222 research outputs found

    Exploring 3d gesture metaphors for interaction with unmanned aerial vehicles

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    We present a study exploring upper body 3D spatial interaction metaphors for control and communication with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) such as the Parrot AR Drone. We discuss the design and implementation of five interaction techniques using the Microsoft Kinect, based on metaphors inspired by UAVs, to support a variety of flying operations a UAV can perform. Techniques include a first-person interaction metaphor where a user takes a pose like a winged aircraft, a game controller metaphor, where a user\u27s hands mimic the control movements of console joysticks, proxy manipulation, where the user imagines manipulating the UAV as if it were in their grasp, and a pointing metaphor in which the user assumes the identity of a monarch and commands the UAV as such. We examine qualitative metrics such as perceived intuition, usability and satisfaction, among others. Our results indicate that novice users appreciate certain 3D spatial techniques over the smartphone application bundled with the AR Drone. We also discuss the trade-offs in the technique design metrics based on results from our study. Copyright © 2013 ACM

    Towards Intuitive HMI for UAV Control

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    In the last decade, UAVs have become a widely used technology. As they are used by both professionals and amateurs, there is a need to explore different control modalities to make control intuitive and easier, especially for new users. In this work, we compared the most widely used joystick control with a custom human pose control. We used human pose estimation and arm movements to send UAV commands in the same way that operators use their fingers to send joystick commands. Experiments were conducted in a simulation environment with first-person visual feedback. Participants had to traverse the same maze with joystick and human pose control. Participants' subjective experience was assessed using the raw NASA Task Load Index.Comment: 2022 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST

    An Exploration Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Direct Manipulation Through 3d Spatial Interaction

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    We present an exploration that surveys the strengths and weaknesses of various 3D spatial interaction techniques, in the context of directly manipulating an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Particularly, a study of touch- and device- free interfaces in this domain is provided. 3D spatial interaction can be achieved using hand-held motion control devices such as the Nintendo Wiimote, but computer vision systems offer a different and perhaps more natural method. In general, 3D user interfaces (3DUI) enable a user to interact with a system on a more robust and potentially more meaningful scale. We discuss the design and development of various 3D interaction techniques using commercially available computer vision systems, and provide an exploration of the effects that these techniques have on an overall user experience in the UAV domain. Specific qualities of the user experience are targeted, including the perceived intuition, ease of use, comfort, and others. We present a complete user study for upper-body gestures, and preliminary reactions towards 3DUI using hand-and-finger gestures are also discussed. The results provide evidence that supports the use of 3DUI in this domain, as well as the use of certain styles of techniques over others

    Oculus Rift Application for Training Drone Pilots

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    The research described in this paper, focuses on a virtual reality headset system that integrates the Oculus Rift VR headset with a low cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to allow for drone teleoperation and telepresence using the Robot Operating System (ROS). We developed a system that allows the pilot to fly an AR Drone through natural head movements translated to a set of flight commands. The system is designed to be easy to use for the purposes of training drone pilots. The user simply has to move their head and these movements are translated to the quadrotor which then turns in that direction. Altitude control is implemented using a Wii Nunchuck joystick for altitude adjustment. The users use the Oculus Rift headset a 2D video stream from the AR Drone, which is then turned into a 3D image stream and presented to them on the headset

    Advances in Human Robot Interaction for Cloud Robotics applications

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    In this thesis are analyzed different and innovative techniques for Human Robot Interaction. The focus of this thesis is on the interaction with flying robots. The first part is a preliminary description of the state of the art interactions techniques. Then the first project is Fly4SmartCity, where it is analyzed the interaction between humans (the citizen and the operator) and drones mediated by a cloud robotics platform. Then there is an application of the sliding autonomy paradigm and the analysis of different degrees of autonomy supported by a cloud robotics platform. The last part is dedicated to the most innovative technique for human-drone interaction in the User’s Flying Organizer project (UFO project). This project wants to develop a flying robot able to project information into the environment exploiting concepts of Spatial Augmented Realit
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