20 research outputs found

    Impact of Quality of Work life on Business Process Re-engineering: Developing and Proposing a Conceptual Model

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    Quality of work life has a lot of impact on Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). Three important aspects discussed in the study are the quality of work life, the performance management and job satisfaction, and BPR. Quality of work life (QWL) leads to performance management and job satisfaction which in turn affect the BPR. BPR is a dependent variable which depends on quality of work life: the independent variable. Keywords: Quality of work life, Performance Management, Job Satisfaction, Creativity, Innovation, Quality, Business Process Re-engineering

    The relationship between business process re-engineering (BPR) and performance of Islamic banking branches in Kedah from the perspective of Maqasid Al-Shariah

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) and performance of Islamic banking branches in Kedah from the perspective of Maqasid Al-Shari’ah. BPR factors are operationalized by strategic alignment, management commitment, change management, customer focus, BPR project management and IT infrastructure. The questionnaires were sent directly to branches and collected by hand. Simple random sampling was used for sample selection. 63 questionnaires were sent to managers’ Islamic banking, 59 samples were returned but only 54 samples were used for data analysis. The data was analyzed using ‘Statistical Package for Social Science’ SPSS version 21. Collectively, the result shows that the BPR are able to influence the performance of Islamic banking in Kedah branches. The BPR are able to influence overall performance of Islamic banks and others three (3) dimension of performance (educating individual, establish justice and public interest). However, for individually, analysis using multiple regression analysis indicates that only management commitment, customer focus and BPR project management are able to influence overall Islamic banking performance. In term of dimension banks performance, customer focus and BPR project management are influences dimension of educating individual. While, in dimension of establish justice and public interest, only customer focus are able to influence. Therefore, the managerial of Islamic banking in Kedah branches should focus on the management commitment, customer focus and BPR project management in order to enhance the performance of their banks. The outcome of this study provides important insights to both managers and researchers for further understanding about BPR factors and Islamic banks performanc

    Business Process Re-Engineering and Profitability in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry: The Mediating Influence of Operational Performance

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    The aim of this study was to operationalize and test a conceptual model to measure the effect ofBusiness Process Re-engineering (BPR) implementation on profitability in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.Based on a framework from Al-Mashari and Zairi, these objectives were achieved using the followingprocedures: reliability and validity analysis, factor analyses (exploratory factor analysis-EFA andconfirmatory factor analysis-CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The model contrived thereforeconfirmed the positive influence of BPR on profitability, as well as the mediating influence of operationalperformance in the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry. Specifically, the structural model shows the positive effectof organizational structure and IT Infrastructures on both profitability and operational performance.However, SEM failed to establish the relationship between management competence and support andprofitability. The study is expected to enhance the adoption and successful implementation of BPRprogrammes in the oil and gas industry

    How the Effects of IT Capability and Knowledge Capability on Organizational Agility are Contingent on Environmental Uncertainty and Information Intensity

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    Although the relationship of information technology (IT) capability and knowledge capability with organizational agility has been documented, limited information is available on the extent to which these two capabilities affect organizational agility. Attempts to understand the effect of IT and knowledge capability on organizational agility in the presence of contextual factors have also been few. Based on data collected from 123 organizations in China, we examine the moderating effects of two contextual factors (environmental uncertainty and information intensity) on the relationship of IT and knowledge capability with organizational agility. We contribute to current knowledge by showing that environmental uncertainty positively moderates the effects of IT capability and knowledge capability on organizational agility and that information intensity positively moderates the effects of knowledge capability on organizational agility. While we find that both IT and knowledge capabilities have positive effects on organizational agility, knowledge capability is more effective than IT capability

    Assessing the implementation level of business process re-engineering factors in Malaysian Islamic banks

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    The main objective of this study is to assess the level of implementation of BPR factors in Malaysian Islamic banks. BPR factors are ope-rationalized by change management, BPR strategy alignment, customer focus, management commitment, IT investment, and adequate financial resource. The study used descriptive research design and data were collected using structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling technique was used and Sixty Four (64) questionnaires were administered in the Head Offices of Islamic Banks in Kuala Lumpur. A proportionate simple random sampling was used for sample selection of the respondent in the Headquarters of Islamic banks Malaysia. The data collected was processed for descriptive and inferential analysis. Frequencies and descriptive analysis was conducted to ascertain the implementation level of BPR factors in Islamic bank. The findings revealed that BPR factors such as Change Management, Strategy alignment, Management Commitment, Customer Focus, Information Technology (IT) Investment, Process redesign, Adequate Financial Resources, Less Bureaucratic Structure have a moderate means level. This impliedly indicated most of the respondents agreed that the BPR factors do have significance contribution towards the performance. The outcome of this study would provide important insights to both managers and researchers for further understanding on the implementation level of BPR factors in Malaysian Islamic banks. The study provided necessary suggestions on new area of research recommended for future researchers

    Business process reengineering: Critical success factors in higher education

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    Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to examine the critical success factors of business process reengineering (BPR) in higher education (HE).Design/methodolog/approach – Empirical case studies collected from three private higher education institutions in Malaysia, which have embarked on BPR successfully.Findings– Seven factors were found to be critical to BPR implementation success.The factors are teamwork and quality culture, quality management system and satisfactory rewards, effective change management, less bureaucratic and participative, information technology/information system, effective project management and adequate financial resources.Research limitations/implications – The paper provides a framework for future research to explore organisational development in making BPR happen successfully. Originality/value – This research contributes to studies of BPR in HE context, by considering the soft issues in its implementation

    How Environmental Uncertainty Moderates the Effect of Relative Advantage and Perceived Credibility on the Adoption of Mobile Health Services by Chinese Organizations in the Big Data Era

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    Despite the importance of adoption of mobile health services by an organization on the diffusion of mobile technology in the big data era, it has received minimal attention in literature. This study investigates how relative advantage and perceived credibility affect an organization's adoption of mobile health services, as well as how environmental uncertainty changes the relationship of relative advantage and perceived credibility with adoption. A research model that integrates relative advantage, perceived credibility, environmental uncertainty, and an organization's intention to use mobile health service is developed. Quantitative data are collected from senior managers and information systems managers in 320 Chinese healthcare organizations. The empirical findings show that while relative advantage and perceived credibility both have positive effects on an organization's intention to use mobile health services, relative advantage plays a more important role than perceived credibility. Moreover, environmental uncertainty positively moderates the effect of relative advantage on an organization's adoption of mobile health services. Thus, mobile health services in environments characterized with high levels of uncertainty are more likely to be adopted because of relative advantage than in environments with low levels of uncertainty

    Assessment of critical success factors of business process re-engineering in the Nigerian oil and gas industry

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    Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) is defined as the critical analysis and radical redesign of existing business processes to achieve breakthrough improvements in performance measures like cost, quality, speed, profitability and services. The purpose of this paper is to identify the critical success factors of BPR implementation, to evaluate their effects on the primary measures as expressed by the operational performance and the secondary measures as expressed by the organizational performance, and to find out the effect of the operational performance on the organizational performance of Nigerian oil and gas companies. To achieve these objectives, an empirical study was conducted via the administration of 650 self-administered copies of questionnaire to a randomly selected senior and management staff of eight (8) re-engineered Oil and Gas Companies in Nigeria. Using the framework from Khong & Richardson (2003), factors manifesting operational performance and organizational performance were regressed on the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) manifesting successful BPR. Findings based on the survey revealed that successful BPR can positively affect both operational and organizational performance measures in the Nigerian oil and gas companies