4,355 research outputs found

    The Blended Learning Unit, University of Hertfordshire: A Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Evaluation Report for HEFCE

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    The University of Hertfordshire’s Blended Learning Unit (BLU) was one of the 74 Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs) funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) between 2005 and 2010. This evaluation report follows HEFCE’s template. The first section provides statistical information about the BLU’s activity. The second section is an evaluative reflection responding to 13 questions. As well as articulating some of our achievements and the challenges we have faced, it also sets out how the BLU’s activity will continue and make a significant contribution to delivery of the University of Hertfordshire’s 2010-2015 strategic plan and its aspirations for a more sustainable future. At the University of Hertfordshire, we view Blended Learning as the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance the learning and learning experience of campus-based students. The University has an excellent learning technology infrastructure that includes its VLE, StudyNet. StudyNet gives students access to a range of tools, resources and support 24/7 from anywhere in the world and its robustness, flexibility and ease of use have been fundamental to the success of the Blended Learning agenda at Hertfordshire. The BLU has comprised a management team, expert teachers seconded from around the University, professional support and a Student Consultant. The secondment staffing model was essential to the success of the BLU. As well as enabling the BLU to become fully staffed within the first five months of the CETL initiative, it has facilitated access to an invaluable spectrum of Blended Learning, research and Change Management expertise to inform pedagogically sound developments and enable change to be embedded across the institution. The BLU used much of its capital funding to reduce barriers to the use of technology by, for example, providing laptop computers for all academic staff in the institution, enhancing classroom technology provision and wirelessly enabling all teaching accommodation. Its recurrent funding has supported development opportunities for its own staff and staff around the institution; supported evaluation activities relating to individual projects and of the BLU’s own impact; and supported a wide range of communication and dissemination activities internally and externally. The BLU has led the embedding a cultural change in relation to Blended Learning at the University of Hertfordshire and its impact will be sustained. The BLU has produced a rich legacy of resources for our own staff and for others in the sector. The University’s increased capacity in Blended Learning benefits all our students and provides a learning experience that is expected by the new generation of learners in the 21st century. The BLU’s staffing model and partnership ways of working have directly informed the structure and modus operandi of the University’s Learning and Teaching Institute (LTI). Indeed a BLU team will continue to operate within the LTI and help drive and support the implementation of the University’s 2010-2015 Strategic plan. The plan includes ambitions in relation to Distance Learning and Flexible learning and BLU will be working to enable greater engagement with students with less or no need to travel to the university. As well as opening new markets within the UK and overseas, even greater flexibility for students will also enable the University to reduce its carbon footprint and provide a multifaceted contribution to our sustainability agenda. We conclude this executive summary with a short paragraph, written by Eeva Leinonen, our former Deputy Vice-Chancellor, which reflects our aspiration to transform Learning and Teaching at the University of Hertfordshire and more widely in the sector. ‘As Deputy Vice Chancellor at Hertfordshire I had the privilege to experience closely the excellent work of the Blended Learning Unit, and was very proud of the enormous impact the CETL had not only across the University but also nationally and internationally. However, perhaps true impact is hard to judge at such close range, but now as Vice Principal (Education) at King's College London, I can unequivocally say that Hertfordshire is indeed considered as the leading Blended Learning university in the sector. My new colleagues at King's and other Russell Group Universities frequently seek my views on the 'Hertfordshire Blended Learning' experience and are keen to emulate the successes achieved at an institutional wide scale. The Hertfordshire CETL undoubtedly achieved not only what it set out to achieve, but much more in terms of scale and impact. All those involved in this success can be justifiably proud of their achievements.’ Professor Eeva Leinonen, Vice Principal (Education), King's College, Londo

    Web 2.0 technologies for learning: the current landscape – opportunities, challenges and tensions

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    This is the first report from research commissioned by Becta into Web 2.0 technologies for learning at Key Stages 3 and 4. This report describes findings from an additional literature review of the then current landscape concerning learner use of Web 2.0 technologies and the implications for teachers, schools, local authorities and policy makers

    Web 2.0 technologies for learning: the current landscape : opportunities, challenges and tensions

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    The Use of Social Media in Enterprises for Communication, Collaboration, and Knowledge Management

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    Der Erfolg von Social Media im Internet hat dazu gefĂŒhrt, dass diese Technologie zunehmend auch in Unternehmen eingesetzt, oder ĂŒber deren Implementierung nachgedacht wird. Durch die erwartete Verbesserung der Kommunikation und Interaktion zwischen Mitarbeitern auf der einen Seite und des Wissensmanagements auf der anderen Seite er-hoffen sich EntscheidungstrĂ€ger in Unternehmen einen erheblichen betriebswirtschaftlichen Nutzen. Obwohl es einige Beispiele erfolgreicher Enterprise-Social-Media(ESM)-Implementierungen gibt und mehr als 90% der Fortune 500 Unternehmen ESM eingefĂŒhrt haben oder dies planen, verfehlen 80% der ESM-Projekte die eingangs definierten Ziele. WĂ€hrend die Entscheidung, die Software einzukaufen, zentral getroffen wird, hĂ€ngt deren Erfolg von der aktiven Partizipation der Mitarbeiter ab – wie sich anhand der genannten Statistiken zeigt, ist beides nicht zwangslĂ€ufig korreliert. Im Gegensatz zu organischem Wachstum, wie es in Social-Media-Anwendungen im Internet in den vergangenen Jahren beobachtet werden konnte (z.B. bei Facebook), ist die Nutzungsrate von internen ESM oft zu gering, um den Fortbestand der Community zu sichern. Es zeigt sich dabei verstĂ€rkt, dass passive Roll-Out-Strategien, die darauf vertrauen, dass es ein vergleichbares organisches Wachstum auch bei ESM gibt, zum Scheitern verurteilt sind. Viel-mehr mĂŒssen Analysen im Vorhinein das fĂŒr einen spezifischen Anwendungsbereich geeignete Tool identifizieren, und Strategien entwickelt werden, wie Mitarbeiter fĂŒr die Interaktion ĂŒber die neuen Anwendungen gewonnen werden können. Da Ausgaben fĂŒr Informationstechnologien bei einem geringen Nutzungsgrad nicht zu-rechtfertigen sind, trĂ€gt die vorliegende Dissertation in acht Essays dazu bei, verschiedene Facetten der ESM-Nutzung nĂ€her beleuchten und so zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis des Themas und damit einhergehend einer effektiveren und effizienteren Implementierung von ESM beitragen. Sowohl die Analyse von Einflussfaktoren auf verschiedene Nutzungstypen von ESM, die Optimierung von Enterprise-Suchalgorithmen als auch die Neuinterpretation von Online-Produkt-Ratings können dabei helfen, die VerĂ€nderungen der internen und externen Kommunikation, Kollaboration und des Wissensmanagements, die sich durch den Einsatz von ESM ergeben, besser zu erklĂ€ren und bedarfs-gerechter einzusetzen. Die theoretischen und praktischen Implikationen, welche sich konkret aus den einzelnen Essays ergeben, werden in den entsprechenden Abschnitten der jeweiligen Papiere erlĂ€utert

    An Affordances Apparatus for Enterprise Social Media

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    The current paper addresses one of the core yet complex issues in the study of technology in organizations: the relationship between the social and the material. Many scholars in the field of Information Systems have used the notion of affordance as a lens to investigate and theorize this relationship. However, knowledge contributions in this area are often abstract and impractical, or at least compel further conceptual development. This paper uses a relational view of affordances to study organizational social media affordances based on empirical data collected about the use of the Wiki technology at two large multinational organizations—CCC and IBM. It theorizes four key mechanisms—referring to other affordances (referential), collectively enacting significant affordances (communal), situation-dependent exploitation of affordances (situatedness), and exploiting other opportunities for action (multiplicity), that embody the interaction between the social and the material. These mechanisms make up what is labelled in this paper as ‘the affordances apparatus’. The apparatus provides a conceptual structure for the interaction between social and material features that shows operational dynamics and processes underpinning the perception, enactment and exploitation of affordances. This apparatus is the main contribution of the paper in that it gives researchers a conceptual tool for investigating affordances as relational constructs between the social and the material. It also helps in understanding how people navigate the use of technology features relative to their intentions and goals

    Educating the creative workforce: New directions for 21st Century schooling

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    This article sets out reasons for arguing that creativity is not garnish to the roast of industry or of education—i.e. the reasoning behind Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi's insistence that creativity is not only about elites but involves everyone. This article investigates three key domains—scholarship, commerce and learning—to argue the importance of moving creativity from the margins of formal education to its centre. First, the article elaborates the scholarly work being done to bring definitional clarity to the concept of creativity, moving it from the realm of mystery, serendipity and individual genius to a definitional field that is more amenable to analysis. It then provides evidence about the extent to which creative capacity is being understood to be a powerful economic driver, not simply the province of the arts and the hobbyist. Finally, it examines new learning theory and its implications for formal education, noting both the possibilities and pitfalls in preparing young people for creative workforce futures

    How Social Media Can Enhance Access to Information through Transactive Memory Development

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    A key challenge for managing talent in organizations is locating and coordinating expertise. In this study, we propose that employees who use social media can help an organization locate knowledge workers who are vital to organizational growth and competitiveness. We draws on transactive memory (TM) theory to examine the relationship between social media use and knowledge workers’ access to information as mediated by the formation of an organization-wide transactive memory. We conducted the research using a mixed-methods approach that combined insights from a qualitative investigation with a confirmatory large-scale survey in a multinational information technology firm. We empirically show that social media use had a positive but indirect relationship with knowledge workers’ access to information via the mediation of the three dimensions of TM. We discuss our findings’ implications for theory and practice, including human resource management, and directions for future research

    ERP 2.0, what for and how?

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    International audienceThe poor level of adoption of ERP systems is often considered as linked to a loss of social interactions between users of the ERP, together with the poor adaptability of these huge systems to local needs. Web 2.0 tools (including among others social networks, wikis, mashups and tags) aim at allowing a better interaction between a user and an Internet site, or between communities of users by means of a Web site. Using these tools in an industrial context appears now as a possible solution for addressing some of the problems of present information systems, and especially ERPs. Examples of such integration of Web 2.0 technologies in industrial practices are analysed and the empiricism with which these experiences are usually conducted is underlined. In order to address this problem, we suggest a step-by-step method allowing to identify on which business processes performed by an ERP the Web 2.0 tools could be of interest, and investigate how to integrate the two worlds. This approach is illustrated on the SAP product Business By Design, which new version includes a set of configurable Web 2.0 tools

    Examining the Effect of Social Media Tools on Virtual Team Conflicts: A Process Model

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    This research investigates how the use of social media tools affects virtual team conflicts. The novel concept of “feature richness”, which is understood as affordances of social media tools, is theorized. Feature richness distinguishes social media tools from other commonly used communication tools in virtual teams. The researchers propose a process model which suggests that operationally, feature richness is understood as the process nature of social media tools. The primary data was collected at corporate organizations in form of a Likert questionnaire. The research findings reveal that social media tools lead to effective communication, which encourages the development of trust, team cohesion and satisfaction in virtual teams. This further reflects in form of reduced virtual team conflicts
