314 research outputs found

    Concurrent speech feedback for blind people on touchscreens

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    Tese de Mestrado, Engenharia Informática, 2023, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasSmartphone interactions are demanding. Most smartphones come with limited physical buttons, so users can not rely on touch to guide them. Smartphones come with built-in accessibility mechanisms, for example, screen readers, that make the interaction accessible for blind users. However, some tasks are still inefficient or cumbersome. Namely, when scanning through a document, users are limited by the single sequential audio channel provided by screen readers. Or when tasks are interrupted in the presence of other actions. In this work, we explored alternatives to optimize smartphone interaction by blind people by leveraging simultaneous audio feedback with different configurations, such as different voices and spatialization. We researched 5 scenarios: Task interruption, where we use concurrent speech to reproduce a notification without interrupting the current task; Faster information consumption, where we leverage concurrent speech to announce up to 4 different contents simultaneously; Text properties, where the textual formatting is announced; The map scenario, where spatialization provides feedback on how close or distant a user is from a particular location; And smartphone interactions scenario, where there is a corresponding sound for each gesture, and instead of reading the screen elements (e.g., button), a corresponding sound is played. We conducted a study with 10 blind participants whose smartphone usage experience ranges from novice to expert. During the study, we asked participants’ perceptions and preferences for each scenario, what could be improved, and in what situations these extra capabilities are valuable to them. Our results suggest that these extra capabilities we presented are helpful for users, especially if these can be turned on and off according to the user’s needs and situation. Moreover, we find that using concurrent speech works best when announcing short messages to the user while listening to longer content and not so much to have lengthy content announced simultaneously


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 坂村 健, 東京大学教授 越塚 登, 東京大学教授 暦本 純一, 東京大学教授 中尾 彰宏, 東京大学教授 石川 徹University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Human-powered smartphone assistance for blind people

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    Mobile devices are fundamental tools for inclusion and independence. Yet, there are still many open research issues in smartphone accessibility for blind people (Grussenmeyer and Folmer 2017). Currently, learning how to use a smartphone is non-trivial, especially when we consider that the need to learn new apps and accommodate to updates never ceases. When first transitioning from a basic feature-phone, people have to adapt to new paradigms of interaction. Where feature phones had a finite set of applications and functions, users can extend the possible functions and uses of a smartphone by installing new 3rd party applications. Moreover, the interconnectivity of these applications means that users can explore a seemingly endless set of workflows across applications. To that end, the fragmented nature of development on these devices results in users needing to create different mental models for each application. These characteristics make smartphone adoption a demanding task, as we found from our eight-week longitudinal study on smartphone adoption by blind people. We conducted multiple studies to characterize the smartphone challenges that blind people face, and found people often require synchronous, co-located assistance from family, peers, friends, and even strangers to overcome the different barriers they face. However, help is not always available, especially when we consider the disparity in each barrier, individual support network and current location. In this dissertation we investigated if and how in-context human-powered solutions can be leveraged to improve current smartphone accessibility and ease of use. Building on a comprehensive knowledge of the smartphone challenges faced and coping mechanisms employed by blind people, we explored how human-powered assistive technologies can facilitate use. The thesis of this dissertation is: Human-powered smartphone assistance by non-experts is effective and impacts perceptions of self-efficacy

    Video conferencing tools: comparative study of the experiences of screen reader users and the development of more inclusive design guidelines

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    Since the first lockdown in 2020, video conferencing tools have become increasingly important for employment, education, and social interaction, making them essential tools in everyday life. This study investigates the accessibility and usability of the desktop and mobile versions of three popular video conferencing tools, Zoom, Google Meet and MS Teams, for visually impaired people interacting via screen readers and keyboard or gestures. This involved two inspection evaluations to test the most important features of the desktop and mobile device versions and two surveys of visually impaired users to obtain information about the accessibility of the selected video conferencing tools. 65 and 94 people answered the surveys for desktop and mobile platforms respectively. The results showed that Zoom was preferred to Google Meet and MS Teams, but that none of the tools was fully accessible via screen reader and keyboard or gestures. Finally, the results of this empirical study were used to develop a set of guidelines for designers of video conferencing tools and assistive technology

    Understanding everyday experiences of reminiscence for people living with blindness: Practices, tensions and probing new design possibilities

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    There is growing attention in the HCI community on how technology could be designed to support experiences of reminiscence on past life experiences. Yet, this research has largely overlooked people living with blindness. I present a study that aims to understand everyday experiences of reminiscence for people living with blindness. I conducted a qualitative study with 9 participants living with blindness to understand their personal routines, wishes and desires, and challenges and tensions regarding the experience of reminiscence. Findings are interpreted to discuss new possibilities that offer starting points for future design initiatives and openings for collaboration aimed at creating technology to better support the practices of capturing, sharing, and reflecting on significant memories of the past

    Future bathroom: A study of user-centred design principles affecting usability, safety and satisfaction in bathrooms for people living with disabilities

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    Research and development work relating to assistive technology 2010-11 (Department of Health) Presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 22 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 197