9 research outputs found

    Generalization of matching extensions in graphs (II)

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    Proposed as a general framework, Liu and Yu(Discrete Math. 231 (2001) 311-320) introduced (n,k,d)(n,k,d)-graphs to unify the concepts of deficiency of matchings, nn-factor-criticality and kk-extendability. Let GG be a graph and let n,kn,k and dd be non-negative integers such that n+2k+dβ‰€βˆ£V(G)βˆ£βˆ’2n+2k+d\leq |V(G)|-2 and ∣V(G)βˆ£βˆ’nβˆ’d|V(G)|-n-d is even. If when deleting any nn vertices from GG, the remaining subgraph HH of GG contains a kk-matching and each such kk- matching can be extended to a defect-dd matching in HH, then GG is called an (n,k,d)(n,k,d)-graph. In \cite{Liu}, the recursive relations for distinct parameters n,kn, k and dd were presented and the impact of adding or deleting an edge also was discussed for the case d=0d = 0. In this paper, we continue the study begun in \cite{Liu} and obtain new recursive results for (n,k,d)(n,k,d)-graphs in the general case dβ‰₯0d \geq0.Comment: 12 page

    3-Factor-criticality of vertex-transitive graphs

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    A graph of order nn is pp-factor-critical, where pp is an integer of the same parity as nn, if the removal of any set of pp vertices results in a graph with a perfect matching. 1-Factor-critical graphs and 2-factor-critical graphs are factor-critical graphs and bicritical graphs, respectively. It is well known that every connected vertex-transitive graph of odd order is factor-critical and every connected non-bipartite vertex-transitive graph of even order is bicritical. In this paper, we show that a simple connected vertex-transitive graph of odd order at least 5 is 3-factor-critical if and only if it is not a cycle.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    On 1-factors and matching extension

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    AbstractWe prove the following: (1) Let G be a graph with a 1-factor and let F be an arbitrary 1-factor of G. If G⧹{a,b} is k-extendable for each ab∈F, then G is k-extendable. (2) Let G be a graph and let M be an arbitrary maximal matching of G. If G⧹{a,b} is k-factor-critical for each ab∈M, then G is k-factor-critical


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    The reducibility of optimal 1-planar graphs with respect to the lexicographic product

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    A graph is called 1-planar if it can be drawn on the plane (or on the sphere) such that each edge is crossed at most once. A 1-planar graph GG is called optimal if it satisfies ∣E(G)∣=4∣V(G)βˆ£βˆ’8|E(G)| = 4|V(G)|-8. If GG and HH are graphs, then the lexicographic product G∘HG\circ H has vertex set the Cartesian product V(G)Γ—V(H)V(G)\times V(H) and edge set {(g1,h1)(g2,h2):g1g2∈E(G),  or  g1=g2  and  h1h2∈E(H)}\{(g_1,h_1) (g_2,h_2): g_1 g_2 \in E(G),\,\, \text{or}\,\, g_1=g_2 \,\, \text{and}\,\, h_1 h_2 \in E(H)\}. A graph is called reducible if it can be expressed as the lexicographic product of two smaller non-trivial graphs. In this paper, we prove that an optimal 1-planar graph GG is reducible if and only if GG is isomorphic to the complete multipartite graph K2,2,2,2K_{2,2,2,2}. As a corollary, we prove that every reducible 1-planar graph with nn vertices has at most 4nβˆ’94n-9 edges for n=6n=6 or nβ‰₯9n\ge 9. We also prove that this bound is tight for infinitely many values of nn. Additionally, we give two necessary conditions for a graph G∘2K1G\circ 2K_1 to be 1-planar.Comment: 23 pages, 14 fugure

    4-Factor-criticality of vertex-transitive graphs

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    A graph of order nn is pp-factor-critical, where pp is an integer of the same parity as nn, if the removal of any set of pp vertices results in a graph with a perfect matching. 1-factor-critical graphs and 2-factor-critical graphs are well-known factor-critical graphs and bicritical graphs, respectively. It is known that if a connected vertex-transitive graph has odd order, then it is factor-critical, otherwise it is elementary bipartite or bicritical. In this paper, we show that a connected vertex-transitive non-bipartite graph of even order at least 6 is 4-factor-critical if and only if its degree is at least 5. This result implies that each connected non-bipartite Cayley graphs of even order and degree at least 5 is 2-extendable.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    The maximum matching extendability and factor-criticality of 1-planar graphs

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    A graph is 11-planarplanar if it can be drawn in the plane so that each edge is crossed by at most one other edge. Moreover, a 1-planar graph GG is optimaloptimal if it satisfies ∣E(G)∣=4∣V(G)βˆ£βˆ’8|E(G)|=4|V(G)|-8. J. Fujisawa et al. [16] first considered matching extension of optimal 1-planar graphs, obtained that each optimal 1-planar graph of even order is 1-extendable and characterized 2-extendable optimal 1-planar graphs and 3-matchings extendable to perfect matchings as well. In this short paper, we prove that no optimal 11-planar graph is 3-extendable. Further we mainly obtain that no 1-planar graph is 5-extendable by the discharge method and also construct a 4-extendable 1-planar graph. Finally we get that no 1-planar graph is 7-factor-critical and no optimal 1-planar graph is 6-factor-critical.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure