646 research outputs found

    Study of BGP Convergence Time

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    Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), a path vector routing protocol, is a widespread exterior gateway protocol (EGP) in the internet. Extensive deployment of the new technologies in internet, protocols need to have continuous improvements in its behavior and operations. New routing technologies conserve a top level of service availability. Hence, due to topological changes, BGP needs to achieve a fast network convergence. Now a days size of the network growing very rapidly. To maintain the high scalability in the network BGP needs to avoid instability. The instability and failures may cause the network into an unstable state, which significantly increases the network convergence time. This paper summarizes the various approaches like BGP policies, instability, and fault detection etc. to improve the convergence time of BGP


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    ABSTRAKSI: Dalam suatu jaringan sering di singgung mengenai routing protocol. Istilah routing digunakan untuk proses pengambilan sebuah paket dari sebuah alat dan mengirimkannya melalui network ke alat lain di sebuah network yang berbeda.Protokol tidak lain merupakan peraturan yang mengatur cara device-device dalam jaringan untuk saling bertukar informasi. Adapun routing protocol adalah protokol-protokol yang digunakan untuk merawat table routing pada router-router. Ada dua kategori protokol routing yaitu Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) dan Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP). Interior Gateway Protocol merupakan protocol routing yang menangani routing jaringan internet dalam suatu autonomous system. Exterior Gateway Protocol merupakan protokol routing yang menangani routing jaringan internet antar automous system. Exterior Gateway Protocol diperlukan karena Interior Gateway Protocol tidak dirancang untuk suatu jaringan yang sangat besar sehingga jaringan internet perlu dibentuk ke dalam suatu hirarki dengan membagi jaringan internet tersebut ke dalam autonomous systems. Autonomous System (AS) secara umum didefinisikan sebagai jaringan internet yang berada dalam satu kendali administrasi dan teknis.Pada routing dinamis ada yang bersifat distance vector dan link state. Contoh jenis protokol routing dinamis yang bersifat link state adalah Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) dan Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS).Hasil dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan pada tugas akhir ini, performansi dari protokol routing intermediate system-intermediate system (ISIS) lebih baik daripada Open Shortest Path First (OSPF). Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai delay, jitter, dan packet loss dari ISIS yang lebih kecil daripada OSPF dan nilai throughput ISIS yang lebih baik daripada OSPF.Kata Kunci : Kata kunci : Protocol routing, Routing dinamis, OSPF, IS-ISABSTRACT: In networking, we often hear about routing protocol. Routing is a process that take a packet from a device and send it through a network to another device in another nework.Protocol is a rule that control the devices in network to communicate with another one. While routing protocol is protocol that use to handle a table routing on router. There are two category of protocol routing, that is Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP). Interior Gateway Protocol is a routing protocol that handle the routing process in internet network in an autonomous system. Exterior Gateway Protocol is needed because Interior Gateway Protocol is not created for a big networking, so internet networking is formed to a hierarchy that divide internet networking to autonomous system. In general, Autonomous System (AS) is defined as internet networking that have same administration control and technical.In dynamic routing, there are distance vector and link state. The examples of link state are Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) and Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS).From the research, we know that the performance of ISIS routing protocol is better than OSPF. We can see it from the delay, jitter, and packet loss of ISIS is less than OSPF‟s, while the throughput of ISIS is better than OSPF‟sKeyword: Keyword : Routing protocol, dynamic routing, OSPF, IS-I

    A Comparative Study of Routing Protocols Including RIP, OSPF and BGP

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    In network communication, routing is the process of transferring data across network between different end devices. Communication can be within a local area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN). Despite of the network type, routing is considered as an important process in network communication. Router works with routing protocols. Routing protocol basically determines the way in which different routers communicate and transfer data. Different protocols have different attributes, algorithms and architecture that makes them capable to achieve reliable communication. So, we can say that the basics for transferring data across network is routing protocols. The data moves across different network topologies and different protocols working within and outside an autonomous system handles this data. Various protocols used in routing includes: Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and many more. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparison of different routing protocols. The main focus of this paper will be on OSPF, RIP, BGP and its types


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    This is the age of digital communication. The process involves sending messages from one end of the network to other end using the internet, extranets and the Internet of Things (IOT) Technologies. Initially, the internet is a small community. But today internet becomes a global community as thousands of different administrative entities own and operate the internet. The process of transferring data across the network is known as routing. The process of routing is performed by using routers. Routers use certain protocols to achieve this task. The Broader Gateway Protocol (BGP) is an interdomain routing protocol that is used to connect two different autonomous systems. The autonomous system is collection of network that runs under a single administrative entity. This paper includes analysis and important techniques of border gateway protocol, types of BGP, its attributes, security threats and measures to avoid risks

    OBGP based QoS analysis for optical virtual private network connection setup

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    In a computer network, clients work with different applications; hence there are requirement of speed, bandwidth, delay etc. The parameters are called as Quality of Service (QoS) parameters. QoS guarantees the performance in a network. To meet the growing demand of Optical Virtual Private Network (OVPN), the Internet Service Providers (ISP) should use multiple techniques which ensure the Quality of Service. For performing data communication between nodes in a network the path to be followed should be known. In this project, BGP/OBGP protocols have been discussed and using this protocol, paths have been found between routers. Then the optimal path is found out based on the path attributes. Also the paths are examined for QoS parameters and the best path is chosen. An OVPN model has been discussed and modified for performing Routing & Wavelength Assignment (RWA) function based on QoS requirement which is expressed in terms of Q-factor and trying to achieve minimum blocking probability of path. The objective of this project is to assign best connection between nodes as per the request from clients operating with various applications