9 research outputs found

    Plato's cave and differential forms

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    In the 1970s and again in the 1990s, Gromov gave a number of theorems and conjectures motivated by the notion that the real homotopy theory of compact manifolds and simplicial complexes influences the geometry of maps between them. The main technical result of this paper supports this intuition: we show that maps of differential algebras are closely shadowed, in a technical sense, by maps between the corresponding spaces. As a concrete application, we prove the following conjecture of Gromov: if XX and YY are finite complexes with YY simply connected, then there are constants C(X,Y)C(X,Y) and p(X,Y)p(X,Y) such that any two homotopic LL-Lipschitz maps have a C(L+1)pC(L+1)^p-Lipschitz homotopy (and if one of the maps is a constant, pp can be taken to be 22.) We hope that it will lead more generally to a better understanding of the space of maps from XX to YY in this setting.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure; comments welcome! This is the final version to be published in Geometry & Topolog

    Computing all maps into a sphere

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    Given topological spaces X and Y, a fundamental problem of algebraic topology is understanding the structure of all continuous maps X -> Y . We consider a computational version, where X, Y are given as finite simplicial complexes, and the goal is to compute [X,Y], i.e., all homotopy classes of such maps. We solve this problem in the stable range, where for some d >= 2, we have dim X <= 2d - 2 and Y is (d - 1)-connected; in particular, Y can be the d-dimensional sphere S^d. The algorithm combines classical tools and ideas from homotopy theory (obstruction theory, Postnikov systems, and simplicial sets) with algorithmic tools from effective algebraic topology (locally effective simplicial sets and objects with effective homology). In contrast, [X,Y] is known to be uncomputable for general X,Y, since for X = S^1 it includes a well known undecidable problem: testing triviality of the fundamental group of Y. In follow-up papers, the algorithm is shown to run in polynomial time for d fixed, and extended to other problems, such as the extension problem, where we are given a subspace A of X and a map A -> Y and ask whether it extends to a map X -> Y, or computing the Z_2-index---everything in the stable range. Outside the stable range, the extension problem is undecidable.Comment: 42 pages; a revised and substantially updated version (referring to follow-up papers and results

    IST Austria Thesis

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    The first part of the thesis considers the computational aspects of the homotopy groups πd(X) of a topological space X. It is well known that there is no algorithm to decide whether the fundamental group π1(X) of a given finite simplicial complex X is trivial. On the other hand, there are several algorithms that, given a finite simplicial complex X that is simply connected (i.e., with π1(X) trivial), compute the higher homotopy group πd(X) for any given d ≥ 2. However, these algorithms come with a caveat: They compute the isomorphism type of πd(X), d ≥ 2 as an abstract finitely generated abelian group given by generators and relations, but they work with very implicit representations of the elements of πd(X). We present an algorithm that, given a simply connected space X, computes πd(X) and represents its elements as simplicial maps from suitable triangulations of the d-sphere Sd to X. For fixed d, the algorithm runs in time exponential in size(X), the number of simplices of X. Moreover, we prove that this is optimal: For every fixed d ≥ 2, we construct a family of simply connected spaces X such that for any simplicial map representing a generator of πd(X), the size of the triangulation of S d on which the map is defined, is exponential in size(X). In the second part of the thesis, we prove that the following question is algorithmically undecidable for d < ⌊3(k+1)/2⌋, k ≥ 5 and (k, d) ̸= (5, 7), which covers essentially everything outside the meta-stable range: Given a finite simplicial complex K of dimension k, decide whether there exists a piecewise-linear (i.e., linear on an arbitrarily fine subdivision of K) embedding f : K ↪→ Rd of K into a d-dimensional Euclidean space