3,864 research outputs found

    Safe Policy Synthesis in Multi-Agent POMDPs via Discrete-Time Barrier Functions

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    A multi-agent partially observable Markov decision process (MPOMDP) is a modeling paradigm used for high-level planning of heterogeneous autonomous agents subject to uncertainty and partial observation. Despite their modeling efficiency, MPOMDPs have not received significant attention in safety-critical settings. In this paper, we use barrier functions to design policies for MPOMDPs that ensure safety. Notably, our method does not rely on discretization of the belief space, or finite memory. To this end, we formulate sufficient and necessary conditions for the safety of a given set based on discrete-time barrier functions (DTBFs) and we demonstrate that our formulation also allows for Boolean compositions of DTBFs for representing more complicated safe sets. We show that the proposed method can be implemented online by a sequence of one-step greedy algorithms as a standalone safe controller or as a safety-filter given a nominal planning policy. We illustrate the efficiency of the proposed methodology based on DTBFs using a high-fidelity simulation of heterogeneous robots.Comment: 8 pages and 4 figure

    Three months journeying of a Hawaiian monk seal

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    Hawaiian monk seals (Monachus schauinslandi) are endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and are the most endangered species of marine mammal that lives entirely within the jurisdiction of the United States. The species numbers around 1300 and has been declining owing, among other things, to poor juvenile survival which is evidently related to poor foraging success. Consequently, data have been collected recently on the foraging habitats, movements, and behaviors of monk seals throughout the Northwestern and main Hawaiian Islands. Our work here is directed to exploring a data set located in a relatively shallow offshore submerged bank (Penguin Bank) in our search of a model for a seal's journey. The work ends by fitting a stochastic differential equation (SDE) that mimics some aspects of the behavior of seals by working with location data collected for one seal. The SDE is found by developing a time varying potential function with two points of attraction. The times of location are irregularly spaced and not close together geographically, leading to some difficulties of interpretation. Synthetic plots generated using the model are employed to assess its reasonableness spatially and temporally. One aspect is that the animal stays mainly southwest of Molokai. The work led to the estimation of the lengths and locations of the seal's foraging trips.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/193940307000000473 the IMS Collections (http://www.imstat.org/publications/imscollections.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A drift-diffusion model for robotic obstacle avoidance

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    We develop a stochastic framework for modeling and analysis of robot navigation in the presence of obstacles. We show that, with appropriate assumptions, the probability of a robot avoiding a given obstacle can be reduced to a function of a single dimensionless parameter which captures all relevant quantities of the problem. This parameter is analogous to the Peclet number considered in the literature on mass transport in advection-diffusion fluid flows. Using the framework we also compute statistics of the time required to escape an obstacle in an informative case. The results of the computation show that adding noise to the navigation strategy can improve performance. Finally, we present experimental results that illustrate these performance improvements on a robotic platform. For more information: Kod*La

    Applications of satellite and marine geodesy to operations in the ocean environment

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    The requirements for marine and satellite geodesy technology are assessed with emphasis on the development of marine geodesy. Various programs and missions for identification of the satellite geodesy technology applicable to marine geodesy are analyzed along with national and international marine programs to identify the roles of satellite/marine geodesy techniques for meeting the objectives of the programs and other objectives of national interest effectively. The case for marine geodesy is developed based on the extraction of requirements documented by authoritative technical industrial people, professional geodesists, government agency personnel, and applicable technology reports

    The future of spaceborne altimetry. Oceans and climate change: A long-term strategy

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    The ocean circulation and polar ice sheet volumes provide important memory and control functions in the global climate. Their long term variations are unknown and need to be understood before meaningful appraisals of climate change can be made. Satellite altimetry is the only method for providing global information on the ocean circulation and ice sheet volume. A robust altimeter measurement program is planned which will initiate global observations of the ocean circulation and polar ice sheets. In order to provide useful data about the climate, these measurements must be continued with unbroken coverage into the next century. Herein, past results of the role of the ocean in the climate system is summarized, near term goals are outlined, and requirements and options are presented for future altimeter missions. There are three basic scientific objectives for the program: ocean circulation; polar ice sheets; and mean sea level change. The greatest scientific benefit will be achieved with a series of dedicated high precision altimeter spacecraft, for which the choice of orbit parameters and system accuracy are unencumbered by requirements of companion instruments