Kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) and Local binary pattern (LBP) are used as feature extraction methods with the aid of support vector machine (SVM) to work as a classifier. A comparison between traditional feature extraction methods as (PCA and LDA) and a proposal methods are performed as well as a comparison between support vector neural network and artificial neural network classifier are also implemented. Two types of experiments, On-line, and Off-line experiments are done. In the On-line experiment, a new database is created and used. While in the off-line experiment, two types of databases (ORL and YALE) are used to estimate the performance and efficiency of the system. The combinations of these methods together enhances the experimental results in compare with other methods

    Visual tracking via efficient kernel discriminant subspace learning

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    © 2005 IEEERobustly tracking moving objects in video sequences is one of the key problems in computer vision. In this paper we introduce a computationally efficient nonlinear kernel learning strategy to find a discriminative model which distinguishes the tracked object from the background. Principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis have been applied to this problem with some success. These techniques are limited, however, by the fact that they are capable only of identifying linear subspaces within the data. Kernel based methods, in contrast, are able to extract nonlinear subspaces, and thus represent more complex characteristics of the tracked object and background. This is a particular advantage when tracking deformable objects and where appearance changes due to the unstable illumination and pose occur. An efficient approximation to kernel discriminant analysis using QR decomposition proposed by Xiong et al. (2004) makes possible real-time updating of the optimal nonlinear subspace. We present a tracking method based on this result and show promising experimental results on real videos undergoing large pose and illumination changes