64,632 research outputs found

    Research into literacy and technology in primary classrooms: an exploration of understandings generated by recent studies

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    Whilst much has been written about the implications for ‘literacy’ for practices surrounding digital technologies (Gee, 2000a; Luke and Carrington, 2002; Snyder, 1998), there has been surprisingly little research investigating new literacies in primary classrooms (Andrews, 2003; Labbo and Reinking, 2003: Lankshear and Knobel, 2003). This review examines the kinds of understandings that have been generated through studies of primary literacy and technology reported during the period 2000-2006. It uses Green’s distinction between ‘operational’, ‘cultural’ and ‘critical’ dimensions of primary literacy (Lankshear and Bigum, 1999; Snyder, 2001) to investigate the focus and methodology of 38 empirical studies. It explores ways in which research may be informed by assumptions and practices associated with print literacy, but also highlights the kinds of studies which are beginning to investigate the implications of digital texts for primary education. The paper concludes by arguing for further ethnographic and phenomenological studies of classroom literacy practices in order to explore the complex contexts which surround and are mediated by digital texts

    Community structure of complex software systems: Analysis and applications

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    Due to notable discoveries in the fast evolving field of complex networks, recent research in software engineering has also focused on representing software systems with networks. Previous work has observed that these networks follow scale-free degree distributions and reveal small-world phenomena, while we here explore another property commonly found in different complex networks, i.e. community structure. We adopt class dependency networks, where nodes represent software classes and edges represent dependencies among them, and show that these networks reveal a significant community structure, characterized by similar properties as observed in other complex networks. However, although intuitive and anticipated by different phenomena, identified communities do not exactly correspond to software packages. We empirically confirm our observations on several networks constructed from Java and various third party libraries, and propose different applications of community detection to software engineering

    Distributional effects and individual differences in L2 morphology learning

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    Second language (L2) learning outcomes may depend on the structure of the input and learners’ cognitive abilities. This study tested whether less predictable input might facilitate learning and generalization of L2 morphology while evaluating contributions of statistical learning ability, nonverbal intelligence, phonological short-term memory, and verbal working memory. Over three sessions, 54 adults were exposed to a Russian case-marking paradigm with a balanced or skewed item distribution in the input. Whereas statistical learning ability and nonverbal intelligence predicted learning of trained items, only nonverbal intelligence also predicted generalization of case-marking inflections to new vocabulary. Neither measure of temporary storage capacity predicted learning. Balanced, less predictable input was associated with higher accuracy in generalization but only in the initial test session. These results suggest that individual differences in pattern extraction play a more sustained role in L2 acquisition than instructional manipulations that vary the predictability of lexical items in the input

    RePOR: Mimicking humans on refactoring tasks. Are we there yet?

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    Refactoring is a maintenance activity that aims to improve design quality while preserving the behavior of a system. Several (semi)automated approaches have been proposed to support developers in this maintenance activity, based on the correction of anti-patterns, which are `poor' solutions to recurring design problems. However, little quantitative evidence exists about the impact of automatically refactored code on program comprehension, and in which context automated refactoring can be as effective as manual refactoring. Leveraging RePOR, an automated refactoring approach based on partial order reduction techniques, we performed an empirical study to investigate whether automated refactoring code structure affects the understandability of systems during comprehension tasks. (1) We surveyed 80 developers, asking them to identify from a set of 20 refactoring changes if they were generated by developers or by a tool, and to rate the refactoring changes according to their design quality; (2) we asked 30 developers to complete code comprehension tasks on 10 systems that were refactored by either a freelancer or an automated refactoring tool. To make comparison fair, for a subset of refactoring actions that introduce new code entities, only synthetic identifiers were presented to practitioners. We measured developers' performance using the NASA task load index for their effort, the time that they spent performing the tasks, and their percentages of correct answers. Our findings, despite current technology limitations, show that it is reasonable to expect a refactoring tools to match developer code

    The adult literacy evaluator: An intelligent computer-aided training system for diagnosing adult illiterates

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    An important part of NASA's mission involves the secondary application of its technologies in the public and private sectors. One current application being developed is The Adult Literacy Evaluator, a simulation-based diagnostic tool designed to assess the operant literacy abilities of adults having difficulties in learning to read and write. Using ICAT system technology in addition to speech recognition, closed-captioned television (CCTV), live video and other state-of-the art graphics and storage capabilities, this project attempts to overcome the negative effects of adult literacy assessment by allowing the client to interact with an intelligent computer system which simulates real-life literacy activities and materials and which measures literacy performance in the actual context of its use. The specific objectives of the project are as follows: (1) To develop a simulation-based diagnostic tool to assess adults' prior knowledge about reading and writing processes in actual contexts of application; (2) to provide a profile of readers' strengths and weaknesses; and (3) to suggest instructional strategies and materials which can be used as a beginning point for remediation. In the first and developmental phase of the project, descriptions of literacy events and environments are being written and functional literacy documents analyzed for their components. Examples of literacy events and situations being considered included interactions with environmental print (e.g., billboards, street signs, commercial marquees, storefront logos, etc.), functional literacy materials (e.g., newspapers, magazines, telephone books, bills, receipts, etc.) and employment related communication (i.e., job descriptions, application forms, technical manuals, memorandums, newsletters, etc.). Each of these situations and materials is being analyzed for its literacy requirements in terms of written display (i.e., knowledge of printed forms and conventions), meaning demands (i.e., comprehension and word knowledge) and social situation. From these descriptions, scripts are being generated which define the interaction between the student, an on-screen guide and the simulated literacy environment. The proposed outcome of the Evaluator is a diagnostic profile which will present broad classifications of literacy behaviors across the major areas of metacognitive abilities, word recognition, vocabulary knowledge, comprehension and writing. From these classifications, suggestions for materials and strategies for instruction with which to begin corrective action will be made. The focus of the Literacy Evaluator will be essentially to provide an expert diagnosis and an interpretation of that assessment which then can be used by a human tutor to further design and individualize a remedial program as needed through the use of an authoring system

    E/Valuating new media in language development

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    This paper addresses the need for a new approach to the educational evaluation of software that falls under the rubric "new media" or "multimedia" as distinct from previous generations of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) software. The authors argue that present approaches to CALL software evaluation are not appropriate for a new genre of CALL software distinguished by its shared assumptions about language learning and teaching as well as by its technical design. The paper sketches a research-based program called "E/Valuation" that aims to assist language educators to answer questions about the educational effectiveness of recent multimedia language learning software. The authors suggest that such program needs to take into account not only the nature of the new media and its potential to promote language learning in novel ways, but also current professional knowledge about language learning and teaching

    Readability, presentation and quality of allergy-related patient information leaflets: a cross sectional and longitudinal study

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    Objective: Patient information leaflets (PILs) are widely used to reinforce or illustrate health information and to complement verbal consultation. The objectives of the study were to assess the readability and presentation of PILs published by Allergy UK, and to conduct a longitudinal assessment to evaluate the impact of leaflet amendment and revision on readability. Methods: Readability of Allergy UK leaflets available in 2013 was assessed using Simple Measure of Gobbledegook (SMOG) and Flesch-Kincaid Reading Grade Formula. Leaflet presentation was evaluated using the Clear Print Guidelines of the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and the Patient Information Appraisal System developed by the British Medical Association (BMA). Changes in the leaflets’ readability scores over five years were investigated. Results: 108 leaflets, covering a wide range of allergic conditions and treatment options, were assessed. The leaflets had average SMOG and Flesch-Kincaid scores of 13.9 (range 11-18, SD 1.2) and 10.9 (range 5-17, SD 2.1) respectively. All leaflets met the RNIB Clear Print guidelines, with the exception of font size which was universally inadequate. The leaflets scored on average 10 (median 10, range 7-15) out of a maximum of 27 on the BMA checklist. The overall average SMOG score of 31 leaflets available in both 2008 and 2013 had not changed significantly. The process of leaflet revision resulted in 1% change in readability scores overall, with a predominantly upward trend with six leaflets increasing their readability score by >10% and only three decreasing by >10%. Conclusion: Allergy-related patient information leaflets are well presented but have readability levels that are higher than those recommended for health information. Involving service users in the process of leaflet design, together with systematic pre-publication screening of readability would enhance the accessibility and comprehensibility of written information for people with allergy and their careers

    Assessing the effect of topic interest on two measures of incidental vocabulary learning : can dictionary look-up behavior be a factor?

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)Throughout the years, several studies have been conducted in order to analyze the effect of topic interest on incidental vocabulary learning. It has been stated that being interested in a topic is a mental resource that enhances learning, which then leads to better performance and achievement (Hidi, 1990). This type of interest has been classified as individual, situational and topic interest (Renninger, Hidi and Krapp, 1992; Schiefele, 1999; Hidi, 1990; Ainley, Hidi and Berndorff, 2002). In order to provide more insights regarding topic interest and incidental vocabulary learning, the purpose of the present study is to explore the effect of topic interest on incidental vocabulary learning in two topic interest conditions, high and low, as well as the effect of topic interest on dictionary look-up behavior. For this purpose, a quantitative study was conducted. The study was divided into two main sessions, and the participants were 23 intermediate level students at a private university in Santiago. These participants were asked to read two texts with topics previously identified by them as having high and low topic interest. Twenty target words in the texts were selected in order to assess vocabulary depth and quantitative gains in both conditions, by means of a vocabulary knowledge scale (Paribakht & Wesche, 1993, 1996) and a passive recognition (Laufer & Goldstein, 2004) respectively. Results suggest that topic interest had a significant effect on the incidental vocabulary learning achieved by the participants in terms of vocabulary depth, and also in terms of quantitative gains. In addition, when dictionary look-up behavior was taken into account, vocabulary gains were kept. Discussion of the results, conclusions and implications for pedagogy are presented in the corresponding chapters.A través de los años, se han realizado diferentes estudios con el fin de analizar el efecto de interés de tópico en el aprendizaje incidental de vocabulario. Se ha dicho que estar interesado en un tema realza el aprendizaje, lo cual conduce a un mejor desempeño académico (Hidi, 1990). Este tipo de interés ha sido clasificado como interés de tópico, situacional e individual (Renninger, Hidi and Krapp, 1992; Schiefele, 1999; Hidi, 1990; Ainley, Hidi and Berndorff, 2002). A fin de proporcionar más información con respecto al interés de tópico y al comportamiento de búsqueda en un diccionario, el propósito de este estudio es explorar el efecto del interés de tópico en el aprendizaje incidental de vocabulario en dos condiciones (Alta y Baja), así como también el efecto del interés de tópico en el comportamiento de búsqueda en un diccionario. Para conseguir dicho propósito, se realizó un estudio cuantitativo. El estudio se dividió principalmente en dos sesiones, y los participantes fueron 23 estudiantes de una Universidad privada de Santiago con un nivel de Inglés intermedio. Dichos participantes tuvieron que leer dos textos que habían sido identificados por ellos previamente como el más y menos interesante. Veinte palabras fueron seleccionadas de los textos con el fin de evaluar el progreso en la profundidad del vocabulario y ganancias cuantitativas de vocabulario en las dos condiciones, por medio de una escala de conocimiento de vocabulario (Paribakht & Wesche, 1993, 1996), y una prueba de reconocimiento pasivo (Laufer & Goldstein, 2004) respectivamente. Los resultados indican que el interés de tópico tuvo un efecto significativo en el aprendizaje incidental de vocabulario logrado por los participantes en relación al progreso en la profundidad del vocabulario, y en relación a las ganancias cuantitativas de vocabulario. Además, cuando el comportamiento de búsqueda en el diccionario es tomado en cuenta, las ganancias cuantitativas de vocabulario se mantienen. La discusión de los resultados, conclusiones e implicancias para la pedagogía están presentadas en sus capítulos correspondiente