2 research outputs found

    Automatic Watering Plant Application Based on Android and Web Using REST Protocol

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    Gardening in private lawn has become a common activity among the metropolitan citizen, and they have diverse goals of planting, ranging from home decoration, income generation or personal consumption. However, this activity may lead to a waste effort if they do not treat the plants consistently, such as forgetting to water the plant. This project provides the solution to control and monitor the activity of watering the plants and water circulation in an aquarium on a system called APA (AQUAPONIC AUTOMATIC). Utilizing the REST protocol, based on android and web services with case studies on the private lawn, this system performs a remote automatic watering by making use of the weather information and provides a decision as well as notification to the controller when it is time to water the plant. The target of this project is to create a system that monitors and controls the watering plant system. Using android and web services, it run automatically by considering weather forecast information and the implementation of the system ensures the plants to grow

    Service Discovery from Uniform Resource Locators of Monitored Web Applications

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    Käesolev magistritöö käsitleb veebiserveri sissetulevate HTTP päringute URL-ide analüüsimist veebiteenuste tuvastamise eesmärgiga.\n\rProbleem on aktuaalne veebirakenduste monitooringutööriistade seisukohalt, kuna sissetulevad HTTP päringud on vaja omavahel loogiliselt grupeerida selleks, et edasihinnata ning jälgida teenuse vasteaega.\n\rUurimistöö keskendub Java veebirakendustele ning analüüsib URLide andmehulka, mis on saadudud monitoorimistarkvarast Plumbr.\n\rKui monitooritav veebirakendus on realiseeritud mõne Plumbri jaoks tuntud veebiraamistiku abil (näiteks Spring), siis on võimalik seda rakendust instrumenteerida selliselt, et teenuse nimi on üheselt määratletav. Kui aga tegemist on Plumbri jaoks tundmatu veebiraamistikuga, siis ainuke sissetuleva päringu kirjeldus on selle päringu URL.\n\rKui URLis sisalduvad dünaamilised parameetrid, siis sama teenust kasutavad päringud on erinevad ja neid ei ole võimalik ainult URLi põhiselt grupeerida.\n\rKäesolev magistritöö pakub välja URLi analüüsil baseeruva grupeerimise lahenduse. Lahendus tükeldab URLi, eraldab sealt sõnede ahelad, mida seejärel analüüsib kasutades loomuliku keele töötlemise ning graafitransformeerimise tehnikaid.\n\rPakutav teenuste tuvastuse lahendus on teostatud kasutades Java ja Groovy programmeerimiskeeli, hinnatud andmehulgal mis koosneb üle 400 000 URList ning on integreeritud Plumbr monitooringutarkvarasse.This thesis addresses the problem of analyzing Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) of incoming Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) requests in a Web application server in order to discover the services provided by the applications hosted by the application server, and to group these applications according to the services they provide. The thesis investigates this problem in the context of the Plumbr Java performance monitoring tool. When the hosted applications are implemented using a known web framework (e.g. Spring), the service name and associated data, such as URL parameters, can be extracted directly from the controller. However, this controller-based service discovery approach, which is currently implemented in Plumbr, is not applicable when the hosted applications use unknown framework. This research addresses the problem in this latter more general setting.\n\rThe thesis proposes a pure URL-based approach, where the observed URLs are parsed, leading to sequences of tokens, which are then analyzed using natural language processing techniques and graph transformations. The proposed service discovery technique has been implemented in Groovy and Java, integrated into the Plumbr tool and evaluated on data extracted from production server covering over 400K URLs