269 research outputs found

    A primality test for Kp^n+1 numbers

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    In this paper we generalize the classical Proth's theorem and the Miller-Rabin test for integers of the form N = Kpn +1. For these families, we present variations on the classical Pocklington's results and, in particular, a primality test whose computational complexity is Ă•(log2 N) and, what is more important, that requires only one modular exponentiation modulo N similar to that of Fermat's test

    A primality test for Kp^n+1 numbers

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    In this paper we generalize the classical Proth's theorem and the Miller-Rabin test for integers of the form N = Kpn +1. For these families, we present variations on the classical Pocklington's results and, in particular, a primality test whose computational complexity is Ă•(log2 N) and, what is more important, that requires only one modular exponentiation modulo N similar to that of Fermat's test

    Algebraic Methods of Classifying Directed Graphical Models

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    Directed acyclic graphical models (DAGs) are often used to describe common structural properties in a family of probability distributions. This paper addresses the question of classifying DAGs up to an isomorphism. By considering Gaussian densities, the question reduces to verifying equality of certain algebraic varieties. A question of computing equations for these varieties has been previously raised in the literature. Here it is shown that the most natural method adds spurious components with singular principal minors, proving a conjecture of Sullivant. This characterization is used to establish an algebraic criterion for isomorphism, and to provide a randomized algorithm for checking that criterion. Results are applied to produce a list of the isomorphism classes of tree models on 4,5, and 6 nodes. Finally, some evidence is provided to show that projectivized DAG varieties contain useful information in the sense that their relative embedding is closely related to efficient inference

    Divisibility and primality in random walks

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    In this paper we study the divisibility and primality properties of the Bernoulli random walk. We improve or extend some of our divisibility results to wide classes of iid or independent non iid random walks. We also obtain new primality results for the Rademacher random walk. We study the value distribution of divisors of the random walk in the Cram\'er model, and obtain a general estimate of a similar kind to that of the Bernouilli model. Earlier results on divisors and quasi-prime numbers in the Bernoulli model are recorded, as well as some other recent for the Cram\'er random model, based on an estimate due to Selberg.Comment: 38 page
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