1 research outputs found

    Polimorfisme Gen Natural Resistence Associated Macrophage Protein-1 (NRAMP-1) Dengan PCR-RFLP dari Ekstrak Saliva Menggunakan Enzim Restriksi Fok 1

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    Several study has been reported that Polymorphism Gen Natural Resistence Associated Macrophage Protein-1 (NRAMP-1) with PCR-RFLP from extract saliva used restriction Fok 1 enzyme. This studied aims to know Polymorphism Gen Natural resistence associated macrophage protein (NRAMP-1) on loci 3???UTR with PCR-RFLP from extract saliva used restriction Fok 1 enzyme. This extraction of DNA from saliva used Oragene DNA, the sample has been extraction then amplified with PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) used specific primer (F: 5???-GCATCTCCCCAATTCATGGT-3???, R: 5???-CAGGATA GAGTGGGACAGTT-3???) at Loci 3???UTR with length base of PCR product is 244 bp, the sample has been amplified will be cut used restriction endonuklease Fok 1 enzyme. The result of this studied, not found polymorphism Gen Natural Resistence Associated Macrophage Protein-1 (NRAMP-1) especially Loci 3???UTR. Based of the result of this studied extraction of saliva sample used Oragene DNA, there???s no polymorphism gen Nramp-1 on Loci 3???UTR (Un-translated Region) with cut by restriction Fok 1 enzyme