495 research outputs found

    Spatio-Temporal networks for few-shot video segmentation with annotation guidance

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    The project is dealing with the task of video semantic segmentation with respect to labeled data annotated by the user to indicate the underlying semantic classes. The current paradigm for segmentation methods and benchmark datasets is to segment objects in video provided a single annotation in the first frame. Instead we extend this setup to multiple annotated data, specifically, two different scenarios are proposed: having two annotated frames and having pixel-level annotations. For each of these settings, solutions have been explored, inspired by active learning, to offer guidance for choosing which data, whether frames or pixels, should be suitable for annotation. To achieve it, we will rely on previous works based on spatio-temporal networks for video object segmentation, an actual stateof-the-art approach. For each approach, an adaptation of the inference is done in order to be able to exploit the new data. Finally, different selection criteria will be explored based on the confidence predictions and uncertainty. When applying a selection criteria to choose which frame to annotate, the performance improves reasonably, in particular, we get up to 89% in segmentation performance on the DAVIS benchmark. When dealing with pixels, qualitative results do not increase as much, achieving over 87% on DAVIS17 when annotating around 100 and 200 pixels. Comparing both methods, we see that in some cases, annotating pixels is better considering the trade-off between the annotation cost and the percentage of improved segmentation

    VCD: Visual Causality Discovery for Cross-Modal Question Reasoning

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    Existing visual question reasoning methods usually fail to explicitly discover the inherent causal mechanism and ignore jointly modeling cross-modal event temporality and causality. In this paper, we propose a visual question reasoning framework named Cross-Modal Question Reasoning (CMQR), to discover temporal causal structure and mitigate visual spurious correlation by causal intervention. To explicitly discover visual causal structure, the Visual Causality Discovery (VCD) architecture is proposed to find question-critical scene temporally and disentangle the visual spurious correlations by attention-based front-door causal intervention module named Local-Global Causal Attention Module (LGCAM). To align the fine-grained interactions between linguistic semantics and spatial-temporal representations, we build an Interactive Visual-Linguistic Transformer (IVLT) that builds the multi-modal co-occurrence interactions between visual and linguistic content. Extensive experiments on four datasets demonstrate the superiority of CMQR for discovering visual causal structures and achieving robust question reasoning.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2207.1264

    Datasets, Clues and State-of-the-Arts for Multimedia Forensics: An Extensive Review

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    With the large chunks of social media data being created daily and the parallel rise of realistic multimedia tampering methods, detecting and localising tampering in images and videos has become essential. This survey focusses on approaches for tampering detection in multimedia data using deep learning models. Specifically, it presents a detailed analysis of benchmark datasets for malicious manipulation detection that are publicly available. It also offers a comprehensive list of tampering clues and commonly used deep learning architectures. Next, it discusses the current state-of-the-art tampering detection methods, categorizing them into meaningful types such as deepfake detection methods, splice tampering detection methods, copy-move tampering detection methods, etc. and discussing their strengths and weaknesses. Top results achieved on benchmark datasets, comparison of deep learning approaches against traditional methods and critical insights from the recent tampering detection methods are also discussed. Lastly, the research gaps, future direction and conclusion are discussed to provide an in-depth understanding of the tampering detection research arena

    Machine Learning of Musical Gestures: Principles and Review

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    We present an overview of machine learning (ML) techniques and their application in interactive music and new digital instrument design. We first provide the non-specialist reader an introduction to two ML tasks, classification and regression, that are particularly relevant for gestural interaction. We then present a review of the literature in current NIME research that uses ML in musical gesture analysis and gestural sound control. We describe the ways in which machine learning is useful for creating expressive musical interaction, and in turn why live music performance presents a pertinent and challenging use case for machine learning

    TRIE++: Towards End-to-End Information Extraction from Visually Rich Documents

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    Recently, automatically extracting information from visually rich documents (e.g., tickets and resumes) has become a hot and vital research topic due to its widespread commercial value. Most existing methods divide this task into two subparts: the text reading part for obtaining the plain text from the original document images and the information extraction part for extracting key contents. These methods mainly focus on improving the second, while neglecting that the two parts are highly correlated. This paper proposes a unified end-to-end information extraction framework from visually rich documents, where text reading and information extraction can reinforce each other via a well-designed multi-modal context block. Specifically, the text reading part provides multi-modal features like visual, textual and layout features. The multi-modal context block is developed to fuse the generated multi-modal features and even the prior knowledge from the pre-trained language model for better semantic representation. The information extraction part is responsible for generating key contents with the fused context features. The framework can be trained in an end-to-end trainable manner, achieving global optimization. What is more, we define and group visually rich documents into four categories across two dimensions, the layout and text type. For each document category, we provide or recommend the corresponding benchmarks, experimental settings and strong baselines for remedying the problem that this research area lacks the uniform evaluation standard. Extensive experiments on four kinds of benchmarks (from fixed layout to variable layout, from full-structured text to semi-unstructured text) are reported, demonstrating the proposed method's effectiveness. Data, source code and models are available

    Few-shot Domain Adaptation for 3D Human Pose and Shape Estimation

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    Department of Computer Science and EngineeringDespite recent advancements in monocular 3D human pose and shape estimation, many previous works are susceptible to the domain gap between the training data and the test data. This problem become even more severe when the test samples are from challenging in-the-wild scenarios. This paper proposes a domain adaptation approach to mitigate the gap especially in few-shot test environment, utilizing (1) continuous metric loss to constrain the feature space distance relationships between different poses, and (2) segmentation module to localize foreground area so that negative effects from noisy background can be mitigated. Our method achieved slight improvement compared to the baseline on MPI-INF-3DHP and 3DPW datasets.ope

    Generación de resúmenes de videos basada en consultas utilizando aprendizaje de máquina y representaciones coordinadas

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    Video constitutes the primary substrate of information of humanity, consider the video data uploaded daily on platforms as YouTube: 300 hours of video per minute, video analysis is currently one of the most active areas in computer science and industry, which includes fields such as video classification, video retrieval and video summarization (VSUMM). VSUMM is a hot research field due to its importance in allowing human users to simplify the information processing required to see and analyze sets of videos, for example, reducing the number of hours of recorded videos to be analyzed by a security personnel. On the other hand, many video analysis tasks and systems requires to reduce the computational load using segmentation schemes, compression algorithms, and video summarization techniques. Many approaches have been studied to solve VSUMM. However, it is not a single solution problem due to its subjective and interpretative nature, in the sense that important parts to be preserved from the input video requires a subjective estimation of an importance sco- re. This score can be related to how interesting are some video segments, how close they represent the complete video, and how segments are related to the task a human user is performing in a given situation. For example, a movie trailer is, in part, a VSUMM task but related to preserving promising and interesting parts from the movie but not to be able to reconstruct the movie content from them, i.e., movie trailers contains interesting scenes but not representative ones. On the contrary, in a surveillance situation, a summary from the closed-circuit cameras needs to be representative and interesting, and in some situations related with some objects of interest, for example, if it is needed to find a person or a car. As written natural language is the main human-machine communication interface, recently some works have made advances in allowing to include textual queries in the VSUMM process which allows to guide the summarization process, in the sense that video segments related with the query are considered important. In this thesis, we present a computational framework to perform video summarization over an input video, which allows the user to input free-form sentences and keywords queries to guide the process by considering user intention or task intention, but also considering general objectives such as representativeness and interestingness. Our framework relies on the use of pre-trained deep visual and linguistic models, although we trained our visual-linguistic coordination model. We expect this model will be of interest in cases where VSUMM tasks requires a high degree of specification of user/task intentions with minimal training stages and rapid deployment.El video constituye el sustrato primario de información de la humanidad, por ejemplo, considere los datos de video subidos diariamente en plataformas cómo YouTube: 300 horas de video por minuto. El análisis de video es actualmente una de las áreas más activas en la informática y la industria, que incluye campos como la clasificación, recuperación y generación de resúmenes de video (VSUMM). VSUMM es un campo de investigación de alto dinamismo debido a su importancia al permitir que los usuarios humanos simplifiquen el procesamiento de la información requerido para ver y analizar conjuntos de videos, por ejemplo, reduciendo la cantidad de horas de videos grabados para ser analizados por un personal de seguridad. Por otro lado, muchas tareas y sistemas de análisis de video requieren reducir la carga computacional utilizando esquemas de segmentación, algoritmos de compresión y técnicas de VSUMM. Se han estudiado muchos enfoques para abordar VSUMM. Sin embargo, no es un problema de solución única debido a su naturaleza subjetiva e interpretativa, en el sentido de que las partes importantes que se deben preservar del video de entrada, requieren una estimación de una puntuación de importancia. Esta puntuación puede estar relacionada con lo interesantes que son algunos segmentos de video, lo cerca que representan el video completo y con cómo los segmentos están relacionados con la tarea que un usuario humano está realizando en una situación determinada. Por ejemplo, un avance de película es, en parte, una tarea de VSUMM, pero esta ́ relacionada con la preservación de partes prometedoras e interesantes de la película, pero no con la posibilidad de reconstruir el contenido de la película a partir de ellas, es decir, los avances de películas contienen escenas interesantes pero no representativas. Por el contrario, en una situación de vigilancia, un resumen de las cámaras de circuito cerrado debe ser representativo e interesante, y en algunas situaciones relacionado con algunos objetos de interés, por ejemplo, si se necesita para encontrar una persona o un automóvil. Dado que el lenguaje natural escrito es la principal interfaz de comunicación hombre-máquina, recientemente algunos trabajos han avanzado en permitir incluir consultas textuales en el proceso VSUMM lo que permite orientar el proceso de resumen, en el sentido de que los segmentos de video relacionados con la consulta se consideran importantes. En esta tesis, presentamos un marco computacional para realizar un resumen de video sobre un video de entrada, que permite al usuario ingresar oraciones de forma libre y consultas de palabras clave para guiar el proceso considerando la intención del mismo o la intención de la tarea, pero también considerando objetivos generales como representatividad e interés. Nuestro marco se basa en el uso de modelos visuales y linguísticos profundos pre-entrenados, aunque también entrenamos un modelo propio de coordinación visual-linguística. Esperamos que este marco computacional sea de interés en los casos en que las tareas de VSUMM requieran un alto grado de especificación de las intenciones del usuario o tarea, con pocas etapas de entrenamiento y despliegue rápido.MincienciasDoctorad