5 research outputs found

    Extracting All the Randomness and Reducing the Error in Trevisan's Extractors

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    We give explicit constructions of extractors which work for a source of any min-entropy on strings of length n. These extractors can extract any constant fraction of the min-entropy using O(log2n) additional random bits, and can extract all the min-entropy using O(log3n) additional random bits. Both of these constructions use fewer truly random bits than any previous construction which works for all min-entropies and extracts a constant fraction of the min-entropy. We then improve our second construction and show that we can reduce the entropy loss to 2log(1/epsilon)+O(1) bits, while still using O(log3n) truly random bits (where entropy loss is defined as [(source min-entropy)+ (# truly random bits used)- (# output bits)], and epsilon is the statistical difference from uniform achieved). This entropy loss is optimal up to a constant additive term. Our extractors are obtained by observing that a weaker notion of "combinatorial design" suffices for the Nisan-Wigderson pseudorandom generator, which underlies the recent extractor of Trevisan. We give near-optimal constructions of such "weak designs" which achieve much better parameters than possible with the notion of designs used by Nisan-Wigderson and Trevisan. We also show how to improve our constructions (and Trevisan's construction) when the required statistical difference epsilon from the uniform distribution is relatively small. This improvement is obtained by using multilinear error-correcting codes over finite fields, rather than the arbitrary error-correcting codes used by Trevisan.Engineering and Applied Science

    Kakeya sets and the method of multiplicities

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 51-53).We extend the "method of multiplicities" to get the following results, of interest in combinatorics and randomness extraction. 1. We show that every Kakeya set (a set of points that contains a line in every direction) in F' must be of size at least qn/2n. This bound is tight to within a 2 + o(1) factor for every n as q -- oc, compared to previous bounds that were off by exponential factors in n. 2. We give improved randomness extractors and "randomness mergers". Mergers are seeded functions that take as input A (possibly correlated) random variables in {0, 1}N and a short random seed and output a single random variable in {0, 1}N that is statistically close to having entropy (1 - 6) - N when one of the A input variables is distributed uniformly. The seed we require is only (1/6) - log A-bits long, which significantly improves upon previous construction of mergers. 3. Using our new mergers, we show how to construct randomness extractors that use logarithmic length seeds while extracting 1- o(1) fraction of the min-entropy of the source. The "method of multiplicities", as used in prior work, analyzed subsets of vector spaces over finite fields by constructing somewhat low degree interpolating polynomials that vanish on every point in the subset with high multiplicity. The typical use of this method involved showing that the interpolating polynomial also vanished on some points outside the subset, and then used simple bounds on the number of zeroes to complete the analysis. Our augmentation to this technique is that we prove, under appropriate conditions, that the interpolating polynomial vanishes with high multiplicity outside the set. This novelty leads to significantly tighter analyses.by Shubhangi Saraf.S.M

    The method of multiplicities

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-98).Polynomials have played a fundamental role in the construction of objects with interesting combinatorial properties, such as error correcting codes, pseudorandom generators and randomness extractors. Somewhat strikingly, polynomials have also been found to be a powerful tool in the analysis of combinatorial parameters of objects that have some algebraic structure. This method of analysis has found applications in works on list-decoding of error correcting codes, constructions of randomness extractors, and in obtaining strong bounds for the size of Kakeya Sets. Remarkably, all these applications have relied on very simple and elementary properties of polynomials such as the sparsity of the zero sets of low degree polynomials. In this thesis we improve on several of the results mentioned above by a more powerful application of polynomials that takes into account the information contained in the derivatives of the polynomials. We call this technique the method of multiplicities. The derivative polynomials encode information about the high multiplicity zeroes of the original polynomial, and by taking into account this information, we are about to meaningfully reason about the zero sets of polynomials of degree much higher than the underlying field size. This freedom of using high degree polynomials allows us to obtain new and improved constructions of error correcting codes, and qualitatively improved analyses of Kakeya sets and randomness extractors.by Shubhangi Saraf.Ph.D

    Algebraic methods in randomness and pseudorandomness

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-188).Algebra and randomness come together rather nicely in computation. A central example of this relationship in action is the Schwartz-Zippel lemma and its application to the fast randomized checking of polynomial identities. In this thesis, we further this relationship in two ways: (1) by compiling new algebraic techniques that are of potential computational interest, and (2) demonstrating the relevance of these techniques by making progress on several questions in randomness and pseudorandomness. The technical ingredients we introduce include: " Multiplicity-enhanced versions of the Schwartz-Zippel lenina and the "polynomial method", extending their applicability to "higher-degree" polynomials. " Conditions for polynomials to have an unusually small number of roots. " Conditions for polynomials to have an unusually structured set of roots, e.g., containing a large linear space. Our applications include: * Explicit constructions of randomness extractors with logarithmic seed and vanishing "entropy loss". " Limit laws for first-order logic augmented with the parity quantifier on random graphs (extending the classical 0-1 law). " Explicit dispersers for affine sources of imperfect randomness with sublinear entropy.by Swastik Kopparty.Ph.D

    The complexity of joint computation

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 253-266).Joint computation is the ubiquitous scenario in which a computer is presented with not one, but many computational tasks to perform. A fundamental question arises: when can we cleverly combine computations, to perform them with greater efficiency or reliability than by tackling them separately? This thesis investigates the power and, especially, the limits of efficient joint computation, in several computational models: query algorithms, circuits, and Turing machines. We significantly improve and extend past results on limits to efficient joint computation for multiple independent tasks; identify barriers to progress towards better circuit lower bounds for multiple-output operators; and begin an original line of inquiry into the complexity of joint computation. In more detail, we make contributions in the following areas: Improved direct product theorems for randomized query complexity: The "direct product problem" seeks to understand how the difficulty of computing a function on each of k independent inputs scales with k. We prove the following direct product theorem (DPT) for query complexity: if every T-query algorithm has success probability at most 1-[epsilon] in computing the Boolean function f on input distribution [mu], then for [alpha] 0, the worst-case success probability of any [alpha]R₂(f)k-query randomized algorithm for f k falls exponentially with k. The best previous statement of this type, due to Klauck, Spalek, and de Wolf, required a query bound of O(bs(f)k). Our proof technique involves defining and analyzing a collection of martingales associated with an algorithm attempting to solve f*k. Our method is quite general and yields a new XOR lemma and threshold DPT for the query model, as well as DPTs for the query complexity of learning tasks, search problems, and tasks involving interaction with dynamic entities. We also give a version of our DPT in which decision tree size is the resource of interest. Joint complexity in the Decision Tree Model: We study the diversity of possible behaviors of the joint computational complexity of a collection f1,... , fk of Boolean functions over a shared input. We focus on the deterministic decision tree model, with depth as the complexity measure; in this model, we prove a result to the effect that the "obvious" constraints on joint computational complexity are essentially the only ones. The proof uses an intriguing new type of cryptographic data structure called a "mystery bin," which we construct using a polynomial separation between deterministic and unambiguous query complexity shown by Savický. We also pose a conjecture in the communication model which, if proved, would extend our result to that model. Limitations of Lower-Bound Methods for the Wire Complexity of Boolean Operators: We study the circuit complexity of Boolean operators, i.e., collections of Boolean functions defined over a common input. Our focus is the well-studied model in which arbitrary Boolean functions are allowed as gates, and in which a circuit's complexity is measured by its depth and number of wires. We show sharp limitations of several existing lower-bound methods for this model. First, we study an information-theoretic lower-bound method due to Cherukhin, which gave the first improvement over the lower bounds provided by the well-known superconcentrator technique for constant depths. (The lower bounds are still barelysuperlinear, however) Cherukhin's method was formalized by Jukna as a general lower-bound criterion for Boolean operators, the "Strong Multiscale Entropy" (SME) property. It seemed plausible that this property could imply significantly better lower bounds by an improved analysis. However, we show that this is not the case, by exhibiting an explicit operator with the SME property that is computable in constant depths whose wire-complexity essentially matches the Cherukhin-Jukna lower bound (to within a constant multiplicative factor, for depths d = 2,3 and for even depths d >/= 6). Next, we show limitations of two simpler lower-bound criteria given by Jukna: the "entropy method" for general operators, and the "pairwise-distance method" for linear operators. We show that neither method gives super-linear lower bounds for depth 3. In the process, we obtain the first known polynomial separation between the depth-2 and depth-3 wire complexities for an explicit operator. We also continue the study (initiated by Jukna) of the complexity of "representing" a linear operator by bounded-depth circuits, a weaker notion than computing the operator. New limits to classical and quantum instance compression: Given an instance of a decision problem that is too difficult to solve outright, we may aim for the more limited goal of compressing that instance into a smaller, equivalent instance of the same or a different problem. As a representative problem, say we are given Boolean formulas [psi]1,... ,[psi]t, each of length n << t, and we want to determine if at least one [psi]j is satisfiable. Can we efficiently reduce this "OR-SAT" question to an equivalent problem instance (of SAT or another problem) of size poly(n), independent of t? We call any such reduction a "strong compression" reduction for OR-SAT. This would amount to a major gain from compressing [psi]1,. .. , [psi]t jointly, since we know of no way to reliably compress an individual SAT instance. Harnik and Naor (FOCS '06/SICOMP '10) and Bodlaender, Downey, Fellows, and Hermelin (ICALP '08/JCSS '09) showed that the infeasibility of strong compression for OR-SAT would also imply limits to instance compression schemes for a large number of other, natural problems; this is significant because instance compression is a central technique in the design of so-called fixed-parameter tractable algorithms. Bodlaender et al. also showed that the infeasibility of strong compression for the analogous "AND-SAT" problem would establish limits to instance compression for another family of problems. Fortnow and Santhanam (STOC '08) showed that deterministic (or 1-sided error randomized) strong compression for OR-SAT is not possible unless NP C coNP/poly; the case of AND-SAT remained mysterious. We give new and improved evidence against strong compression schemes for both OR-SAT and AND-SAT; our method applies to probabilistic compression schemes with 2-sided error. We also give versions of these results for an analogous task of quantum instance compression, in which a polynomial-time quantum reduction must output a quantum state that, in an appropriate sense, "preserves the answer" to the input instance. We give quantitatively similar evidence against strong compression for AND- and OR-SAT in this setting, albeit under less well-studied hypotheses about the relationship between NP and quantum complexity classes. To prove all of these results, we exploit the information bottleneck of an instance compression scheme, using a new method to "disguise" information being fed into a compressive mapping.by Andrew Donald Drucker.Ph.D