89 research outputs found

    Anonymization procedures for tabular data: an explanatory technical and legal synthesis

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    In the European Union, Data Controllers and Data Processors, who work with personal data, have to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable laws. This affects the storing and processing of personal data. But some data processing in data mining or statistical analyses does not require any personal reference to the data. Thus, personal context can be removed. For these use cases, to comply with applicable laws, any existing personal information has to be removed by applying the so-called anonymization. However, anonymization should maintain data utility. Therefore, the concept of anonymization is a double-edged sword with an intrinsic trade-off: privacy enforcement vs. utility preservation. The former might not be entirely guaranteed when anonymized data are published as Open Data. In theory and practice, there exist diverse approaches to conduct and score anonymization. This explanatory synthesis discusses the technical perspectives on the anonymization of tabular data with a special emphasis on the European Union’s legal base. The studied methods for conducting anonymization, and scoring the anonymization procedure and the resulting anonymity are explained in unifying terminology. The examined methods and scores cover both categorical and numerical data. The examined scores involve data utility, information preservation, and privacy models. In practice-relevant examples, methods and scores are experimentally tested on records from the UCI Machine Learning Repository’s “Census Income (Adult)” dataset

    Protecting privacy of semantic trajectory

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    The growing ubiquity of GPS-enabled devices in everyday life has made large-scale collection of trajectories feasible, providing ever-growing opportunities for human movement analysis. However, publishing this vulnerable data is accompanied by increasing concerns about individuals’ geoprivacy. This thesis has two objectives: (1) propose a privacy protection framework for semantic trajectories and (2) develop a Python toolbox in ArcGIS Pro environment for non-expert users to enable them to anonymize trajectory data. The former aims to prevent users’ re-identification when knowing the important locations or any random spatiotemporal points of users by swapping their important locations to new locations with the same semantics and unlinking the users from their trajectories. This is accomplished by converting GPS points into sequences of visited meaningful locations and moves and integrating several anonymization techniques. The second component of this thesis implements privacy protection in a way that even users without deep knowledge of anonymization and coding skills can anonymize their data by offering an all-in-one toolbox. By proposing and implementing this framework and toolbox, we hope that trajectory privacy is better protected in research

    Non-Imaging Medical Data Synthesis for Trustworthy AI: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Data quality is the key factor for the development of trustworthy AI in healthcare. A large volume of curated datasets with controlled confounding factors can help improve the accuracy, robustness and privacy of downstream AI algorithms. However, access to good quality datasets is limited by the technical difficulty of data acquisition and large-scale sharing of healthcare data is hindered by strict ethical restrictions. Data synthesis algorithms, which generate data with a similar distribution as real clinical data, can serve as a potential solution to address the scarcity of good quality data during the development of trustworthy AI. However, state-of-the-art data synthesis algorithms, especially deep learning algorithms, focus more on imaging data while neglecting the synthesis of non-imaging healthcare data, including clinical measurements, medical signals and waveforms, and electronic healthcare records (EHRs). Thus, in this paper, we will review the synthesis algorithms, particularly for non-imaging medical data, with the aim of providing trustworthy AI in this domain. This tutorial-styled review paper will provide comprehensive descriptions of non-imaging medical data synthesis on aspects including algorithms, evaluations, limitations and future research directions.Comment: 35 pages, Submitted to ACM Computing Survey

    Private Graph Data Release: A Survey

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    The application of graph analytics to various domains have yielded tremendous societal and economical benefits in recent years. However, the increasingly widespread adoption of graph analytics comes with a commensurate increase in the need to protect private information in graph databases, especially in light of the many privacy breaches in real-world graph data that was supposed to preserve sensitive information. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of private graph data release algorithms that seek to achieve the fine balance between privacy and utility, with a specific focus on provably private mechanisms. Many of these mechanisms fall under natural extensions of the Differential Privacy framework to graph data, but we also investigate more general privacy formulations like Pufferfish Privacy that can deal with the limitations of Differential Privacy. A wide-ranging survey of the applications of private graph data release mechanisms to social networks, finance, supply chain, health and energy is also provided. This survey paper and the taxonomy it provides should benefit practitioners and researchers alike in the increasingly important area of private graph data release and analysis

    The use of saturated count models for synthesis of large confidential administrative databases

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    Synthetic data sets are being increasingly used to protect data confidentiality. In the three decades since they were first introduced, methods for synthetic data generation have evolved, but mainly within the domain of survey data sets. As greater interest is being taken in utilising administrative data for statistical purposes, there is inevitably greater interest in creating synthetic administrative databases. Yet there are characteristics of these databases that require special attention from a synthesis perspective, such as their size and the presence of structural zeros. This thesis, through the fitting of saturated models in conjunction with overdispersed count distributions, presents a mechanism that allows large administrative databases to be synthesized efficiently. This thesis also proposes a concept of satisfying risk and utility metrics a priori - that is, prior to synthetic data generation - using the synthesis mechanism’s tuning parameters, allowing a more formalized approach to synthesis. The methods are demonstrated empirically throughout, primarily through synthesizing a database that can be viewed as a close substitute to the English School Census

    A Modified Anonymisation Algorithm Towards Reducing Information Loss.

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    The growth of various technologies in the modern digital world results in the col- lection and storage of huge amounts of individual\u27s data. In addition of providing direct services delivery, this data can be used for other non-direct activities known as secondary use. This includes activities such as doing research, analysis, quality and safety measurement, public health, and marketing

    Statistical disclosure control: an interdisciplinary approach to the problem of balancing privacy risks and data utility

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    The recent increase in the availability of data sources for research has put significant strain on existing data management work-flows, especially in the field of statistical disclosure control. New statistical methods for disclosure control are frequently set out in the literature, however, few of these methods become functional implementations for data owners to utilise. Current workflows often provide inconsistent results dependent on ad hoc approaches, and bottlenecks can form around statistical disclosure control checks which prevent research from progressing. These problems contribute to a lack of trust between researchers and data owners and contribute to the under utilisation of data sources. This research is an interdisciplinary exploration of the existing methods. It hypothesises that algorithms which invoke a range of statistical disclosure control methods (recoding, suppression, noise addition and synthetic data generation) in a semi-automatic way will enable data owners to release data with a higher level of data utility without any increase in disclosure risk when compared to existing methods. These semi-automatic techniques will be applied in the context of secure data-linkage in the e-Health sphere through projects such as DAMES and SHIP. This thesis sets out a theoretical framework for statistical disclosure control and draws on qualitative data from data owners, researchers, and analysts. With these contextual frames in place, the existing literature and methods were reviewed, and a tool set for implementing k-anonymity and a range of disclosure control methods was created. This tool-set is demonstrated in a standard workflow and it is shown how it could be integrated into existing e-Science projects and governmental settings. Comparing this approach with existing workflows within the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland, it allows data owners to process queries from data users in a semi-automatic way and thus provides for an enhanced user experience. This utility is drawn from the consistency and replicability of the approach combined with the increase in the speed of query processing

    Privacy by Design in Data Mining

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    Privacy is ever-growing concern in our society: the lack of reliable privacy safeguards in many current services and devices is the basis of a diffusion that is often more limited than expected. Moreover, people feel reluctant to provide true personal data, unless it is absolutely necessary. Thus, privacy is becoming a fundamental aspect to take into account when one wants to use, publish and analyze data involving sensitive information. Many recent research works have focused on the study of privacy protection: some of these studies aim at individual privacy, i.e., the protection of sensitive individual data, while others aim at corporate privacy, i.e., the protection of strategic information at organization level. Unfortunately, it is in- creasingly hard to transform the data in a way that it protects sensitive information: we live in the era of big data characterized by unprecedented opportunities to sense, store and analyze complex data which describes human activities in great detail and resolution. As a result anonymization simply cannot be accomplished by de-identification. In the last few years, several techniques for creating anonymous or obfuscated versions of data sets have been proposed, which essentially aim to find an acceptable trade-off between data privacy on the one hand and data utility on the other. So far, the common result obtained is that no general method exists which is capable of both dealing with “generic personal data” and preserving “generic analytical results”. In this thesis we propose the design of technological frameworks to counter the threats of undesirable, unlawful effects of privacy violation, without obstructing the knowledge discovery opportunities of data mining technologies. Our main idea is to inscribe privacy protection into the knowledge discovery technol- ogy by design, so that the analysis incorporates the relevant privacy requirements from the start. Therefore, we propose the privacy-by-design paradigm that sheds a new light on the study of privacy protection: once specific assumptions are made about the sensitive data and the target mining queries that are to be answered with the data, it is conceivable to design a framework to: a) transform the source data into an anonymous version with a quantifiable privacy guarantee, and b) guarantee that the target mining queries can be answered correctly using the transformed data instead of the original ones. This thesis investigates on two new research issues which arise in modern Data Mining and Data Privacy: individual privacy protection in data publishing while preserving specific data mining analysis, and corporate privacy protection in data mining outsourcing
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