59,782 research outputs found

    A Model of Consistent Node Types in Signed Directed Social Networks

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    Signed directed social networks, in which the relationships between users can be either positive (indicating relations such as trust) or negative (indicating relations such as distrust), are increasingly common. Thus the interplay between positive and negative relationships in such networks has become an important research topic. Most recent investigations focus upon edge sign inference using structural balance theory or social status theory. Neither of these two theories, however, can explain an observed edge sign well when the two nodes connected by this edge do not share a common neighbor (e.g., common friend). In this paper we develop a novel approach to handle this situation by applying a new model for node types. Initially, we analyze the local node structure in a fully observed signed directed network, inferring underlying node types. The sign of an edge between two nodes must be consistent with their types; this explains edge signs well even when there are no common neighbors. We show, moreover, that our approach can be extended to incorporate directed triads, when they exist, just as in models based upon structural balance or social status theory. We compute Bayesian node types within empirical studies based upon partially observed Wikipedia, Slashdot, and Epinions networks in which the largest network (Epinions) has 119K nodes and 841K edges. Our approach yields better performance than state-of-the-art approaches for these three signed directed networks.Comment: To appear in the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 201

    Signed Network Modeling Based on Structural Balance Theory

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    The modeling of networks, specifically generative models, have been shown to provide a plethora of information about the underlying network structures, as well as many other benefits behind their construction. Recently there has been a considerable increase in interest for the better understanding and modeling of networks, but the vast majority of this work has been for unsigned networks. However, many networks can have positive and negative links(or signed networks), especially in online social media, and they inherently have properties not found in unsigned networks due to the added complexity. Specifically, the positive to negative link ratio and the distribution of signed triangles in the networks are properties that are unique to signed networks and would need to be explicitly modeled. This is because their underlying dynamics are not random, but controlled by social theories, such as Structural Balance Theory, which loosely states that users in social networks will prefer triadic relations that involve less tension. Therefore, we propose a model based on Structural Balance Theory and the unsigned Transitive Chung-Lu model for the modeling of signed networks. Our model introduces two parameters that are able to help maintain the positive link ratio and proportion of balanced triangles. Empirical experiments on three real-world signed networks demonstrate the importance of designing models specific to signed networks based on social theories to obtain better performance in maintaining signed network properties while generating synthetic networks.Comment: CIKM 2018: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=327174

    Active influence in dynamical models of structural balance in social networks

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    We consider a nonlinear dynamical system on a signed graph, which can be interpreted as a mathematical model of social networks in which the links can have both positive and negative connotations. In accordance with a concept from social psychology called structural balance, the negative links play a key role in both the structure and dynamics of the network. Recent research has shown that in a nonlinear dynamical system modeling the time evolution of "friendliness levels" in the network, two opposing factions emerge from almost any initial condition. Here we study active external influence in this dynamical model and show that any agent in the network can achieve any desired structurally balanced state from any initial condition by perturbing its own local friendliness levels. Based on this result, we also introduce a new network centrality measure for signed networks. The results are illustrated in an international relations network using United Nations voting record data from 1946 to 2008 to estimate friendliness levels amongst various countries.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Europhysics Letters (http://www.epletters.net

    Bounded Confidence under Preferential Flip: A Coupled Dynamics of Structural Balance and Opinions

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    In this work we study the coupled dynamics of social balance and opinion formation. We propose a model where agents form opinions under bounded confidence, but only considering the opinions of their friends. The signs of social ties -friendships and enmities- evolve seeking for social balance, taking into account how similar agents' opinions are. We consider both the case where opinions have one and two dimensions. We find that our dynamics produces the segregation of agents into two cliques, with the opinions of agents in one clique differing from those in the other. Depending on the level of bounded confidence, the dynamics can produce either consensus of opinions within each clique or the coexistence of several opinion clusters in a clique. For the uni-dimensional case, the opinions in one clique are all below the opinions in the other clique, hence defining a "left clique" and a "right clique". In the two-dimensional case, our numerical results suggest that the two cliques are separated by a hyperplane in the opinion space. We also show that the phenomenon of unidimensional opinions identified by DeMarzo, Vayanos and Zwiebel (Q J Econ 2003) extends partially to our dynamics. Finally, in the context of politics, we comment about the possible relation of our results to the fragmentation of an ideology and the emergence of new political parties.Comment: 8 figures, PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164323, 201