6 research outputs found

    Assessing the impact of using instant messaging in eLearning on the performance of teaching and learning in higher education

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    There are growing interests in improving teaching and learning performance through eLearning using specific emerging technologies in higher education. As a result, understanding the impact of using such technologies on the performance of teaching and learning is becoming important. This experimental study investigates the impact of eLearning using instant messaging on the performance of teaching and learning in higher education in developing countries. Pre-test and post-test surveys are used for collecting experimental data from participants to investigate the impact of using instant messaging on teaching and learning. Data analysis conducted quantitatively using SPSS reveals that eLearning using instant messaging improves teaching and learning. In particular, the use of instant messaging in eLearning is more effective than face-to-face teaching and learning with respect to the overall performance in the classroom. This leads to the conclusion that eLearning using instant messaging could transform teaching and learning in higher education in developing countries

    أنماط التعلم المفضلة لدى طلبة جامعة فلسطين التقنية خضوري وأثر بعض المتغيرات عليها

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    This research aimed at investigating about the preferred learning styles and the effect of some variables such as the university branch, gender, education program, academic year, specialization, and cumulative average. To achieve that, the two researchers used the Index of learning styles (ILS) developed by Felder and Solomon (Lit zingeret al., 2005) consisting of 44 items to evaluate learning preferences, and which was applied on purpose cluster sample of (345) students. After using the SPSS statistical analysis program, the results of the study show that the preferred learning style in descending order is (active-reflective, visual verbal, sequential-global, and sensing-intuitive). The study also revealed that there are statistically significant differences for the visual-verbal style according to Ramallah and Arrob branch, also there are statistically significant differences for sequential-global style according to gender in favor of females. And there are no statistically significant differences for education program, academic year, specialization, and cumulative average

    Estilos de aprendizaje para la producción de textos argumentativos en estudiantes de una institución educativa de la provincia de Junín - 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar cómo influyen los estilos de aprendizaje en la producción de textos argumentativos en estudiantes de una Institución Educativa de la provincia de Junín – 2021 Para la variable “Estilos de Aprendizaje” se utilizó el cuestionario CHAEA de Honey y Alonso; y para la variable “Producción de Textos Argumentativos” se elaboró un instrumento de escala de valoración, validado por cinco expertos con excelente confiabilidad calculada empleando el Coeficiente alfa de Cronbanch de 0.89. Los resultados basados en la estadística descriptiva fueron que el 23% de la muestra se identifican con el estilo activo, un 13% con el reflexivo, un 20% con el teórico y el 43% con el pragmático. Con la estadística inferencial según la correlación de Pearson, en relación con la hipótesis general, se observó una alta relación positiva con significancia menor al 1% de 0.792; de la misma forma con cada una de las dimensiones, resaltando la correlación muy alta (0.822) hallada con el estilo pragmático. Finalmente cuanto más se tome en cuenta los estilos el resultado en la producción de textos será satisfactorios, recomendando una adaptación con influencia pedagógica y psicológica de su entorno

    Aprendizaje cooperativo y estilos de aprendizaje en estudiantes de tercero de secundaria. SJL, 2020

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación: Determinar la relación que existe entre el aprendizaje cooperativo y estilos de aprendizaje en estudiantes de tercero de secundaria de la I.E. Santa María - San Juan de Lurigancho durante el 2020. El método de estudio es descriptivo con diseño cuantitativo no experimental de corte transversal de nivel correlacional, la muestra contó con 73 estudiantes de tercero secundaria de la mencionada IE. Para el muestreo se utilizó el tipo probabilístico estratificado, en el desarrollo de mediación se empleó la técnica de encuesta. Para recolectar datos se aplicó dos cuestionarios, siendo para las dos variables, estos instrumentos fueron elaborados con fundamento teórico de autores, validados por tres expertos en la materia y confiabilidad fue calculada empleando un análisis de fiabilidad del programa estadístico SPSS 23. Se concluye que existe una relación r= - 0.02 entre las variables: aprendizaje cooperativo y estilo de aprendizaje. Indicando que la relación es negativa con un nivel de correlación escasa entre las variables de esta investigación. La significancia de p=0,988 determina que p > 0,05 señalando que no hay relación significativa entre las variables aprendizaje cooperativo y el estilo de aprendizaje, en consecuencia, se acepta la hipótesis nula y se rechaza la hipótesis alterna

    Investigating the impact of digital technologies on the performance of learning in higher education

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    The central theme of blended learning is to draw from the best practices of digital learning and face-to-face (F2F) learning to create a cohesive learning experience for improving the performance of learning. Blended learning is becoming increasingly popular across the world because of the benefits it can bring including easy and quick access to learning resources, timely feedback to students, better collaboration, and improved flexible and personalised learning. As a result, many higher education institutions across the world have introduced blended learning. Following the global trend, South Africa has been actively pursuing the development of blended learning in higher education. This leads to the passing of the e-Education policy with specific objectives for improving the development of digital learning in higher education. Despite these efforts, the adoption of digital technologies in higher education in South Africa is unsatisfactory. The performance of individual students in teaching and learning in higher education is deteriorating. This shows the need for better understanding the impact of specific digital technologies in blended learning on the performance of learning in South African higher education. The objective of this research is to investigate the adoption of specific digital technologies in South African higher education for better understanding the effectiveness of these technologies on the performance of learning. Specifically, this research aims to (a) investigate the impact of learning management system (LMS) on the performance of learning, (b) explore the impact of using instant messaging (IM) on the performance of learning, and (c) examine the relative effectiveness of LMS and IM on the performance of learning in higher education in South Africa. A quantitative research methodology is adopted in this study. It employs a pre-test and post-test method for assessing the performance of learning. The study uses a 'treatment' group of LMS + F2F and IM + F2F and a comparison group of F2F design for investigating the relationship between the use of specific digital technologies and the performance of learning in higher education. The data is collected in higher education in South Africa using paper-based surveys. Various statistical analysis techniques including descriptive statistics, t-test, and regression analysis have been used for analysing the data in the study. The study shows that the adoption of LMS and IM has a positive impact on the performance of learning in higher education. The comparative analysis study shows that (a) digital learning using LMS and F2F teaching is more effective than traditional F2F teaching, (b) digital learning using IM and F2F is more effective than traditional F2F teaching, and (c) digital learning using LMS is slightly more effective than blended digital learning using IM on the performance of learning in higher education. Such findings can help to better understand the adoption of specific digital technologies in higher education in South Africa. This study contributes to the digital learning research from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Theoretically, this study (a) explores the impact of specific digital technologies including LMS and IM on the performance of learning, (b) investigates the effect of student characteristics on the performance of learning using specific digital technologies, and (c) conducts a comparative analysis of specific digital technologies in blended learning on the performance of learning in higher education. This study is the first of its kind that conducts a comparative analysis of specific digital technologies on the performance of learning in higher education. Practically, this study provides empirical evidence on the effectiveness of LMS and IM for improving learning. Based on the results of this study, existing policies to encourage the adoption of digital technologies should be supported and strengthened. This study can thus (a) help government departments develop specific policies and strategies for adopting specific digital technologies in order to improve the performance of learning, (b) provide South African higher education institutions with guidelines for facilitating the adoption of digital technologies, and (c) challenges LMS and IM instructional developers and software developers for the continuous development of effective digital technologies for teaching and learning