6 research outputs found

    R-Peaks Detection Method for Classifying Arrhythmia Disorder

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    Electrocardiography (ECG) is a non-invasive technique that is used to diagnose heart abnormalities. ECG records all heart activities and represent them using bio electric signals. Arrhythmia is one of the cardiac disorder that can be detected using ECG. Arrhythmia need to be detected early because of an early symptom of heart disease as deadly as coronary heart disease and heart failure. Arrhythmia described using the difference between the R-peaks based on QRS complex. Therefore, R-peaks detection will be an important factor that can be used to classify arrhythmia disease. One of the widely used methods to detect R-peaks is Pan-Tompkins method. Pan-Tompkins method used a threshold value approach to get all location of R-peaks point from the ECG signals. This study proposed a development based on Pan-Tompkins method by change the threshold value using normalize technique and moving windows approach to get all location of R-peaks point from the ECG signals. This study uses MIT-BIH arrhythmia dataset. This method can show the R-peaks detection with 99.83% sensitivity and 0.40% total error rate detection. Hence, this method has potential to be used for classifying arrhythmia disorder based on the R-peaks point

    Verification and comparison of MIT-BIH arrhythmia database based on number of beats

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    The ECG signal processing methods are tested and evaluated based on many databases. The most ECG database used for many researchers is the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. The QRS-detection algorithms are essential for ECG analyses to detect the beats for the ECG signal. There is no standard number of beats for this database that are used from numerous researches. Different beat numbers are calculated for the researchers depending on the difference in understanding the annotation file. In this paper, the beat numbers for existing methods are studied and compared to find the correct beat number that should be used. We propose a simple function to standardize the beats number for any ECG PhysioNet database to improve the waveform database toolbox (WFDB) for the MATLAB program. This function is based on the annotation's description from the databases and can be added to the Toolbox. The function is removed the non-beats annotation without any errors. The results show a high percentage of 71% from the reviewed methods used an incorrect number of beats for this database

    Extraction of QRS fiducial points from the ECG using adaptive mathematical morphology

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    QRS complex detection in the electrocardiogram (ECG) has been extensively investigated over the last two decades. Still, some issues remain pending due to the diversity of QRS complex shapes and various perturbations, notably baseline drift. This is especially true for ECG signals acquired using wearable devices. Our study aims at extracting QRS complexes and their fiducial points using Mathematical Morphology (MM) with an adaptive structuring element, on a beat-to-beat basis. The structuring element is updated based on the characteristics of the previously detected QRS complexes for a more robust and precise detection. The MIT-BIH arrhythmia and Physionet QT databases were respectively used for assessing the detection performance of R-waves and other fiducial points. Furthermore, the proposed method was evaluated on a wearable-device dataset of ECGs during vigorous exercises. Results show comparable or better performance than the state-of-the-art with a 99.87% sensitivity and 0.22% detection error rate for the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Efficient extraction of QRS fiducial points was achieved against the Physionet QT database. On the wearable-device dataset, an improvement of more than 10% in QRS complex detection rate compared to classic approaches was obtained

    Novel Low Complexity Biomedical Signal Processing Techniques for Online Applications

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    Biomedical signal processing has become a very active domain of research nowadays. With the advent of portable monitoring devices, from accelerometer-enabled bracelets and smart-phones to more advanced vital sign tracking body area networks, this field has been receiving unprecedented attention. Indeed, portable health monitoring can help uncover the underlying dynamics of human health in a way that has not been possible before. Several challenges have emerged however, as these devices present key differences in terms of signal acquisition and processing in comparison with conventional methods. Hardware constraints such as processing power and limited battery capacity make most established techniques unsuitable and therefore, the need for low-complexity yet robust signal processing methods has appeared. Another issue that needs to be addressed is the quality of the signals captured by these devices. Unlike in clinical scenarios, in portable health monitoring subjects are constantly performing their daily activities. Moreover, signals maybe captured from unconventional locations and subsequently, be prone to perturbations. In order to obtain reliable measures from these monitoring devices, one needs to acquire dependable signal quality measures, to avoid false alarms. Indeed, hardware limitations and low-quality signals can greatly influence the performance of portable monitoring devices. Nevertheless, most devices offer simultaneous acquisition of multiple physiological parameters, such as electrocardiogram (ECG) and photoplethysmogram (PPG). Through multi-modal signal processing the overall performance can be improved, for instance by deriving parameters such as heart rate estimation from the most reliable and uncontaminated source. This thesis is therefore, dedicated to propose novel low-complexity biomedical processing techniques for real-time/online applications. Throughout this dissertation, several bio-signals such as the ECG, PPG, and electroencephalogram (EEG) are investigated. %There is an emphasis on ECG processing techniques, as most of the bio-signals recorded today reflect information about the heart. The main contribution of this dissertation consists in two signal processing techniques: 1) a novel ECG QRS-complex detection and delineation technique, and 2) a short-term event extraction technique for biomedical signals. The former is based on a processing technique called mathematical morphology (MM), and adaptively uses subject QRS-complex amplitude- and morphological attributes for a robust detection and delineation. This method is generalized to intra-cardiac electrograms for atrial activation detection during atrial fibrillation. The second method, called the Relative-Energy algorithm, uses short- and long-term signal energies to highlight events of interest and discard unwanted activities. Collectively, the results obtained by these methods suggest that while presenting low-computational costs, they can efficiently and robustly extract biomedical events of interest. Using the relative energy algorithm, a continuous non-binary ECG signal quality index is presented. The ECG quality is determined by creating a cleaned-up version of the input ECG and calculating the correlation coefficient between the cleaned-up and the original ECG. The proposed quality index is fast and can be implemented online, making it suitable for portable monitoring scenarios