6,244 research outputs found

    Explicit min–max polynomials on the disc

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    AbstractDenote by Πn+m−12≔{∑0≤i+j≤n+m−1ci,jxiyj:ci,j∈R} the space of polynomials of two variables with real coefficients of total degree less than or equal to n+m−1. Let b0,b1,…,bl∈R be given. For n,m∈N,n≥l+1 we look for the polynomial b0xnym+b1xn−1ym+1+⋯+blxn−lym+l+q(x,y),q(x,y)∈Πn+m−12, which has least maximum norm on the disc and call such a polynomial a min–max polynomial. First we introduce the polynomial 2Pn,m(x,y)=xGn−1,m(x,y)+yGn,m−1(x,y)=2xnym+q(x,y) and q(x,y)∈Πn+m−12, where Gn,m(x,y)≔1/2n+m(Un(x)Um(y)+Un−2(x)Um−2(y)), and show that it is a min–max polynomial on the disc. Then we give a sufficient condition on the coefficients bj,j=0,…,l,l fixed, such that for every n,m∈N,n≥l+1, the linear combination ∑ν=0lbνPn−ν,m+ν(x,y) is a min–max polynomial. In fact the more general case, when the coefficients bj and l are allowed to depend on n and m, is considered. So far, up to very special cases, min–max polynomials are known only for xnym,n,m∈N0

    The Carath\'eodory-Fej\'er Interpolation Problems and the von-Neumann Inequality

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    The validity of the von-Neumann inequality for commuting nn - tuples of 3×33\times 3 matrices remains open for n3n\geq 3. We give a partial answer to this question, which is used to obtain a necessary condition for the Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r interpolation problem on the polydisc Dn.\mathbb D^n. In the special case of n=2n=2 (which follows from Ando's theorem as well), this necessary condition is made explicit. An alternative approach to the Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r interpolation problem, in the special case of n=2,n=2, adapting a theorem of Kor\'{a}nyi and Puk\'{a}nzsky is given. As a consequence, a class of polynomials are isolated for which a complete solution to the Carath\'{e}odory-Fej\'{e}r interpolation problem is easily obtained. A natural generalization of the Hankel operators on the Hardy space of H2(T2)H^2(\mathbb T^2) then becomes apparent. Many of our results remain valid for any nN,n\in \mathbb N, however, the computations are somewhat cumbersome for n>2n>2 and are omitted. The inequality limnC2(n)2KGC\lim_{n\to \infty}C_2(n)\leq 2 K^\mathbb C_G, where KGCK_G^\mathbb C is the complex Grothendieck constant and C2(n)=sup{p(T):pDn,1,T1}C_2(n)=\sup\big\{\|p(\boldsymbol T)\|:\|p\|_{\mathbb D^n,\infty}\leq 1, \|\boldsymbol T\|_{\infty} \leq 1 \big\} is due to Varopoulos. Here the supremum is taken over all complex polynomials pp in nn variables of degree at most 22 and commuting nn - tuples T:=(T1,,Tn)\boldsymbol T:=(T_1,\ldots,T_n) of contractions. We show that limnC2(n)334KGC\lim_{n\to \infty}C_2(n)\leq \frac{3\sqrt{3}}{4} K^\mathbb C_G obtaining a slight improvement in the inequality of Varopoulos. We show that the normed linear space 1(n),\ell^1(n), n>1,n>1, has no isometric embedding into k×kk\times k complex matrices for any kNk\in \mathbb N and discuss several infinite dimensional operator space structures on it.Comment: This is my thesis submitted to Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on 20th July, 201