6 research outputs found

    Learning-Based Data-Driven and Vision Methodology for Optimized Printed Electronics

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    Inkjet printing is an active domain of additive manufacturing and printed electronics due to its promising features, starting from low-cost, scalability, non-contact printing, and microscale on-demand pattern customization. Up until now, mainstream research has been making headway in the development of ink material and printing process optimization through traditional methods, with almost no work concentrated on machine learning and vision-based drop behavior prediction, pattern generation, and enhancement. In this work, we first carry out a systematic piezoelectric drop on demand inkjet drop generation and characterization study to structure our dataset, which is later used to develop a drop formulation prediction module for diverse materials. Machine learning enables us to predict the drop speed and radius for particular material and printer electrical signal configuration. We verify our prediction results with untested graphene oxide ink. Thereafter, we study automated pattern generation and evaluation algorithms for inkjet printing via computer vision schema for several shapes, scales and finalize the best sequencing method in terms of comparative pattern quality, along with the underlying causes. In a nutshell, we develop and validate an automated vision methodology to optimize any given two-dimensional patterns. We show that traditional raster printing is inferior to other promising methods such as contour printing, segmented matrix printing, depending on the shape and dimension of the designed pattern. Our proposed vision-based printing algorithm eliminates manual printing configuration workload and is intelligent enough to decide on which segment of the pattern should be printed in which order and sequence. Besides, process defect monitoring and tracking has shown promising results equivalent to manual short circuit, open circuit, and sheet resistance testing for deciding over pattern acceptance or rejection with reduced device testing time. Drop behavior forecast, automatic pattern optimization, and defect quantization compared with the designed image allow dynamic adaptation of any materials properties with regards to any substrate and sophisticated design as established here with varying material properties; complex design features such as corners, edges, and miniature scale can be achieved

    Learning-Based Data-Driven and Vision Methodology for Optimized Printed Electronics

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    Inkjet printing is an active domain of additive manufacturing and printed electronics due to its promising features, starting from low-cost, scalability, non-contact printing, and microscale on-demand pattern customization. Up until now, mainstream research has been making headway in the development of ink material and printing process optimization through traditional methods, with almost no work concentrated on machine learning and vision-based drop behavior prediction, pattern generation, and enhancement. In this work, we first carry out a systematic piezoelectric drop on demand inkjet drop generation and characterization study to structure our dataset, which is later used to develop a drop formulation prediction module for diverse materials. Machine learning enables us to predict the drop speed and radius for particular material and printer electrical signal configuration. We verify our prediction results with untested graphene oxide ink. Thereafter, we study automated pattern generation and evaluation algorithms for inkjet printing via computer vision schema for several shapes, scales and finalize the best sequencing method in terms of comparative pattern quality, along with the underlying causes. In a nutshell, we develop and validate an automated vision methodology to optimize any given two-dimensional patterns. We show that traditional raster printing is inferior to other promising methods such as contour printing, segmented matrix printing, depending on the shape and dimension of the designed pattern. Our proposed vision-based printing algorithm eliminates manual printing configuration workload and is intelligent enough to decide on which segment of the pattern should be printed in which order and sequence. Besides, process defect monitoring and tracking has shown promising results equivalent to manual short circuit, open circuit, and sheet resistance testing for deciding over pattern acceptance or rejection with reduced device testing time. Drop behavior forecast, automatic pattern optimization, and defect quantization compared with the designed image allow dynamic adaptation of any materials properties with regards to any substrate and sophisticated design as established here with varying material properties; complex design features such as corners, edges, and miniature scale can be achieved

    Numerical Modeling of Deformation, Oscillation, Spreading and Collision Characteristics of Droplets in an Electric Field

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    Electric field induced flows, or electrohydrodynamics (EHD), have been promising in many fast-growing technologies, where droplet movement and deformation can be controlled to enhance heat transfer and mass transport. Several complex EHD problems existing in many applications were investigated in this thesis. Firstly, this thesis presents the results of numerical simulations of the deformation, oscillation and breakup of a weakly conducting droplet suspended in an ambient medium with higher conductivity. It is the first time that the deformation of such a droplet was investigated numerically in a 3D configuration. We have determined three types of behavior for the droplets, which are less conducting than ambient fluid: 1) oblate deformation (which can be predicted from the small perturbation theory), 2) oscillatory oblate-prolate deformation and 3) breakup of the droplet. Secondly, a numerical study of droplet oscillation placed on different hydrophobic surfaces under the effect of applied AC voltage including the effect of ambient gas was investigated. The presented algorithm could reproduce droplet oscillations on a surface considering different contact angles. It has been found that the resonance frequency of the water droplet depends on the surface property of the hydrophobic materials and the electrostatic force. Thirdly, a new design of an electrowetting mixer using the rotating electric field was proposed which offers a new method to effectively mix two droplets over a different range of AC frequencies. Two regimes were observed for droplet coalescence: 1) coalescence due to the high droplet deformation, 2) coalescence due to the interaction of electrically induced dipoles. Fourthly, the spreading and retraction control of millimetric water droplets impacting on dry surfaces have been investigated to examine the effect of the surface charge density and electric field intensity. The effect of the surface charge on the spreading of droplets placed gently on surfaces was investigated in the first part. It was found that the maximum spreading diameter increases with an increasing charge. In the second part, the impact of a droplet on a ground electrode was considered. It was also found that in order to keep the maximum diameter after the impact, less charge is needed for surfaces with lower contact angle. Finally, the interaction between two identical charged droplets was investigated numerically. The effects of the impact velocity, drop size ratio and electric charge on the behavior of the combined droplet were investigated. It was shown that two conducting droplets carrying charges of the same polarity under some conditions may be electrically attracted. The formation of charged daughter droplets has been investigated and it was found that the number of the satellite droplets after collision appears to increase with an increase in the droplet charge

    Inkjet printing of functional materials for optical and photonic applications

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    Inkjet printing, traditionally used in graphics, has been widely investigated as a valuable tool in the preparation of functional surfaces and devices. This review focuses on the use of inkjet printing technology for the manufacturing of different optical elements and photonic devices. The presented overview mainly surveys work done in the fabrication of micro-optical components such as microlenses, waveguides and integrated lasers; the manufacturing of large area light emitting diodes displays, liquid crystal displays and solar cells; as well as the preparation of liquid crystal and colloidal crystal based photonic devices working as lasers or optical sensors. Special emphasis is placed on reviewing the materials employed as well as in the relevance of inkjet in the manufacturing of the different devices showing in each of the revised technologies, main achievements, applications and challenges