135,652 research outputs found

    Locally Non-linear Embeddings for Extreme Multi-label Learning

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    The objective in extreme multi-label learning is to train a classifier that can automatically tag a novel data point with the most relevant subset of labels from an extremely large label set. Embedding based approaches make training and prediction tractable by assuming that the training label matrix is low-rank and hence the effective number of labels can be reduced by projecting the high dimensional label vectors onto a low dimensional linear subspace. Still, leading embedding approaches have been unable to deliver high prediction accuracies or scale to large problems as the low rank assumption is violated in most real world applications. This paper develops the X-One classifier to address both limitations. The main technical contribution in X-One is a formulation for learning a small ensemble of local distance preserving embeddings which can accurately predict infrequently occurring (tail) labels. This allows X-One to break free of the traditional low-rank assumption and boost classification accuracy by learning embeddings which preserve pairwise distances between only the nearest label vectors. We conducted extensive experiments on several real-world as well as benchmark data sets and compared our method against state-of-the-art methods for extreme multi-label classification. Experiments reveal that X-One can make significantly more accurate predictions then the state-of-the-art methods including both embeddings (by as much as 35%) as well as trees (by as much as 6%). X-One can also scale efficiently to data sets with a million labels which are beyond the pale of leading embedding methods

    The singular values and vectors of low rank perturbations of large rectangular random matrices

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    In this paper, we consider the singular values and singular vectors of finite, low rank perturbations of large rectangular random matrices. Specifically, we prove almost sure convergence of the extreme singular values and appropriate projections of the corresponding singular vectors of the perturbed matrix. As in the prequel, where we considered the eigenvalue aspect of the problem, the non-random limiting value is shown to depend explicitly on the limiting singular value distribution of the unperturbed matrix via an integral transforms that linearizes rectangular additive convolution in free probability theory. The large matrix limit of the extreme singular values of the perturbed matrix differs from that of the original matrix if and only if the singular values of the perturbing matrix are above a certain critical threshold which depends on this same aforementioned integral transform. We examine the consequence of this singular value phase transition on the associated left and right singular eigenvectors and discuss the finite nn fluctuations above these non-random limits.Comment: 22 pages, presentation of the main results and of the hypotheses slightly modifie

    Optimization via Low-rank Approximation for Community Detection in Networks

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    Community detection is one of the fundamental problems of network analysis, for which a number of methods have been proposed. Most model-based or criteria-based methods have to solve an optimization problem over a discrete set of labels to find communities, which is computationally infeasible. Some fast spectral algorithms have been proposed for specific methods or models, but only on a case-by-case basis. Here we propose a general approach for maximizing a function of a network adjacency matrix over discrete labels by projecting the set of labels onto a subspace approximating the leading eigenvectors of the expected adjacency matrix. This projection onto a low-dimensional space makes the feasible set of labels much smaller and the optimization problem much easier. We prove a general result about this method and show how to apply it to several previously proposed community detection criteria, establishing its consistency for label estimation in each case and demonstrating the fundamental connection between spectral properties of the network and various model-based approaches to community detection. Simulations and applications to real-world data are included to demonstrate our method performs well for multiple problems over a wide range of parameters.Comment: 45 pages, 7 figures; added discussions about computational complexity and extension to more than two communitie
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