3,297 research outputs found

    Long time behavior of a mean-field model of interacting neurons

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    We study the long time behavior of the solution to some McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equation (SDE) driven by a Poisson process. In neuroscience, this SDE models the asymptotic dynamic of the membrane potential of a spiking neuron in a large network. We prove that for a small enough interaction parameter, any solution converges to the unique (in this case) invariant measure. To this aim, we first obtain global bounds on the jump rate and derive a Volterra type integral equation satisfied by this rate. We then replace temporary the interaction part of the equation by a deterministic external quantity (we call it the external current). For constant current, we obtain the convergence to the invariant measure. Using a perturbation method, we extend this result to more general external currents. Finally, we prove the result for the non-linear McKean-Vlasov equation

    Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning: A Constrained Optimization Viewpoint

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    The classic objective in a reinforcement learning (RL) problem is to find a policy that minimizes, in expectation, a long-run objective such as the infinite-horizon discounted or long-run average cost. In many practical applications, optimizing the expected value alone is not sufficient, and it may be necessary to include a risk measure in the optimization process, either as the objective or as a constraint. Various risk measures have been proposed in the literature, e.g., mean-variance tradeoff, exponential utility, the percentile performance, value at risk, conditional value at risk, prospect theory and its later enhancement, cumulative prospect theory. In this article, we focus on the combination of risk criteria and reinforcement learning in a constrained optimization framework, i.e., a setting where the goal to find a policy that optimizes the usual objective of infinite-horizon discounted/average cost, while ensuring that an explicit risk constraint is satisfied. We introduce the risk-constrained RL framework, cover popular risk measures based on variance, conditional value-at-risk and cumulative prospect theory, and present a template for a risk-sensitive RL algorithm. We survey some of our recent work on this topic, covering problems encompassing discounted cost, average cost, and stochastic shortest path settings, together with the aforementioned risk measures in a constrained framework. This non-exhaustive survey is aimed at giving a flavor of the challenges involved in solving a risk-sensitive RL problem, and outlining some potential future research directions

    Exact solutions to cable equations in branching neurons with tapering dendrites

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    Neurons are biological cells with uniquely complex dendritic morphologies that are not present in other cell types. Electrical signals in a neuron with branching dendrites can be studied by cable theory which provides a general mathematical modelling framework of spatio-temporal voltage dynamics. Typically such models need to be solved numerically unless the cell membrane is modelled either by passive or quasi-active dynamics, in which cases analytical solutions can be reduced to calculation of the Green's function describing the fundamental input-output relationship in a given morphology. Such analytically tractable models often assume individual dendritic segments to be cylinders. However, it is known that dendritic segments in many types of neurons taper, i.e. their radii decline from proximal to distal ends. Here we consider a generalised form of cable theory which takes into account both branching and tapering structures of dendritic trees. We demonstrate that analytical solutions can be found in compact algebraic forms in an arbitrary branching neuron with a class of tapering dendrites studied earlier in the context of single neuronal cables by Poznanski (Bull. Math. Biol. 53(3):457-467, 1991). We apply this extended framework to a number of simplified neuronal models and contrast their output dynamics in the presence of tapering versus cylindrical segments

    On The Robustness of a Neural Network

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    With the development of neural networks based machine learning and their usage in mission critical applications, voices are rising against the \textit{black box} aspect of neural networks as it becomes crucial to understand their limits and capabilities. With the rise of neuromorphic hardware, it is even more critical to understand how a neural network, as a distributed system, tolerates the failures of its computing nodes, neurons, and its communication channels, synapses. Experimentally assessing the robustness of neural networks involves the quixotic venture of testing all the possible failures, on all the possible inputs, which ultimately hits a combinatorial explosion for the first, and the impossibility to gather all the possible inputs for the second. In this paper, we prove an upper bound on the expected error of the output when a subset of neurons crashes. This bound involves dependencies on the network parameters that can be seen as being too pessimistic in the average case. It involves a polynomial dependency on the Lipschitz coefficient of the neurons activation function, and an exponential dependency on the depth of the layer where a failure occurs. We back up our theoretical results with experiments illustrating the extent to which our prediction matches the dependencies between the network parameters and robustness. Our results show that the robustness of neural networks to the average crash can be estimated without the need to neither test the network on all failure configurations, nor access the training set used to train the network, both of which are practically impossible requirements.Comment: 36th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems 26 - 29 September 2017. Hong Kong, Chin

    Unsupervised learning in probabilistic neural networks with multi-state metal-oxide memristive synapses

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    In an increasingly data-rich world the need for developing computing systems that cannot only process, but ideally also interpret big data is becoming continuously more pressing. Brain-inspired concepts have shown great promise towards addressing this need. Here we demonstrate unsupervised learning in a probabilistic neural network that utilizes metal-oxide memristive devices as multi-state synapses. Our approach can be exploited for processing unlabelled data and can adapt to time-varying clusters that underlie incoming data by supporting the capability of reversible unsupervised learning. The potential of this work is showcased through the demonstration of successful learning in the presence of corrupted input data and probabilistic neurons, thus paving the way towards robust big-data processors

    A survey of random processes with reinforcement

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    The models surveyed include generalized P\'{o}lya urns, reinforced random walks, interacting urn models, and continuous reinforced processes. Emphasis is on methods and results, with sketches provided of some proofs. Applications are discussed in statistics, biology, economics and a number of other areas.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-PS094 in the Probability Surveys (http://www.i-journals.org/ps/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
