7 research outputs found

    Extroverts Tweet Differently from Introverts in Weibo

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    Being dominant factors driving the human actions, personalities can be excellent indicators in predicting the offline and online behavior of different individuals. However, because of the great expense and inevitable subjectivity in questionnaires and surveys, it is challenging for conventional studies to explore the connection between personality and behavior and gain insights in the context of large amount individuals. Considering the more and more important role of the online social media in daily communications, we argue that the footprint of massive individuals, like tweets in Weibo, can be the inspiring proxy to infer the personality and further understand its functions in shaping the online human behavior. In this study, a map from self-reports of personalities to online profiles of 293 active users in Weibo is established to train a competent machine learning model, which then successfully identifies over 7,000 users as extroverts or introverts. Systematical comparisons from perspectives of tempo-spatial patterns, online activities, emotion expressions and attitudes to virtual honor surprisingly disclose that the extrovert indeed behaves differently from the introvert in Weibo. Our findings provide solid evidence to justify the methodology of employing machine learning to objectively study personalities of massive individuals and shed lights on applications of probing personalities and corresponding behaviors solely through online profiles.Comment: Datasets of this study can be freely downloaded through: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.4765150.v

    Placing Notes in the Virtual “Western Wall”: Online Memorial Culture in Chinese Social Media

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    Each society has a unique way of understanding death and coping with mourning. The increasing online mourners in China gradually generated a collective reference to the Weibo account that belongs to the dead, the “Western Wall.” This project searches for answers to two questions: 1) What characterizes Chinese online memorial practice? And how do these practices compare with those in the Western countries? 2) What aspects of Chinese culture and social conditions can explain Chinese online memorial practices? By combining corpus analysis with thematic analysis on 1,606 comments left on the last tweet of two accounts of deceased Weibo users, this paper found that Chinese online mourners present uniqueness in their commenting behaviors. Not only do they tend to repetitively leave comments, but mourners also use language in a way that wishes for bilateral communication through a broad range of topics. This paper argues that online memorial practice in China represents a social culture where certain topics are considered sensitive and therefore not suitable for discussion in the public. Additionally, the parasocial relationship between the deceased and the bereaved indicates the emotional connection people require in their lives. By leaving comments to the deceased on Weibo, online mourners collectively create a virtual “Western Wall” where they actively communicate to the dead in a way as if they were alive in a digital heaven

    Разработка программного модуля психологической типологизации на основе обработки естественного языка

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    Работа направлена на проектирование архитектуры, реализацию алгоритмического и программного обеспечения для автоматизированного анализа психологических черт личности по методике MBTI и Big Five на основе анализа текстовых данных.The work is aimed at designing the architecture, implementing the algorithmic and software solutions for automated analysis of psychological traits of personality based on MBTI and Big Five methods using text data analysis

    The Problem of Technology: Human Communication In The Age of Automation

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    With the introduction of technology, our existence became different. Today we use technology for every aspect of our lives. We can study, work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. We find it very convenient to communicate via e-mail, text messaging, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace, and Snapchat to connect with people in work, school, social and familial networks. Mark Zuckerberg proclaimed that Facebook\u27s new mission is to bring the world closer together (Zuckerberg, 2017). The means of accomplishing that is through technological communication. According to research on close relationships and the use of technology as a way of communication, mobile phone-based channels had stronger associations with friendship closeness (Liu & Yang, 2016). However, it is also possible that something essential is lost in these electronic interactions. It is possible that both the value and meaning of the interaction changes when using technology rather than human communication. The primary purpose of this research was a) to examine whether technology use makes people feel more connected to others or lonelier, b) to discover how relationships are affected by online communication, particularly as it relates to satisfaction or closeness, and c) to see if people\u27s personalities play a role in their technology use. It is essential to continue to expand and explore this research. Technology continues to develop and change at an increasingly fast rate. The impact of how we use and interact with this dynamic product can only be fully understood through continued examination and research

    Extroverts tweet differently from introverts in Weibo

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    <div>Specification of the Dataset</div><div><br></div><div>1. The data set comes from our paper titled “Extroverts tweet differently from introverts in Weibo”. </div><div><br></div><div>2. psychological-score.txt contains genders, ages, and scores of Big-Five personality traits of the 293 valid participants (anonymized and permit the publication) from self-reports.</div><div><br></div><div>3. user-data contains the Weibo data of the 293 participants (1.txt ~ 293.txt)</div><div>  and the 7249 users (294.txt ~ 7542.txt) identified by our SVM classifiers. For each user, a json format of its completely anonymized online profiles (a tweet in each line) is given.</div><div><br></div><div>4. Any issues please contact [email protected]. </div