290 research outputs found

    Predictive PAC Learning and Process Decompositions

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    We informally call a stochastic process learnable if it admits a generalization error approaching zero in probability for any concept class with finite VC-dimension (IID processes are the simplest example). A mixture of learnable processes need not be learnable itself, and certainly its generalization error need not decay at the same rate. In this paper, we argue that it is natural in predictive PAC to condition not on the past observations but on the mixture component of the sample path. This definition not only matches what a realistic learner might demand, but also allows us to sidestep several otherwise grave problems in learning from dependent data. In particular, we give a novel PAC generalization bound for mixtures of learnable processes with a generalization error that is not worse than that of each mixture component. We also provide a characterization of mixtures of absolutely regular (β\beta-mixing) processes, of independent probability-theoretic interest.Comment: 9 pages, accepted in NIPS 201

    On the positive eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a non-negative matrix

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    The paper develops the general theory for the items in the title, assuming that the matrix is countable and cofinal.Comment: Version 2 allows the matrix to have zero row(s) and rows with infinitely many non-zero entries. In addition the introduction has been rewritte

    Pattern Recognition for Conditionally Independent Data

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    In this work we consider the task of relaxing the i.i.d assumption in pattern recognition (or classification), aiming to make existing learning algorithms applicable to a wider range of tasks. Pattern recognition is guessing a discrete label of some object based on a set of given examples (pairs of objects and labels). We consider the case of deterministically defined labels. Traditionally, this task is studied under the assumption that examples are independent and identically distributed. However, it turns out that many results of pattern recognition theory carry over a weaker assumption. Namely, under the assumption of conditional independence and identical distribution of objects, while the only assumption on the distribution of labels is that the rate of occurrence of each label should be above some positive threshold. We find a broad class of learning algorithms for which estimations of the probability of a classification error achieved under the classical i.i.d. assumption can be generalised to the similar estimates for the case of conditionally i.i.d. examples.Comment: parts of results published at ALT'04 and ICML'0

    MCMC Learning

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    The theory of learning under the uniform distribution is rich and deep, with connections to cryptography, computational complexity, and the analysis of boolean functions to name a few areas. This theory however is very limited due to the fact that the uniform distribution and the corresponding Fourier basis are rarely encountered as a statistical model. A family of distributions that vastly generalizes the uniform distribution on the Boolean cube is that of distributions represented by Markov Random Fields (MRF). Markov Random Fields are one of the main tools for modeling high dimensional data in many areas of statistics and machine learning. In this paper we initiate the investigation of extending central ideas, methods and algorithms from the theory of learning under the uniform distribution to the setup of learning concepts given examples from MRF distributions. In particular, our results establish a novel connection between properties of MCMC sampling of MRFs and learning under the MRF distribution.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Approximate Learning of Limit-Average Automata

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    Limit-average automata are weighted automata on infinite words that use average to aggregate the weights seen in infinite runs. We study approximate learning problems for limit-average automata in two settings: passive and active. In the passive learning case, we show that limit-average automata are not PAC-learnable as samples must be of exponential-size to provide (with good probability) enough details to learn an automaton. We also show that the problem of finding an automaton that fits a given sample is NP-complete. In the active learning case, we show that limit-average automata can be learned almost-exactly, i.e., we can learn in polynomial time an automaton that is consistent with the target automaton on almost all words. On the other hand, we show that the problem of learning an automaton that approximates the target automaton (with perhaps fewer states) is NP-complete. The abovementioned results are shown for the uniform distribution on words. We briefly discuss learning over different distributions
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