12 research outputs found

    Developing a compositional ontology alignment framework for unifying business and engineering domains

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    In the context of the Semantic Web, ontologies refer to the consensual and formal description of shared concepts in a domain. Ontologies are said to be a way to aid communication between humans and machines and also between machines for agent communication. The importance of ontologies for providing a shared understanding of common domains, and as a means for data exchange at the syntactic and semantic level has increased considerably in the last years. Therefore, ontology management becomes a significant task to make distributed and heterogeneous knowledge bases available to the end users. Ontology alignment is the process where ontology from different domains can be matched and processed further together, hence sharing a common understanding of the structure of information among different people. This research starts from a comprehensive review of the current development of ontology, the concepts of ontology alignments and relevant approaches. The first motivation of this work is trying to summarise the common features of ontology alignment and identify underdevelopment areas of ontology alignment. It then works on how complex businesses can be designed and managed by semantic modelling which can help define the data and the relationships between these entities, which provides the ability to abstract different kinds of data and provides an understanding of how the data elements relate. The main contributions of this work is to develop a framework of handling an important category of ontology alignment based on the logical composition of classes, especially under a case that one class from a certain domain becomes a logic prerequisites (assumption) of another class from a different domain (commitment) which only happens if the class from the first domain becomes valid. Under this logic, previously un-alignable classes or miss-aligned classes can be aligned in a significantly improved manner. A well-known rely/guarantee method has been adopted to clearly express such relationships between newly-alignable classes. The proposed methodology has be implemented and evaluated on a realistic case study.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    An Adaptive Integration Architecture for Software Reuse

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    The problem of building large, reliable software systems in a controlled, cost-effective way, the so-called software crisis problem, is one of computer science\u27s great challenges. From the very outset of computing as science, software reuse has been touted as a means to overcome the software crisis issue. Over three decades later, the software community is still grappling with the problem of building large reliable software systems in a controlled, cost effective way; the software crisis problem is alive and well. Today, many computer scientists still regard software reuse as a very powerful vehicle to improve the practice of software engineering. The advantage of amortizing software development cost through reuse continues to be a major objective in the art of building software, even though the tools, methods, languages, and overall understanding of software engineering have changed significantly over the years. Our work is primarily focused on the development of an Adaptive Application Integration Architecture Framework. Without good integration tools and techniques, reuse is difficult and will probably not happen to any significant degree. In the development of the adaptive integration architecture framework, the primary enabling concept is object-oriented design supported by the unified modeling language. The concepts of software architecture, design patterns, and abstract data views are used in a structured and disciplined manner to established a generic framework. This framework is applied to solve the Enterprise Application Integration (EM) problem in the telecommunications operations support system (OSS) enterprise marketplace. The proposed adaptive application integration architecture framework facilitates application reusability and flexible business process re-engineering. The architecture addresses the need for modern businesses to continuously redefine themselves to address changing market conditions in an increasingly competitive environment. We have developed a number of Enterprise Application Integration design patterns to enable the implementation of an EAI framework in a definite and repeatable manner. The design patterns allow for integration of commercial off-the-shelf applications into a unified enterprise framework facilitating true application portfolio interoperability. The notion of treating application services as infrastructure services and using business processes to combine them arbitrarily provides a natural way of thinking about adaptable and reusable software systems. We present a mathematical formalism for the specification of design patterns. This specification constitutes an extension of the basic concepts from many-sorted algebra. In particular, the notion of signature is extended to that of a vector, consisting of a set of linearly independent signatures. The approach can be used to reason about various properties including efforts for component reuse and to facilitate complex largescale software development by providing the developer with design alternatives and support for automatic program verification

    AXMEDIS 2008

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    The AXMEDIS International Conference series aims to explore all subjects and topics related to cross-media and digital-media content production, processing, management, standards, representation, sharing, protection and rights management, to address the latest developments and future trends of the technologies and their applications, impacts and exploitation. The AXMEDIS events offer venues for exchanging concepts, requirements, prototypes, research ideas, and findings which could contribute to academic research and also benefit business and industrial communities. In the Internet as well as in the digital era, cross-media production and distribution represent key developments and innovations that are fostered by emergent technologies to ensure better value for money while optimising productivity and market coverage

    Conceptual modelling for integrated decision-making in process systems

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    This Thesis addresses the systematic construction of Decision Making Models (DMMs) from the conceptualization stage to its application in specific situations, with special emphasis on !he treatment of scenarios where there is a hierarchy of decision levels, common in the Process Systems (PS). Although the methodologies developed are generic, the scope of this Thesis is limited to the perspective of Process Engineering. The central component required to construct a DMM is the conceptual description of the reality, which supports the system alisation of management procedures . During this description, two different dom ains can be identified: the PS Domain, useful to describe the structure of the process as such (physical reality and the way in which its elements are related), and the Management Domain, identified in this Thesis as associated with the Conceptual Constraints (CC) that describe the restrictions associated with the management of the process . In this way, the PS Domain includes concepts and relationships that appear in the control standards of the process followed by the company: the description of the process to be developed, the description of the physical equipment in which it is developed , and that of its interactions, giving rise to the control of the execution of the procedures; this domain should allow managing the construction, design, operation and control of any manufacturing system. On the other hand, the CC Domain contains the information associated with the concepts and relationships that m ust be fulfilled to ensure a coherent set of decisions, with the purpose of identifying and representing the systematics to follow during the decision-making process, giving rise to the conceptual representation of this system and, finally, the construction of the corresponding DMM. The first challenge addressed in this thesis is associated with the systematisation of conceptual modelling from semantic information, for the construction ofontologies from textual sources and a procedure to verify the interna! coherence of lhese sources. The application of this methodology has been used for the identification of the essential concepts and relationships in the PS Domain, allowing creating a generic, common and shared model, unlike the existing models. In the next step, this PS Domain has been used to solve management problems in systems that comprise multi-level hierarchies. The resulting decision-making process allows integrating the decisions made al each level, ensuring their consistency from an approach that simultaneously considers the management of all available information (data and knowledge). On the other hand, the introduction of the necessary concepts and relationships to ensure the feasibility of the process management decisions, through the CC Domain, allows the development of systematic DMM creation procedures: this domain classifies the constrains (balances, sequence, etc.), adds abstrae! elements to them (e.g.: produced and consumed amounts) and allows to generalize the relation of its compone nis with the information associated to the PS Domain. The last part of this Thesis deals with the integration of the PS and CC Domains, and their application for the generation of new decision-making systems . For this, algorithms have been designed that, starting from the previously identified and classified restrictions, and patterns of DMMs also previously identified from existing cases, exploit the information available through the instances in the PS Domain, to generate new DMMs according to the user's specifications. lts use is illustrated through cases from different environments, demonstrating the generalisation capacity of the created systematics.Esta Tesis aborda la construcción sistemática de Modelos para la toma de Decisiones (DMMs) desde la etapa de conceptualización hasta su aplicación en situaciones concretas, con especial énfasis en el tratamiento de escenarios en los que existe una jerarquía de niveles de decisión, habitual en la Industria de Proceso (PS). Aunque las metodologías desarrolladas son genéricas, el alcance de esta Tesis se limita a la perspectiva de la Ingeniería de Procesos. El componente central requerido para construir un DMMs es la descripción conceptual de la realidad a la que se orienta, que a su vez respalda la sistematización de los procedimientos de gestión. Durante esta descripción, se pueden identificar planteamientos asociados a dos dominios diferentes: el Dominio del Proceso (PS), útil para describir la estructura del proceso como tal (realidad física y forma en la que se relacionan sus elementos), y el Dominio de Gestión, asociado a las Restricciones Conceptuales (CC) que describen las restricciones asociadas a la gestión del proceso. El Dominio PS incluye conceptos y relaciones que aparecen en los estándares de control del proceso que sigue la empresa: la descripción del proceso a desarrollar, la descripción de los equipos físicos en los que se desarrolla, y la de sus interacciones, que dan lugar al control de ejecución de los procedimientos; este dominio debe permitir la construcción, el diseño, la operación y el control de cualquier sistema de fabricación. Por su parte, el Dominio CC contiene la información asociada a los conceptos y las relaciones que deben cumplirse para asegurar un conjunto coherente de decisiones, con el propósito de identificar y representar la sistemática a seguir durante el proceso de toma de decisiones, dando lugar a la representación conceptual de esta sistemática y, finalmente, a la construcción del correspondiente DMM. El primer reto abordado en esta Tesis está asociado a la sistematización del modelado conceptual a partir de información semántica, para construcción de ontologías a partir de fuentes textuales y de un procedimiento para verificar la coherencia interna de dichas fuentes. La aplicación de esta metodología se ha utilizado para la identificación de los conceptos y las relaciones esenciales en el Dominio PS, permitiendo crear un modelo genérico, común y compartido, a diferencia de los modelos existentes. En el siguiente paso, este Dominio PS se ha utilizado para la resolución de problemas de gestión en sistemas que comprenden múltiples niveles de jerarquías funcionales. El proceso de toma de decisiones resultante permite integrar las decisiones tomadas en cada nivel, asegurando su coherencia a partir de un enfoque que contempla simultáneamente la gestión de toda la información disponible (datos y conocimiento). Por su parte, la introducción de los conceptos y relaciones necesarios para asegurar la factibilidad de las decisiones de gestión del proceso, a través del Dominio CC, permite el desarrollo de procedimientos sistemáticos de creación de DMMs: este Dominio clasifica las restricciones (balances, secuencia, etc.), agrega elementos abstractos a dichas restricciones (p.e.: cantidad producida y consumida) y permite generalizar la relación de sus componentes con la información asociada al Dominio PS. En la última parte de esta Tesis se aborda la integración de los Dominios PS y CC, y su aplicación para la generación de nuevos sistemas de toma de decisiones. Para ello, se han diseñado algoritmos que, partiendo de las restricciones anteriormente identificadas y clasificadas, y patrones de DMMs también previamente identificados a partir de casos ya existentes, explotan la información disponible a través de las instancias del Dominio PS, para generar de nuevos modelos de toma de decisión de acuerdo con las especificaciones del usuario. Su utilización se ilustra a través de casos procedentes de diferentes entornos, demostrando la capacidad de generalización de la sistemática creada.Postprint (published version

    E-Governance: Strategy for Mitigating Non-Inclusion of Citizens in Policy Making in Nigeria

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    The Nigerian federation that currently has 36 states structure adopted the Weberian Public Administrative system before now as an ideal way of running government, which was characterized with the traditional way of doing things without recourse to the deployment of Information Communication Technology (ICT). Today e-governance is seen as a paradigm shift from the previous way of governance. Research has shown that, the adoption and implementation of e-governance is more likely to bring about effective service delivery, mitigate corruption and ultimately enhance citizens’ participation in governmental affairs. However, it has been argued that infrastructure such as regular electricity power and access to the Internet, in addition to a society with high rate of literacy level are required to effectively implement and realize the potentials of e-governance for improved delivery of services. Due to the difficulties currently experienced, developing nations need to adequately prepare for the implementation of e-governance on the platform of Information Communication Technology (ICT). Hence, this study seeks to examine whether the adoption and implementation of e-governance in the context of Nigeria would mitigate the hitherto non-inclusion of citizens in the formulation and implementation of government policies aimed at enhanced development. To achieve the objective of the study, data were sourced and analyzed majorly by examining government websites of 20 states in the Nigerian federation to ascertain if there are venues for citizens to interact with government in the area of policy making and feedback on government actions, as a way of promoting participatory governance. The study revealed that the adoption and implementation of e-governance in the country is yet to fully take place. This is due to lack of infrastructure, low level of literacy rate and government inability to provide the necessary infrastructure for e-governance to materialize. The paper therefore, recommends among others the need for the Federal Government to involve a sound and clear policy on how to go about the adoption and implementation of egovernance through deliberate effort at increasing budgetary allocation towards infrastructural development and mass education of citizens

    The Impact of e-Democracy in Political Stability of Nigeria

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    The history of the Nigerian electoral process has been hitherto characterized by violence stemming from disputes in election outcomes. For instance, violence erupted across some states in Northern Nigeria when results indicated that a candidate who was popular in that part of the country was losing the election leading to avoidable loss of lives. Beside, this dispute in election outcome lingers for a long time in litigation at the electoral tribunals which distracts effective governance. However, the increasing penetrating use of ICTs in Nigeria is evident in the electoral processes with consequent shift in the behavior of actors in the democratic processes, thus changing the ways Nigerians react to election outcomes. This paper examines the trend in the use ICT in the Nigerian political system and its impact on the stability of the polity. It assesses the role of ICT in recent electoral processes and compares its impact on the outcome of the process in lieu of previous experiences in the Nigeria. Furthermore, the paper also examines the challenges and risks of implementing e-Democracy in Nigeria and its relationship to the economy in the light of the socio-economic situation of the country. The paper adopted qualitative approach in data gathering and analysis. From the findings, the paper observed that e-democracy is largely dependent on the level of ICT adoption, which is still at its lowest ebb in the country. It recognizes the challenges in the provision of ICT infrastructure and argues that appropriate low-cost infrastructure applicable to the Nigerian condition can be made available to implement e-democracy and thus arouse the interest of the populace in governance, increase the number of voters, and enhance transparency, probity and accountability, and participation in governance as well as help stabilize the nascent democrac