4 research outputs found

    Bridging Vision and Language over Time with Neural Cross-modal Embeddings

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    Giving computers the ability to understand multimedia content is one of the goals of Artificial Intelligence systems. While humans excel at this task, it remains a challenge, requiring bridging vision and language, which inherently have heterogeneous computational representations. Cross-modal embeddings are used to tackle this challenge, by learning a common space that uni es these representations. However, to grasp the semantics of an image, one must look beyond the pixels and consider its semantic and temporal context, with the latter being de ned by images’ textual descriptions and time dimension, respectively. As such, external causes (e.g. emerging events) change the way humans interpret and describe the same visual element over time, leading to the evolution of visual-textual correlations. In this thesis we investigate models that capture patterns of visual and textual interactions over time, by incorporating time in cross-modal embeddings: 1) in a relative manner, where by using pairwise temporal correlations to aid data structuring, we obtained a model that provides better visual-textual correspondences on dynamic corpora, and 2) in a diachronic manner, where the temporal dimension is fully preserved, thus capturing visual-textual correlations evolution under a principled approach that jointly models vision+language+time. Rich insights stemming from data evolution were extracted from a 20 years large-scale dataset. Additionally, towards improving the e ectiveness of these embedding learning models, we proposed a novel loss function that increases the expressiveness of the standard triplet-loss, by making it adaptive to the data at hand. With our adaptive triplet-loss, in which triplet speci c constraints are inferred and scheduled, we achieved state-of-the-art performance on the standard cross-modal retrieval task

    Suchbasierte automatische Bildannotation anhand geokodierter Community-Fotos

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    In the Web 2.0 era, platforms for sharing and collaboratively annotating images with keywords, called tags, became very popular. Tags are a powerful means for organizing and retrieving photos. However, manual tagging is time consuming. Recently, the sheer amount of user-tagged photos available on the Web encouraged researchers to explore new techniques for automatic image annotation. The idea is to annotate an unlabeled image by propagating the labels of community photos that are visually similar to it. Most recently, an ever increasing amount of community photos is also associated with location information, i.e., geotagged. In this thesis, we aim at exploiting the location context and propose an approach for automatically annotating geotagged photos. Our objective is to address the main limitations of state-of-the-art approaches in terms of the quality of the produced tags and the speed of the complete annotation process. To achieve these goals, we, first, deal with the problem of collecting images with the associated metadata from online repositories. Accordingly, we introduce a strategy for data crawling that takes advantage of location information and the social relationships among the contributors of the photos. To improve the quality of the collected user-tags, we present a method for resolving their ambiguity based on tag relatedness information. In this respect, we propose an approach for representing tags as probability distributions based on the algorithm of Laplacian score feature selection. Furthermore, we propose a new metric for calculating the distance between tag probability distributions by extending Jensen-Shannon Divergence to account for statistical fluctuations. To efficiently identify the visual neighbors, the thesis introduces two extensions to the state-of-the-art image matching algorithm, known as Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF). To speed up the matching, we present a solution for reducing the number of compared SURF descriptors based on classification techniques, while the accuracy of SURF is improved through an efficient method for iterative image matching. Furthermore, we propose a statistical model for ranking the mined annotations according to their relevance to the target image. This is achieved by combining multi-modal information in a statistical framework based on Bayes' rule. Finally, the effectiveness of each of mentioned contributions as well as the complete automatic annotation process are evaluated experimentally.Seit der EinfĂŒhrung von Web 2.0 steigt die PopularitĂ€t von Plattformen, auf denen Bilder geteilt und durch die Gemeinschaft mit Schlagwörtern, sogenannten Tags, annotiert werden. Mit Tags lassen sich Fotos leichter organisieren und auffinden. Manuelles Taggen ist allerdings sehr zeitintensiv. Animiert von der schieren Menge an im Web zugĂ€nglichen, von Usern getaggten Fotos, erforschen Wissenschaftler derzeit neue Techniken der automatischen Bildannotation. Dahinter steht die Idee, ein noch nicht beschriftetes Bild auf der Grundlage visuell Ă€hnlicher, bereits beschrifteter Community-Fotos zu annotieren. UnlĂ€ngst wurde eine immer grĂ¶ĂŸere Menge an Community-Fotos mit geographischen Koordinaten versehen (geottagged). Die Arbeit macht sich diesen geographischen Kontext zunutze und prĂ€sentiert einen Ansatz zur automatischen Annotation geogetaggter Fotos. Ziel ist es, die wesentlichen Grenzen der bisher bekannten AnsĂ€tze in Hinsicht auf die QualitĂ€t der produzierten Tags und die Geschwindigkeit des gesamten Annotationsprozesses aufzuzeigen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, wurden zunĂ€chst Bilder mit entsprechenden Metadaten aus den Online-Quellen gesammelt. Darauf basierend, wird eine Strategie zur Datensammlung eingefĂŒhrt, die sich sowohl der geographischen Informationen als auch der sozialen Verbindungen zwischen denjenigen, die die Fotos zur VerfĂŒgung stellen, bedient. Um die QualitĂ€t der gesammelten User-Tags zu verbessern, wird eine Methode zur Auflösung ihrer AmbiguitĂ€t vorgestellt, die auf der Information der Tag-Ähnlichkeiten basiert. In diesem Zusammenhang wird ein Ansatz zur Darstellung von Tags als Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen vorgeschlagen, der auf den Algorithmus der sogenannten Laplacian Score (LS) aufbaut. Des Weiteren wird eine Erweiterung der Jensen-Shannon-Divergence (JSD) vorgestellt, die statistische Fluktuationen berĂŒcksichtigt. Zur effizienten Identifikation der visuellen Nachbarn werden in der Arbeit zwei Erweiterungen des Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF)-Algorithmus vorgestellt. Zur Beschleunigung des Abgleichs wird eine Lösung auf der Basis von Klassifikationstechniken prĂ€sentiert, die die Anzahl der miteinander verglichenen SURF-Deskriptoren minimiert, wĂ€hrend die SURF-Genauigkeit durch eine effiziente Methode des schrittweisen Bildabgleichs verbessert wird. Des Weiteren wird ein statistisches Modell basierend auf der Baye'schen Regel vorgeschlagen, um die erlangten Annotationen entsprechend ihrer Relevanz in Bezug auf das Zielbild zu ranken. Schließlich wird die Effizienz jedes einzelnen, erwĂ€hnten Beitrags experimentell evaluiert. DarĂŒber hinaus wird die Performanz des vorgeschlagenen automatischen Annotationsansatzes durch umfassende experimentelle Studien als Ganzes demonstriert

    Temporal dynamics in information retrieval

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    The passage of time is unrelenting. Time is an omnipresent feature of our existence, serving as a context to frame change driven by events and phenomena in our personal lives and social constructs. Accordingly, various elements of time are woven throughout information itself, and information behaviours such as creation, seeking and utilisation. Time plays a central role in many aspects of information retrieval (IR). It can not only distinguish the interpretation of information, but also profoundly influence the intentions and expectations of users' information seeking activity. Many time-based patterns and trends - namely temporal dynamics - are evident in streams of information behaviour by individuals and crowds. A temporal dynamic refers to a periodic regularity, or, a one-off or irregular past, present or future of a particular element (e.g., word, topic or query popularity) - driven by predictable and unpredictable time-based events and phenomena. Several challenges and opportunities related to temporal dynamics are apparent throughout IR. This thesis explores temporal dynamics from the perspective of query popularity and meaning, and word use and relationships over time. More specifically, the thesis posits that temporal dynamics provide tacit meaning and structure of information and information seeking. As such, temporal dynamics are a ‘two-way street’ since they must be supported, but also conversely, can be exploited to improve time-aware IR effectiveness. Real-time temporal dynamics in information seeking must be supported for consistent user satisfaction over time. Uncertainty about what the user expects is a perennial problem for IR systems, further confounded by changes over time. To alleviate this issue, IR systems can: (i) assist the user to submit an effective query (e.g., error-free and descriptive), and (ii) better anticipate what the user is most likely to want in relevance ranking. I first explore methods to help users formulate queries through time-aware query auto-completion, which can suggest both recent and always popular queries. I propose and evaluate novel approaches for time-sensitive query auto-completion, and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance of up to 9.2% improvement above the hard baseline. Notably, I find results are reflected across diverse search scenarios in different languages, confirming the pervasive and language agnostic nature of temporal dynamics. Furthermore, I explore the impact of temporal dynamics on the motives behind users' information seeking, and thus how relevance itself is subject to temporal dynamics. I find that temporal dynamics have a dramatic impact on what users expect over time for a considerable proportion of queries. In particular, I find the most likely meaning of ambiguous queries is affected over short and long-term periods (e.g., hours to months) by several periodic and one-off event temporal dynamics. Additionally, I find that for event-driven multi-faceted queries, relevance can often be inferred by modelling the temporal dynamics of changes in related information. In addition to real-time temporal dynamics, previously observed temporal dynamics offer a complementary opportunity as a tacit dimension which can be exploited to inform more effective IR systems. IR approaches are typically based on methods which characterise the nature of information through the statistical distributions of words and phrases. In this thesis I look to model and exploit the temporal dimension of the collection, characterised by temporal dynamics, in these established IR approaches. I explore how the temporal dynamic similarity of word and phrase use in a collection can be exploited to infer temporal semantic relationships between the terms. I propose an approach to uncover a query topic's "chronotype" terms -- that is, its most distinctive and temporally interdependent terms, based on a mix of temporal and non-temporal evidence. I find exploiting chronotype terms in temporal query expansion leads to significantly improved retrieval performance in several time-based collections. Temporal dynamics provide both a challenge and an opportunity for IR systems. Overall, the findings presented in this thesis demonstrate that temporal dynamics can be used to derive tacit structure and meaning of information and information behaviour, which is then valuable for improving IR. Hence, time-aware IR systems which take temporal dynamics into account can better satisfy users consistently by anticipating changing user expectations, and maximising retrieval effectiveness over time

    Exploiting time in automatic image tagging

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    Existing automatic image annotation (AIA) models that depend solely on low-level image features often produce poor results, particularly when annotating real-life collections. Tag co-occurrence has been shown to improve image annotation by identifying additional keywords associated with user-provided keywords. However, existing approaches have treated tag co-occurrence as a static measure over time, thereby ignoring the temporal trends of many tags. The temporal distribution of tags, however, caused by events, seasons, memes, etc. provide a strong source of evidence beyond keywords for AIA. In this paper we propose a temporal tag co-occurrence approach to improve upon the current state-of-the-art automatic image annotation model. By replacing the annotated tags with more temporally significant tags, we achieve statistically significant increases to annotation accuracy on a real-life timestamped image collection from Flickr