6 research outputs found

    Spectral filtering for the reduction of the Gibbs phenomenon of polynomial approximation methods on Lissajous curves with applications in MPI

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    Polynomial interpolation and approximation methods on sampling points along Lissajous curves using Chebyshev series is an effective way for a fast image reconstruction in Magnetic Particle Imaging. Due to the nature of spectral methods, a Gibbs phenomenon occurs in the reconstructed image if the underlying function has discontinuities. A possible solution for this problem are spectral filtering methods acting on the coefficients of the approximating polynomial. In this work, after a description of the Gibbs phenomenon and classical filtering techniques in one and several dimensions, we present an adaptive spectral filtering process for the resolution of this phenomenon and for an improved approximation of the underlying function or image. In this adaptive filtering technique, the spectral filter depends on the distance of a spatial point to the nearest discontinuity. We show the effectiveness of this filtering approach in theory, in numerical simulations as well as in the application in Magnetic Particle Imaging

    Algebraic Fourier reconstruction of piecewise smooth functions

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    Accurate reconstruction of piecewise-smooth functions from a finite number of Fourier coefficients is an important problem in various applications. The inherent inaccuracy, in particular the Gibbs phenomenon, is being intensively investigated during the last decades. Several nonlinear reconstruction methods have been proposed, and it is by now well-established that the "classical" convergence order can be completely restored up to the discontinuities. Still, the maximal accuracy of determining the positions of these discontinuities remains an open question. In this paper we prove that the locations of the jumps (and subsequently the pointwise values of the function) can be reconstructed with at least "half the classical accuracy". In particular, we develop a constructive approximation procedure which, given the first kk Fourier coefficients of a piecewise-C2d+1C^{2d+1} function, recovers the locations of the jumps with accuracy ∼k−(d+2)\sim k^{-(d+2)}, and the values of the function between the jumps with accuracy ∼k−(d+1)\sim k^{-(d+1)} (similar estimates are obtained for the associated jump magnitudes). A key ingredient of the algorithm is to start with the case of a single discontinuity, where a modified version of one of the existing algebraic methods (due to K.Eckhoff) may be applied. It turns out that the additional orders of smoothness produce a highly correlated error terms in the Fourier coefficients, which eventually cancel out in the corresponding algebraic equations. To handle more than one jump, we propose to apply a localization procedure via a convolution in the Fourier domain