5,576 research outputs found

    Practice based competency development: a study of resource geologists and the JORC code system

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    The mining industry is a major contributor to the Australian economy. The value of mining and exploration shares traded on the Australian Stock Exchange are contingent on the estimates of mineral deposits, which are disclosed publically in accordance with a reporting code maintained by the Australasian Joint Ore Reserves Committee (the JORC Code). Expert resource geologists, known as Competent Persons, provide classified estimates of mineral endowment that underpin these public statements. The JORC Code requirements for qualifying as Competent Persons are membership of an approved professional association and a minimum of five years’ relevant experience. This research set out to address a primarily practical issue: How do the mining industry, mining companies and individuals cooperate to develop resource geologists with sufficient competency to provide expert recommendations for public reporting of mineral resources? A corollary to this is ‘Are the current standards sufficient to identify the competency expectations placed on Competent Persons?’ It is challenging to place the subsequent research in any one discipline as the study draws on multiple theories across multiple domains to facilitate a relevant description of the practicebased competency development. To properly understand the the practice of resource geologists operating in a sub-sector within the JORC Code system, the research needed to explore and consolidate diverse theories such as theories on social structures, workplace learning theories and statistical reasoning education theories. In addition, as a mixed methods study, the research draws on a wide range of tools from qualitative iterative coding and theming techniques to the more rigorous statistical tools of t-tests, paired t-tests, ANOVA and the philosophically different Rasch Analysis method. This study reflects a broad curiosity in diverse concepts and theories that is combined with the researcher’s desire to provide a meaningful practical contribution to the mining industry. The practical outcome of this research is a revised set of criteria to meet Competent Persons status under the JORC Code that is supported by a competency development model. These models are generalised to reflect a revised competency model, based on the dual expectations of practice exposure and reasoning ability, and an associated competency development model, which synthesises contributions of workplace learning experiences. The contributions to the theory include a revised theory of workplace learning networks emerging from the practice context of transient professional workers. These networks are enduring, transient and egocentric and operate beyond organisational confines

    Statistical learning for alloy design from electronic structure calculations

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    The objective of this thesis is to explore how statistical learning methods can contribute to the interpretation and efficacy of electronic structure calculations. This study develops new applications of statistical learning and data mining methods to both semi-empirical and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Each of these classes of electronic structure calculations serves as templates for different data driven discovery strategies for materials science applications. In our study of semi-empirical methods, we take advantage of the ability of data mining methods to quantitatively assess high dimensional parameterization schemes. The impact of this work includes the development of accelerated computational schemes for developing reduced order models. Another application is the use of these informatics based techniques to serve as a means for estimating parameters when data for such calculations are not available. Using density of states (DOS) spectra derived from DFT calculations we have demonstrated the classification power of singular value decomposition methods to accurately develop structural and stoichiometric classifications of compounds. Building on this work we have extended this analytical strategy to apply the predictive capacity of informatics methods to develop a new and far more robust modeling approach for DOS spectra, addressing an issue that has gone relatively unchallenged over two decades. By exploring a diverse array of materials systems (metals, ceramics, different crystal structures) this work has laid the foundations for expanding the linkages between statistical learning and statistical thermodynamics. The results of this work provide exciting new opportunities in computational based design of materials that have not been explored before

    Data Science at USNA

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    Data Science is increasingly important to the Navy and Marine Corps. We survey some of the ways that civilian institutions are delivering Data Science curriculum, outline a vision for developing Data Science curriculum at the United States Naval Academy (USNA), and summarize some of the accomplishments and planned activities of the Data Science group at USNA
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