432 research outputs found

    Exploring Energy Efficiency of Lightweight Block Ciphers

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    Abstract. In the last few years, the field of lightweight cryptography has seen an influx in the number of block ciphers and hash functions being proposed. One of the metrics that define a good lightweight design is the energy consumed per unit operation of the algorithm. For block ciphers, this operation is the encryption of one plaintext. By studying the energy consumption model of a CMOS gate, we arrive at the conclusion that the total energy consumed during the encryption operation of an r-round unrolled architecture of any block cipher is a quadratic function in r. We then apply our model to 9 well known lightweight block ciphers, and thereby try to predict the optimal value of r at which an r-round unrolled architecture for a cipher is likely to be most energy efficient. We also try to relate our results to some physical design parameters like the signal delay across a round and algorithmic parameters like the number of rounds taken to achieve full diffusion of a difference in the plaintext/key

    A Survey of Lightweight Cryptosystems for Smart Home Devices

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    A Smart Home uses interconnected network technology to monitor the environment, control the various physical appliances, and communicate with each other in a close environment. A typical smart home is made up of a security system, intercommunication system, lighting system, and ventilation system.  Data security schemes for smart homes are ineffective due to inefficiency cryptosystems, high energy consumption, and low exchange security. Traditional cryptosystems are less-applicable because of their large block size, large key size, and complex rounds. This paper conducts a review of smart homes, and adopts Ultra-Sooner Lightweight Cryptography to secure home door. It provides extensive background of cryptography, forms of cryptography as associated issues and strengths, current trends, smart home door system design, and future works suggestions. Specifically, there are prospects of utilizing XORed lightweight cryptosystem for developing encryption and decryption algorithms in smart home devices. The Substitution Permutation Network, and Feistel Network cryptographic primitives were most advanced forms of cipher operations with security guarantees. Therefore, better security, memory and energy efficiency can be obtained with lightweight ciphers in smart home devices when compared to existing solutions. In the subsequent studies, a blockchain-based lightweight cryptography can be the next springboard in attaining the most advanced security for smart home systems and their appliances.     &nbsp

    Designing Novel Hardware Security Primitives for Smart Computing Devices

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    Smart computing devices are miniaturized electronics devices that can sense their surroundings, communicate, and share information autonomously with other devices to work cohesively. Smart devices have played a major role in improving quality of the life and boosting the global economy. They are ubiquitously present, smart home, smart city, smart girds, industry, healthcare, controlling the hazardous environment, and military, etc. However, we have witnessed an exponential rise in potential threat vectors and physical attacks in recent years. The conventional software-based security approaches are not suitable in the smart computing device, therefore, hardware-enabled security solutions have emerged as an attractive choice. Developing hardware security primitives, such as True Random Number Generator (TRNG) and Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) from electrical properties of the sensor could be a novel research direction. Secondly, the Lightweight Cryptographic (LWC) ciphers used in smart computing devices are found vulnerable against Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) attack. The CPA performs statistical analysis of the power consumption of the cryptographic core and reveals the encryption key. The countermeasure against CPA results in an increase in energy consumption, therefore, they are not suitable for battery operated smart computing devices. The primary goal of this dissertation is to develop novel hardware security primitives from existing sensors and energy-efficient LWC circuit implementation with CPA resilience. To achieve these. we focus on developing TRNG and PUF from existing photoresistor and photovoltaic solar cell sensors in smart devices Further, we explored energy recovery computing (also known as adiabatic computing) circuit design technique that reduces the energy consumption compared to baseline CMOS logic design and same time increasing CPA resilience in low-frequency applications, e.g. wearable fitness gadgets, hearing aid and biomedical instruments. The first contribution of this dissertation is to develop a TRNG prototype from the uncertainty present in photoresistor sensors. The existing sensor-based TRNGs suffer a low random bit generation rate, therefore, are not suitable in real-time applications. The proposed prototype has an average random bit generation rate of 8 kbps, 32 times higher than the existing sensor-based TRNG. The proposed lightweight scrambling method results in random bit entropy close to ideal value 1. The proposed TRNG prototype passes all 15 statistical tests of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Statistical Test Suite with quality performance. The second contribution of this dissertation is to develop an integrated TRNG-PUF designed using photovoltaic solar cell sensors. The TRNG and PUF are mutually independent in the way they are designed, therefore, integrating them as one architecture can be beneficial in resource-constrained computing devices. We propose a novel histogram-based technique to segregate photovoltaic solar cell sensor response suitable for TRNG and PUF respectively. The proposed prototype archives approximately 34\% improvement in TRNG output. The proposed prototype achieves an average of 92.13\% reliability and 50.91\% uniformity performance in PUF response. The proposed sensor-based hardware security primitives do not require additional interfacing hardware. Therefore, they can be ported as a software update on existing photoresistor and photovoltaic sensor-based devices. Furthermore, the sensor-based design approach can identify physically tempered and faulty sensor nodes during authentication as their response bit differs. The third contribution is towards the development of a novel 2-phase sinusoidal clocking implementation, 2-SPGAL for existing Symmetric Pass Gate Adiabatic Logic (SPGAL). The proposed 2-SPGAL logic-based LWC cipher PRESENT shows an average of 49.34\% energy saving compared to baseline CMOS logic implementation. Furthermore, the 2-SPGAL prototype has an average of 22.76\% better energy saving compared to 2-EE-SPFAL (2-phase Energy-Efficient-Secure Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic). The proposed 2-SPGAL was tested for energy-efficiency performance for the frequency range of 50 kHz to 250 kHz, used in healthcare gadgets and biomedical instruments. The proposed 2-SPGAL based design saves 16.78\% transistor count compared to 2-EE-SPFAL counterpart. The final contribution is to explore Clocked CMOS Adiabatic Logic (CCAL) to design a cryptographic circuit. Previously proposed 2-SPGAL and 2-EE-SPFAL uses two complementary pairs of the transistor evaluation network, thus resulting in a higher transistor count compared to the CMOS counterpart. The CCAL structure is very similar to CMOS and unlike 2-SPGAL and 2-EE-SPFAL, it does not require discharge circuitry to improve security performance. The case-study implementation LWC cipher PRESENT S-Box using CCAL results into 45.74\% and 34.88\% transistor count saving compared to 2-EE-SPFAL and 2-SPGAL counterpart. Furthermore, the case-study implementation using CCAL shows more than 95\% energy saving compared to CMOS logic at frequency range 50 kHz to 125 kHz, and approximately 60\% energy saving at frequency 250 kHz. The case study also shows 32.67\% and 11.21\% more energy saving compared to 2-EE-SPFAL and 2-SPGAL respectively at frequency 250 kHz. We also show that 200 fF of tank capacitor in the clock generator circuit results in optimum energy and security performance in CCAL

    Area and Energy Optimizations in ASIC Implementations of AES and PRESENT Block Ciphers

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    When small, modern-day devices surface with neoteric features and promise benefits like streamlined business processes, cashierless stores, and autonomous driving, they are all too often accompanied by security risks due to a weak or absent security component. In particular, the lack of data privacy protection is a common concern that can be remedied by implementing encryption. This ensures that data remains undisclosed to unauthorized parties. While having a cryptographic module is often a goal, it is sometimes forfeited because a device's resources do not allow for the conventional cryptographic solutions. Thus, smaller, lower-energy security modules are in demand. Implementing a cipher in hardware as an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) will usually achieve better efficiency than alternatives like FPGAs or software, and can help towards goals such as extended battery life and smaller area footprint. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a block cipher established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. It has since become the most widely adopted block cipher and is applied in a variety of applications ranging from smartphones to passive RFID tags to high performance microprocessors. PRESENT, published in 2007, is a smaller lightweight block cipher designed for low-power applications. In this study, low-area and low-energy optimizations in ASICs are addressed for AES and PRESENT. In the low-area work, three existing AES encryption cores are implemented, analyzed, and benchmarked using a common fabrication technology (STM 65 nm). The analysis includes an examination of various implementations of internal AES operations and their suitability for different architectural choices. Using our taxonomy of design choices, we designed Quark-AES, a novel 8-bit AES architecture. At 1960 GE, it features a 13% improvement in area and 9% improvement in throughput/area² over the prior smallest design. To illustrate the extent of the variations due to the use of different ASIC libraries, Quark-AES and the three analyzed designs are also synthesized using three additional technologies. Even for the same transistor size, different ASIC libraries produce significantly different area results. To accommodate a variety of applications that seek different levels of tradeoffs in area and throughput, we extend all four designs to 16-bit and 32-bit datawidths. In the low-energy work, round unrolling and glitch filtering are applied together to achieve energy savings. Round unrolling, which applies multiple block cipher rounds in a combinational path, reduces the energy due to registers but increases the glitching energy. Glitch filtering complements round unrolling by reducing the amount of glitches and their associated energy consumption. For unrolled designs of PRESENT and AES, two glitch filtering schemes are assessed. One method uses AND-gates in between combinational rounds while the other used latches. Both methods work by allowing the propagation of signals only after they have stabilized. The experiments assess how energy consumption changes with respect to the degree of unrolling, the glitch filtering scheme, the degree of pipelining, the spacing between glitch filters, and the location of glitch filters when only a limited number of them can be applied due to area constraints. While in PRESENT, the optimal configuration depends on all the variables, in a larger cipher such as AES, the latch-based method consistently offers the most energy savings

    Sustainable MapReduce: Optimizing Security and Efficiency in Hadoop Clusters with Lightweight Cryptography-based Key Management

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    The exponential growth of big data has led to a significant increase in the volume and complexity of data being generated and stored. This trend has created a huge demand for secure storage and processing of big data. Cryptography is a widely used technique for securing data, but traditional cryptography algorithms are often too resource-intensive for big data applications. To address this issue, light weight cryptography algorithms have been developed that are optimized for low computational overhead and low memory utilization. This research paper explores the use of a new sustainable algorithm that utilizes a lightweight cryptographybased key management scheme to optimize MapReduce security and computational efficiency in Hadoop clusters. The proposed sustainable MapReduce algorithm aims to reduce memory and CPU allocation, thereby significantly reducing the energy consumption of Hadoop clusters. The paper emphasizes the importance of reducing energy consumption and enhancing environmental sustainability in big data processing and highlights the potential benefits of using sustainable lightweight cryptography algorithms in achieving these goals. Through rigorous testing and evaluation, the paper demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed sustainable MapReduce algorithm in improving the energy efficiency and computational performance of Hadoop clusters, making it a promising solution for sustainable big data processing

    A Comprehensive Survey on the Implementations, Attacks, and Countermeasures of the Current NIST Lightweight Cryptography Standard

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    This survey is the first work on the current standard for lightweight cryptography, standardized in 2023. Lightweight cryptography plays a vital role in securing resource-constrained embedded systems such as deeply-embedded systems (implantable and wearable medical devices, smart fabrics, smart homes, and the like), radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, sensor networks, and privacy-constrained usage models. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) initiated a standardization process for lightweight cryptography and after a relatively-long multi-year effort, eventually, in Feb. 2023, the competition ended with ASCON as the winner. This lightweight cryptographic standard will be used in deeply-embedded architectures to provide security through confidentiality and integrity/authentication (the dual of the legacy AES-GCM block cipher which is the NIST standard for symmetric key cryptography). ASCON's lightweight design utilizes a 320-bit permutation which is bit-sliced into five 64-bit register words, providing 128-bit level security. This work summarizes the different implementations of ASCON on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and ASIC hardware platforms on the basis of area, power, throughput, energy, and efficiency overheads. The presented work also reviews various differential and side-channel analysis attacks (SCAs) performed across variants of ASCON cipher suite in terms of algebraic, cube/cube-like, forgery, fault injection, and power analysis attacks as well as the countermeasures for these attacks. We also provide our insights and visions throughout this survey to provide new future directions in different domains. This survey is the first one in its kind and a step forward towards scrutinizing the advantages and future directions of the NIST lightweight cryptography standard introduced in 2023

    Security analysis of NIST-LWC contest finalists

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Informatics EngineeringTraditional cryptographic standards are designed with a desktop and server environment in mind, so, with the relatively recent proliferation of small, resource constrained devices in the Internet of Things, sensor networks, embedded systems, and more, there has been a call for lightweight cryptographic standards with security, performance and resource requirements tailored for the highly-constrained environments these devices find themselves in. In 2015 the National Institute of Standards and Technology began a Standardization Process in order to select one or more Lightweight Cryptographic algorithms. Out of the original 57 submissions ten finalists remain, with ASCON and Romulus being among the most scrutinized out of them. In this dissertation I will introduce some concepts required for easy understanding of the body of work, do an up-to-date revision on the current situation on the standardization process from a security and performance standpoint, a description of ASCON and Romulus, and new best known analysis, and a comparison of the two, with their advantages, drawbacks, and unique traits.Os padrões criptográficos tradicionais foram elaborados com um ambiente de computador e servidor em mente. Com a proliferação de dispositivos de pequenas dimensões tanto na Internet of Things, redes de sensores e sistemas embutidos, apareceu uma necessidade para se definir padrões para algoritmos de criptografia leve, com prioridades de segurança, performance e gasto de recursos equilibrados para os ambientes altamente limitados em que estes dispositivos operam. Em 2015 o National Institute of Standards and Technology lançou um processo de estandardização com o objectivo de escolher um ou mais algoritmos de criptografia leve. Das cinquenta e sete candidaturas originais sobram apenas dez finalistas, sendo ASCON e Romulus dois desses finalistas mais examinados. Nesta dissertação irei introduzir alguns conceitos necessários para uma fácil compreensão do corpo deste trabalho, assim como uma revisão atualizada da situação atual do processo de estandardização de um ponto de vista tanto de segurança como de performance, uma descrição do ASCON e do Romulus assim como as suas melhores análises recentes e uma comparação entre os dois, frisando as suas vantagens, desvantagens e aspectos únicos
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