12 research outputs found

    Type Safe Extensible Programming

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    Software products evolve over time. Sometimes they evolve by adding new features, and sometimes by either fixing bugs or replacing outdated implementations with new ones. When software engineers fail to anticipate such evolution during development, they will eventually be forced to re-architect or re-build from scratch. Therefore, it has been common practice to prepare for changes so that software products are extensible over their lifetimes. However, making software extensible is challenging because it is difficult to anticipate successive changes and to provide adequate abstraction mechanisms over potential changes. Such extensibility mechanisms, furthermore, should not compromise any existing functionality during extension. Software engineers would benefit from a tool that provides a way to add extensions in a reliable way. It is natural to expect programming languages to serve this role. Extensible programming is one effort to address these issues. In this thesis, we present type safe extensible programming using the MLPolyR language. MLPolyR is an ML-like functional language whose type system provides type-safe extensibility mechanisms at several levels. After presenting the language, we will show how these extensibility mechanisms can be put to good use in the context of product line engineering. Product line engineering is an emerging software engineering paradigm that aims to manage variations, which originate from successive changes in software.Comment: PhD Thesis submitted October, 200

    Generic Programming with Extensible Data Types; Or, Making Ad Hoc Extensible Data Types Less Ad Hoc

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    We present a novel approach to generic programming over extensible data types. Row types capture the structure of records and variants, and can be used to express record and variant subtyping, record extension, and modular composition of case branches. We extend row typing to capture generic programming over rows themselves, capturing patterns including lifting operations to records and variations from their component types, and the duality between cases blocks over variants and records of labeled functions, without placing specific requirements on the fields or constructors present in the records and variants. We formalize our approach in System R{\omega}, an extension of F{\omega} with row types, and give a denotational semantics for (stratified) R{\omega} in Agda.Comment: To appear at: International Conference on Functional Programming 2023 Corrected citations from previous versio

    Structural Subtyping as Parametric Polymorphism

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    Structural subtyping and parametric polymorphism provide similar flexibility and reusability to programmers. For example, both features enable the programmer to provide a wider record as an argument to a function that expects a narrower one. However, the means by which they do so differs substantially, and the precise details of the relationship between them exists, at best, as folklore in literature. In this paper, we systematically study the relative expressive power of structural subtyping and parametric polymorphism. We focus our investigation on establishing the extent to which parametric polymorphism, in the form of row and presence polymorphism, can encode structural subtyping for variant and record types. We base our study on various Church-style λ\lambda-calculi extended with records and variants, different forms of structural subtyping, and row and presence polymorphism. We characterise expressiveness by exhibiting compositional translations between calculi. For each translation we prove a type preservation and operational correspondence result. We also prove a number of non-existence results. By imposing restrictions on both source and target types, we reveal further subtleties in the expressiveness landscape, the restrictions enabling otherwise impossible translations to be defined. More specifically, we prove that full subtyping cannot be encoded via polymorphism, but we show that several restricted forms of subtyping can be encoded via particular forms of polymorphism.Comment: 47 pages, accepted by OOPSLA 202

    Abstracting Extensible Data Types: Or, Rows by Any Other Name

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    We present a novel typed language for extensible data types, generalizing and abstracting existing systems of row types and row polymorphism. Extensible data types are a powerful addition to traditional functional programming languages, capturing ideas from OOP-like record extension and polymorphism to modular compositional interpreters. We introduce row theories, a monoidal generalization of row types, giving a general account of record concatenation and projection (dually, variant injection and branching). We realize them via qualified types, abstracting the interpretation of records and variants over different row theories. Our approach naturally types terms untypable in other systems of extensible data types, while maintaining strong metatheoretic properties, such as coherence and principal types. Evidence for type qualifiers has computational content, determining the implementation of record and variant operations; we demonstrate this in giving a modular translation from our calculus, instantiated with various row theories, to polymorphic λ -calculus

    Design and Implementation of Family Polymorphism for Interactive Theorem Proving

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    With the growing practice of mechanizing language metatheories, it has become ever more pressing that interactive theorem provers make it easy to write reusable, extensible code and proofs. This thesis presents a novel language design geared towards extensible metatheory mechanization in a proof assistant. The new design achieves reuse and extensibility via a form of family polymorphism, an object-oriented idea, that allows code and proofs to be polymorphic to their enclosing families. Our development addresses technical challenges that arise from the underlying language of a proof assistant being simultaneously functional, dependently typed, a logic, and an interactive tool. Our results include (1) a prototypical implementation of the language design as a Coq plugin, (2) a dependent type theory capturing the essence of the language mechanism and its consistency and canonicity results, and (3) case studies showing how the new expressiveness naturally addresses real programming challenges in metatheory mechanization

    Safe, Fast and Easy: Towards Scalable Scripting Languages

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    Scripting languages are immensely popular in many domains. They are characterized by a number of features that make it easy to develop small applications quickly - flexible data structures, simple syntax and intuitive semantics. However they are less attractive at scale: scripting languages are harder to debug, difficult to refactor and suffers performance penalties. Many research projects have tackled the issue of safety and performance for existing scripting languages with mixed results: the considerable flexibility offered by their semantics also makes them significantly harder to analyze and optimize. Previous research from our lab has led to the design of a typed scripting language built specifically to be flexible without losing static analyzability. In this dissertation, we present a framework to exploit this analyzability, with the aim of producing a more efficient implementation. Our approach centers around the concept of adaptive tags: specialized tags attached to values that represent how it is used in the current program. Our framework abstractly tracks the flow of deep structural types in the program, and thus can efficiently tag them at runtime. Adaptive tags allow us to tackle key issues at the heart of performance problems of scripting languages: the framework is capable of performing efficient dispatch in the presence of flexible structures

    Building a Typed Scripting Language

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    Since the 1990s, scripting languages (e.g. Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and many others) have gained widespread popularity. Features such as ad-hoc data manipulation, dynamic structural typing, and terse syntax permit rapid engineering and improve developer productivity. Unfortunately, programs written in scripting languages execute slower and are less scalable than those written in traditional languages (such as C or Java) due to the challenge of statically analyzing scripting languages' semantics. Although various research projects have made progress on this front, corner cases in the semantics of existing scripting languages continue to defy static analysis and software engineers must generally still choose between program performance and programmer performance when selecting a language. We address that dichotomy in this dissertation by designing a scripting language with the intent of statically analyzing it. We select a set of core primitives in which common language features such as object-orientation and case analysis can be encoded and give a sound and decidable type inference system for it. Our type theory is based on subtype constraint systems but is also closely related to abstract interpretation; we use this connection to guide development of the type system and to employ a novel type soundness proof strategy based on simulation. At the heart of our approach is a type indexed record we call the onion which supports asymmetric concatenation and dispatch; we use onions to formally encode a variety of features, including records, operator overloading, objects, and mixins. An optimistic call-site polymorphism model defined herein captures the ad-hoc, case-analysis-based reasoning often used in scripting languages. Although the language in this dissertation uses a particular set of core primitives, the strategy we use to design it is general: we demonstrate a simple, formulaic process for adding features such as integers and state

    Graceful Language Extensions and Interfaces

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    Grace is a programming language under development aimed at education. Grace is object-oriented, imperative, and block-structured, and intended for use in first- and second-year object-oriented programming courses. We present a number of language features we have designed for Grace and implemented in our self-hosted compiler. We describe the design of a pattern-matching system with object-oriented structure and minimal extension to the language. We give a design for an object-based module system, which we use to build dialects, a means of extending and restricting the language available to the programmer, and of implementing domain-specific languages. We show a visual programming interface that melds visual editing (à la Scratch) with textual editing, and that uses our dialect system, and we give the results of a user experiment we performed to evaluate the usability of our interface

    Extensible programming with first-class cases

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    We present language mechanisms for polymorphic, extensible records and their exact dual, polymorphic sums with extensible first-class cases. These features make it possible to easily extend existing code with new cases. In fact, such extensions do not require any changes to code that adheres to a particular programming style. Using that style, individual extensions can be written independently and later be composed to form larger components. These language mechanisms provide a solution to the expression problem. We study the proposed mechanisms in the context of an implicitly typed, purely functional language PolyR. We give a type system for the language and provide rules for a 2-phase transformation— first into an explicitly typed λ-calculus with record polymorphism, and finally to efficient index-passing code. The transformations eliminate sums and cases by taking advantage of the duality with records. We implement a version of PolyR extended with imperative features and pattern matching—we call this language MLPolyR. Programs in MLPolyR require no type annotations—the implementation employs a reconstruction algorithm to infer all types. The compiler generates machine code (currently for PowerPC) and optimizes the representation of sums by eliminating closures generated by the dual construction. 1