41 research outputs found

    Minimizing the regularity of maximal regular antichains of 2- and 3-sets

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    Let nβ©Ύ3n\geqslant 3 be a natural number. We study the problem to find the smallest rr such that there is a family A\mathcal{A} of 2-subsets and 3-subsets of [n]={1,2,...,n}[n]=\{1,2,...,n\} with the following properties: (1) A\mathcal{A} is an antichain, i.e. no member of A\mathcal A is a subset of any other member of A\mathcal A, (2) A\mathcal A is maximal, i.e. for every X∈2[n]βˆ–AX\in 2^{[n]}\setminus\mathcal A there is an A∈AA\in\mathcal A with XβŠ†AX\subseteq A or AβŠ†XA\subseteq X, and (3) A\mathcal A is rr-regular, i.e. every point x∈[n]x\in[n] is contained in exactly rr members of A\mathcal A. We prove lower bounds on rr, and we describe constructions for regular maximal antichains with small regularity.Comment: 7 pages, updated reference

    Long Nonbinary Codes Exceeding the Gilbert - Varshamov Bound for any Fixed Distance

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    Let A(q,n,d) denote the maximum size of a q-ary code of length n and distance d. We study the minimum asymptotic redundancy \rho(q,n,d)=n-log_q A(q,n,d) as n grows while q and d are fixed. For any d and q<=d-1, long algebraic codes are designed that improve on the BCH codes and have the lowest asymptotic redundancy \rho(q,n,d) <= ((d-3)+1/(d-2)) log_q n known to date. Prior to this work, codes of fixed distance that asymptotically surpass BCH codes and the Gilbert-Varshamov bound were designed only for distances 4,5 and 6.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Info. Theor

    Improved Bounds for Progression-Free Sets in C^nβ‚ˆ

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    Let G be a finite group, and let r₃(G) represent the size of the largest subset of G without non-trivial three-term progressions. In a recent breakthrough, Croot, Lev and Pach proved that r₃(Cβ‚„^n) ≀ (3.611)^n, where C_m denotes the cyclic group of order m. For finite abelian groups Gβ‰…βˆ^n_(i=1), where m₁,…,m_n denote positive integers such that m₁ |…|m_n, this also yields a bound of the form r₃(G)β©½(0.903)^(rkβ‚„(G))|G|, with rkβ‚„(G) representing the number of indices i ∈ {1,…, n} with 4 |m_i. In particular, r₃(Cnβ‚ˆ) ≀ (7.222)^n. In this paper, we provide an exponential improvement for this bound, namely r₃(Cnβ‚ˆ) ≀ (7.0899)^n