18 research outputs found

    A Baseline for Shapley Values in MLPs: from Missingness to Neutrality

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    Being able to explain a prediction as well as having a model that performs well are paramount in many machine learning applications. Deep neural networks have gained momentum recently on the basis of their accuracy, however these are often criticised to be black-boxes. Many authors have focused on proposing methods to explain their predictions. Among these explainability methods, feature attribution methods have been favoured for their strong theoretical foundation: the Shapley value. A limitation of Shapley value is the need to define a baseline (aka reference point) representing the missingness of a feature. In this paper, we present a method to choose a baseline based on a neutrality value: a parameter defined by decision makers at which their choices are determined by the returned value of the model being either below or above it. Based on this concept, we theoretically justify these neutral baselines and find a way to identify them for MLPs. Then, we experimentally demonstrate that for a binary classification task, using a synthetic dataset and a dataset coming from the financial domain, the proposed baselines outperform, in terms of local explanability power, standard ways of choosing them

    Interpreting Multivariate Shapley Interactions in DNNs

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    This paper aims to explain deep neural networks (DNNs) from the perspective of multivariate interactions. In this paper, we define and quantify the significance of interactions among multiple input variables of the DNN. Input variables with strong interactions usually form a coalition and reflect prototype features, which are memorized and used by the DNN for inference. We define the significance of interactions based on the Shapley value, which is designed to assign the attribution value of each input variable to the inference. We have conducted experiments with various DNNs. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Interpreting and Disentangling Feature Components of Various Complexity from DNNs

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    This paper aims to define, quantify, and analyze the feature complexity that is learned by a DNN. We propose a generic definition for the feature complexity. Given the feature of a certain layer in the DNN, our method disentangles feature components of different complexity orders from the feature. We further design a set of metrics to evaluate the reliability, the effectiveness, and the significance of over-fitting of these feature components. Furthermore, we successfully discover a close relationship between the feature complexity and the performance of DNNs. As a generic mathematical tool, the feature complexity and the proposed metrics can also be used to analyze the success of network compression and knowledge distillation