4 research outputs found


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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) automatically retrieves similar images to the query image by using the visual contents (features) of the image like color, texture and shape. Effective CBIR is based on efficient feature extraction for indexing and on effective query image matching with the indexed images for retrieval. However the main issue in CBIR is that how to extract the features efficiently because the efficient features describe well the image and they are used efficiently in matching of the images to get robust retrieval. This issue is the main inspiration for this thesis to develop a hybrid CBIR with high performance in the spatial and frequency domains. We propose various approaches, in which different techniques are fused to extract the statistical color and texture features efficiently in both domains. In spatial domain, the statistical color histogram features are computed using the pixel distribution of the Laplacian filtered sharpened images based on the different quantization schemes. However color histogram does not provide the spatial information. The solution is by using the histogram refinement method in which the statistical features of the regions in histogram bins of the filtered image are extracted but it leads to high computational cost, which is reduced by dividing the image into the sub-blocks of different sizes, to extract the color and texture features. To improve further the performance, color and texture features are combined using sub-blocks due to the less computational cos


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    Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) automatically retrieves similar images to the query image by using the visual contents (features) of the image like color, texture and shape. Effective CBIR is based on efficient feature extraction for indexing and on effective query image matching with the indexed images for retrieval. However the main issue in CBIR is that how to extract the features efficiently because the efficient features describe well the image and they are used efficiently in matching of the images to get robust retrieval. This issue is the main inspiration for this thesis to develop a hybrid CBIR with high performance in the spatial and frequency domains. We propose various approaches, in which different techniques are fused to extract the statistical color and texture features efficiently in both domains. In spatial domain, the statistical color histogram features are computed using the pixel distribution of the Laplacian filtered sharpened images based on the different quantization schemes. However color histogram does not provide the spatial information. The solution is by using the histogram refinement method in which the statistical features of the regions in histogram bins of the filtered image are extracted but it leads to high computational cost, which is reduced by dividing the image into the sub-blocks of different sizes, to extract the color and texture features. To improve further the performance, color and texture features are combined using sub-blocks due to the less computational cos

    Improving accuracy of recommender systems through triadic closure

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    The exponential growth of social media services led to the information overload problem which information filtering and recommender systems deal by exploiting various techniques. One popular technique for making recommendations is based on trust statements between users in a social network. Yet explicit trust statements are usually very sparse leading to the need for expanding the trust networks by inferring new trust relationships. Existing methods exploit the propagation property of trust to expand the existing trust networks; however, their performance is strongly affected by the density of the trust network. Nevertheless, the utilisation of existing trust networks can model the users’ relationships, enabling the inference of new connections. The current study advances the existing methods and techniques on developing a trust-based recommender system proposing a novel method to infer trust relationships and to achieve a fully-expanded trust network. In other words, the current study proposes a novel, effective and efficient approach to deal with the information overload by expanding existing trust networks so as to increase accuracy in recommendation systems. More specifically, this study proposes a novel method to infer trust relationships, called TriadicClosure. The method is based on the homophily phenomenon of social networks and, more specifically, on the triadic closure mechanism, which is a fundamental mechanism of link formation in social networks via which communities emerge naturally, especially when the network is very sparse. Additionally, a method called JaccardCoefficient is proposed to calculate the trust weight of the inferred relationships based on the Jaccard Cofficient similarity measure. Both the proposed methods exploit structural information of the trust graph to infer and calculate the trust value. Experimental results on real-world datasets demonstrate that the TriadicClosure method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods by substantially improving prediction accuracy and coverage of recommendations. Moreover, the method improves the performance of the examined state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and coverage when combined with them. On the other hand, the JaccardCoefficient method for calculating the weight of the inferred trust relationships did not produce stable results, with the majority showing negative impact on the performance, for both accuracy and coverage