45 research outputs found

    Efficient ASIC Architectures for Low Latency Niederreiter Decryption

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    Post-quantum cryptography addresses the increasing threat that quantum computing poses to modern communication systems. Among the available quantum-resistant systems, the Niederreiter cryptosystem is positioned as a conservative choice with strong security guarantees. As a code-based cryptosystem, the Niederreiter system enables high performance operations and is thus ideally suited for applications such as the acceleration of server workloads. However, until now, no ASIC architecture is available for low latency computation of Niederreiter operations. Therefore, the present work targets the design, implementation and optimization of tailored archi- tectures for low latency Niederreiter decryption. Two architectures utilizing different decoding algorithms are proposed and implemented using a 22nm FDSOI CMOS technology node. One of these optimized architectures improves the decryption latency by 27% compared to a state-of-the-art reference and requires at the same time only 25% of the area

    A New Approximation Method for Constant Weight Coding and Its Hardware Implementation

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    In this chapter, a more memory-efficient method for encoding binary information into words of prescribed length and weight is presented. The solutions in existing work include complex float point arithmetic or extra memory overhead which make it demanding for resource-constrained computing platform. The solution we propose here solves the problems above yet achieves better coding efficiency. We also correct a crucial error in previous implementations of code-based cryptography by exploiting and tweaking the proposed encoder. For the time being, the design presented in this work is the most compact one for any code-based encryption schemes. We show, for instance, that our lightweight implementation of Niederreiter encrypting unit can encrypt approximately 1 million plaintexts per second on a Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA, requiring 183 slices and 18 memory blocks

    Hardware Architectures for Post-Quantum Cryptography

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    The rapid development of quantum computers poses severe threats to many commonly-used cryptographic algorithms that are embedded in different hardware devices to ensure the security and privacy of data and communication. Seeking for new solutions that are potentially resistant against attacks from quantum computers, a new research field called Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) has emerged, that is, cryptosystems deployed in classical computers conjectured to be secure against attacks utilizing large-scale quantum computers. In order to secure data during storage or communication, and many other applications in the future, this dissertation focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of efficient PQC schemes in hardware. Four PQC algorithms, each from a different family, are studied in this dissertation. The first hardware architecture presented in this dissertation is focused on the code-based scheme Classic McEliece. The research presented in this dissertation is the first that builds the hardware architecture for the Classic McEliece cryptosystem. This research successfully demonstrated that complex code-based PQC algorithm can be run efficiently on hardware. Furthermore, this dissertation shows that implementation of this scheme on hardware can be easily tuned to different configurations by implementing support for flexible choices of security parameters as well as configurable hardware performance parameters. The successful prototype of the Classic McEliece scheme on hardware increased confidence in this scheme, and helped Classic McEliece to get recognized as one of seven finalists in the third round of the NIST PQC standardization process. While Classic McEliece serves as a ready-to-use candidate for many high-end applications, PQC solutions are also needed for low-end embedded devices. Embedded devices play an important role in our daily life. Despite their typically constrained resources, these devices require strong security measures to protect them against cyber attacks. Towards securing this type of devices, the second research presented in this dissertation focuses on the hash-based digital signature scheme XMSS. This research is the first that explores and presents practical hardware based XMSS solution for low-end embedded devices. In the design of XMSS hardware, a heterogenous software-hardware co-design approach was adopted, which combined the flexibility of the soft core with the acceleration from the hard core. The practicability and efficiency of the XMSS software-hardware co-design is further demonstrated by providing a hardware prototype on an open-source RISC-V based System-on-a-Chip (SoC) platform. The third research direction covered in this dissertation focuses on lattice-based cryptography, which represents one of the most promising and popular alternatives to today\u27s widely adopted public key solutions. Prior research has presented hardware designs targeting the computing blocks that are necessary for the implementation of lattice-based systems. However, a recurrent issue in most existing designs is that these hardware designs are not fully scalable or parameterized, hence limited to specific cryptographic primitives and security parameter sets. The research presented in this dissertation is the first that develops hardware accelerators that are designed to be fully parameterized to support different lattice-based schemes and parameters. Further, these accelerators are utilized to realize the first software-harware co-design of provably-secure instances of qTESLA, which is a lattice-based digital signature scheme. This dissertation demonstrates that even demanding, provably-secure schemes can be realized efficiently with proper use of software-hardware co-design. The final research presented in this dissertation is focused on the isogeny-based scheme SIKE, which recently made it to the final round of the PQC standardization process. This research shows that hardware accelerators can be designed to offload compute-intensive elliptic curve and isogeny computations to hardware in a versatile fashion. These hardware accelerators are designed to be fully parameterized to support different security parameter sets of SIKE as well as flexible hardware configurations targeting different user applications. This research is the first that presents versatile hardware accelerators for SIKE that can be mapped efficiently to both FPGA and ASIC platforms. Based on these accelerators, an efficient software-hardwareco-design is constructed for speeding up SIKE. In the end, this dissertation demonstrates that, despite being embedded with expensive arithmetic, the isogeny-based SIKE scheme can be run efficiently by exploiting specialized hardware. These four research directions combined demonstrate the practicability of building efficient hardware architectures for complex PQC algorithms. The exploration of efficient PQC solutions for different hardware platforms will eventually help migrate high-end servers and low-end embedded devices towards the post-quantum era

    A tiny public key scheme based on Niederreiter Cryptosystem

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    Due to the weakness of public key cryptosystems encounter of quantum computers, the need to provide a solution was emerged. The McEliece cryptosystem and its security equivalent, the Niederreiter cryptosystem, which are based on Goppa codes, are one of the solutions, but they are not practical due to their long key length. Several prior attempts to decrease the length of the public key in code-based cryptosystems involved substituting the Goppa code family with other code families. However, these efforts ultimately proved to be insecure. In 2016, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) called for proposals from around the world to standardize post-quantum cryptography (PQC) schemes to solve this issue. After receiving of various proposals in this field, the Classic McEliece cryptosystem, as well as the Hamming Quasi-Cyclic (HQC) and Bit Flipping Key Encapsulation (BIKE), chosen as code-based encryption category cryptosystems that successfully progressed to the final stage. This article proposes a method for developing a code-based public key cryptography scheme that is both simple and implementable. The proposed scheme has a much shorter public key length compared to the NIST finalist cryptosystems. The key length for the primary parameters of the McEliece cryptosystem (n=1024, k=524, t=50) ranges from 18 to 500 bits. The security of this system is at least as strong as the security of the Niederreiter cryptosystem. The proposed structure is based on the Niederreiter cryptosystem which exhibits a set of highly advantageous properties that make it a suitable candidate for implementation in all extant systems

    Efficient ASIC Architecture for Low Latency Classic McEliece Decoding

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    Post-quantum cryptography addresses the increasing threat that quantum computing poses to modern communication systems. Among the available “quantum-resistant” systems, the Classic McEliece key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) is positioned as a conservative choice with strong security guarantees. Building upon the code-based Niederreiter cryptosystem, this KEM enables high performance encapsulation and decapsulation and is thus ideally suited for applications such as the acceleration of server workloads. However, until now, no ASIC architecture is available for low latency computation of Classic McEliece operations. Therefore, the present work targets the design, implementation and optimization of a tailored ASIC architecture for low latency Classic McEliece decoding. An efficient ASIC design is proposed, which was implemented and manufactured in a 22 nm FDSOI CMOS technology node. We also introduce a novel inversionless architecture for the computation of error-locator polynomials as well as a systolic array for combined syndrome computation and polynomial evaluation. With these approaches, the associated optimized architecture improves the latency of computing error-locator polynomials by 47% and the overall decoding latency by 27% compared to a state-of-the-art reference, while requiring only 25% of the area

    Side Channel Information Set Decoding using Iterative Chunking

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    This paper presents an attack based on side-channel information and Information Set Decoding (ISD) on the Niederreiter cryptosystem and an evaluation of the practicality of the attack using an electromagnetic side channel. First, we describe a basic plaintext-recovery attack on the decryption algorithm of the Niederreiter cryptosystem. In case the cryptosystem is used as Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) in a key exchange, the plaintext corresponds to a session key. Our attack is an adaptation of the timing side-channel plaintext-recovery attack by Shoufan et al. from 2010 on the McEliece cryptosystem using the non-constant time Patterson’s decoding algorithm to the Niederreiter cryptosystem using the constant time Berlekamp-Massey decoding algorithm. We then enhance our attack by utilizing an ISD approach to support the basic attack and we introduce iterative column chunking to further significantly reduce the number of required side-channel measurements. We theoretically show that our attack improvements have a significant impact on reducing the number of required side-channel measurements. Our practical evaluation of the attack targets the FPGA-implementation of the Niederreiter cryptosystem in the NIST submission Classic McEliece with a constant time decoding algorithm and is feasible for all proposed parameters sets of this submission. For example, for the 256bit-security parameter set kem/mceliece6960119 we improve the basic attack that requires 5415 measurements to on average of about 560 measurements to mount a successful plaintext recovery attack. Further reductions can be achieved at increasing cost of the ISD computations

    A Key-Recovery Side-Channel Attack on Classic McEliece

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    In this paper, we propose the first key-recovery side-channel attack on Classic McEliece, a KEM finalist in the NIST Post-quantum Cryptography Standardization Project. Our novel idea is to design an attack algorithm where we submit special ciphertexts to the decryption oracle that correspond to cases of single errors. Decoding of such cipher-texts involves only a single entry in a large secret permutation, which is part of the secret key. Through an identified leakage in the additive FFT step used to evaluate the error locator polynomial, a single entry of the secret permutation can be determined. Reiterating this for other entries leads to full secret key recovery. The attack is described using power analysis both on the FPGA reference implementation and a software implementation running on an ARM Cortex-M4. We use a machine-learning-based classification algorithm to determine the error locator polynomial from a single trace. The attack is fully implemented and evaluated in the Chipwhisperer framework and is successful in practice. For the smallest parameter set, it is using about 300 traces for partial key recovery and less than 800 traces for full key recovery, in the FPGA case. A similar number of traces are required for a successful attack on the ARM software implementation

    Smaller Keys for Code-Based Cryptography: QC-MDPC McEliece Implementations on Embedded Devices

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    In the last years code-based cryptosystems were established as promising alternatives for asymmetric cryptography since they base their security on well-known NP-hard problems and still show decent performance on a wide range of computing platforms. The main drawback of code-based schemes, including the popular proposals by McEliece and Niederreiter, are the large keys whose size is inherently determined by the underlying code. In a very recent approach, Misoczki et al. proposed to use quasi-cyclic MDPC (QC-MDPC) codes that allow for a very compact key representation. In this work, we investigate novel implementations of the McEliece scheme using such QC-MDPC codes tailored for embedded devices, namely a Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA and an 8-bit AVR microcontroller. In particular, we evaluate and improve different approaches to decode QC-MDPC codes. Besides competitive performance for encryption and decryption on the FPGA, we achieved a very compact implementation on the microcontroller using only 4,800 and 9,600 bits for the public and secret key at 80 bits of equivalent symmetric security